Soul Calibur Thread


Well-Known Member
Guys... I just found something disturbing. I decided to look up the Facebook accounts of the Project Soul staff members, to see if there was any possible hint that the team was still active and working on the next SC. The first one I looked up was the series creator Hiroaki Yotoriyama, and his Facebook page says he no longer works at Namco. While he didn't direct or produce SCV, he was still the IP manager. It said he worked at Namco, but that's past-tense. If he still worked there, it would be present-tense, as in he works there. Furthermore, he posted this on his account about a year ago:

Congratulations! 20th anniversary
Thank you "Soul Series"
The memories of memories from the top of the shelf and photographed.

Beyond history and beyond the world, the story of the sword and the soul of the soul ---

It will be remembered forever!

Why do I get the feeling that this is referring to the series in passing, as if he is cherishing a series that died?

Also, both Hisaharu Tago and Junichi Nakatsuru still work at Namco, but neither of their profiles state Project Soul. Instead, they state "Bandai Namco Studio", which from what I can pull up was established shortly after SCV's release. But Project Soul returned with the SCII HD Online port, with its old logo back, yet we haven't heard from them in what feels like forever. With Harada no longer on the team, Yotoriyama gone, Hoshino having no voice (if he's still on board), no mention of SC, the Soulcalibur website redirecting to Bandai-Namco, both Facebook and Twitter being silent for nearly 9 months... I'm starting to suspect what could be the ugly truth. What if Namco shut down Project Soul without telling us?

My argument had been that Project Soul certainly can't be paid to sit on their asses and do nothing, but if they're no longer around? I've lost so much respect for Namco (which admittedly, wasn't a high bar to begin with) after they decided that when SC needed a helping hand, they gave it the finger.


Premium Donor
At this point if they're not continuing the series I wouldn't be surprised.

Well if Namco is really putting Tekken as the main cash cow I have Lili at least...

I also have the old games except for Soul Calibur 1 and Soul Edge so I'm set if the series has come to a stand still


Well-Known Member
I don't understand it. They make one bad game and call it quits? Why did they just forget that these games make money and have a loyal fanbase? I just wish we could get something from Namco, an official word. If the series is dead, they could at least tell us and not let us have false hope. I feel like if literally any company had the series, they would actually use it. They might as well just sell the property off to someone else at this point, assuming they're not going to do anything with it.

Who's the asshat responsible for this anyways?


Premium Donor
I would just wait on it, I mean DOA5 took years to finally see the light of day so chances are they're probably waiting for the right time to announce it. Tekken 7 wasn't even supposed to be announced when it did since it was released which is why it came out to arcades much quicker than it should. I think we should give them the time to do whatever they need to do and they should be fine. I don't think the series is completely abandoned, they're just kinda at a brick wall and possibly deciding on how they can fix the mess of a plot SC5 had done


Well-Known Member

Soulcalibur VI might be announced soon. He only mentions Europe, so it's possible that SCVI could be announced at Paris Games Week. Take it with a grain of salt and all that, but I get the feeling this might be more true than the other "leaks" that have come forward in the past. Mainly because he's not saying a bunch of details that don't sound right, he's just saying that they're getting ready to publish it because he has insider knowledge. Let's hope this is genuine.


Premium Donor

Soulcalibur VI might be announced soon. He only mentions Europe, so it's possible that SCVI could be announced at Paris Games Week. Take it with a grain of salt and all that, but I get the feeling this might be more true than the other "leaks" that have come forward in the past. Mainly because he's not saying a bunch of details that don't sound right, he's just saying that they're getting ready to publish it because he has insider knowledge. Let's hope this is genuine.
I hope this leads to something, Kouhei and Mio want to be upgraded, default and alternate outfits and all:cool:


Just imagine them on PS4 in actual jepg screenshots ☆.☆


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've always been thinking about how stunning SCVI will look on current gen consoles. The landscapes, the scenery, the character models, Taki's boobs and ass etc. will be incredible.


Premium Donor
Yeah, I've always been thinking about how stunning SCVI will look on current gen consoles. The landscapes, the scenery, the character models, Taki's boobs and ass etc. will be incredible.
I just want ass and thigh physics back, that was so awesome in earlier soul caliburs knowing your favorite girl had some rump jiggle:oops: Plus it'll be nice having Tekken 7 and Soul Calibur on the same platform again. I have SC5 and SC4 on 360 and Tekken 7 on ps4, its not easy juggling three consoles >.>


Premium Donor
Plus leaks these days are always valid, SFV had all of its characters leaked and is still suffering leaks today and KOFXIV also suffered that too XD

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Yeah, but remember the last person who made a rumor saying that SCVI was supposed to be at TGS? It's best not to believe any of the BS people bring out until we see something from Project Soul.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, those past leaks looked pretty obviously fake. This one comes off to me as more genuine, because as I said he's not listing a bunch of fake details. He's just saying "SCVI is getting ready to get published in Europe." and didn't specify more so he wouldn't compromise his friend's position. Might not be legit, but I'd be willing to stake that it's real more than past leaks that were blatantly fake. I can also tell English isn't his first language given the way he writes, which isn't horrible but not correct either.

Also, Namco is confirmed to have a presence at Paris Games Week, so they have the perfect chance to announce SCVI there.


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily get it first, just that the guy is from Europe and he has an insider there. It'll probably be at the same time just about.

Oh, and by the way popular Youtuber Maximilian Dood met Paul St. Peter (SCV announcer) not long ago and said he had finished recording lines for SCVI.

Granted, let's take it with a grain of salt as always. But I'd imagine a popular Youtuber like him would be risking a massive blow to his rep if he were just making it up. If this is true, lined up with the leak, we could be seeing SCVI sooner rather than later.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Why isn't this all bigger news? I mean usually there would now be a dedicated rumor thread on Neogaf or Reddit. If even Maximilian said it...
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Well-Known Member
Why isn't this all bigger news? I mean usually there would now be a dedicated rumor thread on Neogaf or Reddit. If even Maximilian said it...

Where I found it. The Neogaf post is on the first party forum (which is incorrect on the writers part because even he admitted it's not first party, but it is often associated with the PS brand). If it's true, I'm sure it'll be a celebratory moment when the wait is over.

They better not fuck it up, however. I need Taki back, and I will be instantly "not interested" if she's still gone. That said, I'm sure Project Soul knows what the fans want, and without Daishi they've shown a preference towards the older cast. Just got to be weary at all times, though.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor

Where I found it. The Neogaf post is on the first party forum (which is incorrect on the writers part because even he admitted it's not first party, but it is often associated with the PS brand). If it's true, I'm sure it'll be a celebratory moment when the wait is over.

Neogafers who are caught lying are usually perma banned, so it would be unwise for that Neogaf guy to be lying, considering how hard it is to be admitted to Neogaf again. Takes up to a year or you are just flat out denied.
I wonder if I should start a thread there mentioning the piling up rumors... I know many people there are also very excited for the game, but probably didn't notice them talking about it in the Sony first party games thread.
I find it strange that someone like Maximilian (who is indeed really well known in the fighting game scene) did mention someone telling him lines for the game were already recorded yet no one cared or believed him, lol.


Well-Known Member
...I hope it's true and that we finally are getting a SC6 reveal but after the whole thing with the polls I don't want to be excited again just for it to be nothing. :p If it's true when and where is it supposed to be revealed?
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