Soul Calibur Thread


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Neogafers who are caught lying are usually perma banned, so it would be unwise for that Neogaf guy to be lying, considering how hard it is to be admitted to Neogaf again. Takes up to a year or you are just flat out denied.
I wonder if I should start a thread there mentioning the piling up rumors... I know many people there are also very excited for the game, but probably didn't notice them talking about it in the Sony first party games thread.
I find it strange that someone like Maximilian (who is indeed really well known in the fighting game scene) did mention someone telling him lines for the game were already recorded yet no one cared or believed him, lol.
Mainly because it was in an MvCI stream that ended and went by quickly, I'm assuming. That's the only known recording. It's probably easy to miss, and he never referenced it again. So, if he's on NeoGAF rather than 4Chan or Reddit, and has a standard to live up to unless he wants to get banned, then that makes it even more believable.

...I hope it's true and that we finally are getting SC6 but after the whole thing with the polls I don't want to be excited again just for it to be nothing. :p If it's true when and where is it supposed to be revealed?
Paris Games Week is a possibility. Namco is confirmed to have a stage there, and it would be the perfect opportunity to announce it. It seems SC is first announced either out of the blue or at lesser events. Remember, SCV was announced at an event in Dubai.


Well-Known Member
Okay well I looked it up and at least it's this month. I don't want to get my hopes to high for it in case It doesn't happen though. It would be cool to finally have a SC6 reveal though. I'd also love to get a DOA6 reveal as well this year, If not though then maybe we will get one next year.


Well-Known Member
I wonder whether it'll be a reboot, a continuation of SC5 story or takes place around SC4?
I'll be most excited for the first and last one, the second one... I really hope doesn't happen without some kind of cosmic shit going on to bring back the old characters.


Premium Donor
I'll be most excited for the first and last one, the second one... I really hope doesn't happen without some kind of cosmic shit going on to bring back the old characters.
I'm hoping they'll just retcon SC5 and say that this is basically the finale or the untold chronicles of SC4 XD a reboot I wouldn't mind, they could make everyone playable like in Mortal Kombat 9 and refine the story from Soul Calibur 1 to 4


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They can easily jump to any time they want with the series and still call it SC6. There's no need to always go forward in time. Since they found out the hard way (lots of critique and later the character poll) that they have to bring back the old characters they surely found a way to incorporate them again. There could as well be time travelling, lol. It's not as if the series was always super realistic. ;)
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They could always just say the SCV was just an alternate future that never actually happened. After all, they know full well about the backlash SCV received and have the poll to prove the older characters are more popular. Plus, there's the Project Soul logo, which was reverted back to the classic look from Daishi's "new" logo when Hoshino took charge. I think they'll find some way to bring all the old characters back into the series.


Premium Donor
They could always just say the SCV was just an alternate future that never actually happened. After all, they know full well about the backlash SCV received and have the poll to prove the older characters are more popular. Plus, there's the Project Soul logo, which was reverted back to the classic look from Daishi's "new" logo when Hoshino took charge. I think they'll find some way to bring all the old characters back into the series.
I hope so! Sophitia and Amy were my favorite characters in the series, Pyrrha and Xiba and Zwei I liked in SC5 but I definitely prefer the original veterans


Well-Known Member
I decided to share this here instead of 8WR because the forums there are too toxic and negative. Pretty sad that the DOA forum makes for better SC discussion than the actual SC forum. Though they're starting to talk about it too.

So anyways, maybe they'll go with what Lost Swords did. The shards of the two swords were spread across time and space, bringing fighters together to the end of the 16th century (where SB-SCIV take place).

I'm getting so excited. I want to celebrate now, but I know I'll have to wait just a little longer before it's confirmed before that.


Premium Donor
I hope they'll add weapon master mode again, the labyrinths and Egyptian tombs that you had to navigate and all the challenges and stuff really made the game for me! I also want chronicles of the sword back and how SC3 had a very interactive tales of souls mode


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind a story mode. SCV tried this and it failed, but it can work because that's the standard for fighting games. Give us full cutscenes, focus on characters we actually like and are likable, and don't make the story so regrettably bad like what SCV was. Of course, having extra modes on top of that is always welcome.


Premium Donor
Hopefully they'll focus on the story mainly, most games these days put it on the back burner since they're so focused on making it competitive and looking pretty. I also wouldn't mind DLC again, I loved the throw back DLC they did and how they included tekken gear and fetish stuff and even jeans and jean jackets and overalls XD they should also do what tekken does and make a jukebox or amphitheater mode where you can choose tracks from all games. SC4 barely had enough additional tracks and SC5 mainly put in more popular ones and not everything -_-


Well-Known Member
So, there's a chance it could be revealed at Paris Games Week. If not, we'll set our sights on PSX.

Goddamn this is so exciting. I keep checking for more updates because I need this to be real. I need this in my life, it's been too long.


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I was pretty sure SC6 was in development since the big character poll took place and that it only was held back because of Tekken 7. Fortunately Tekken 7 is finally out of the way and Tekken did comparatively well too, so it's only in Namco Bandai's interest to finally announce SC6. If I were them I'd announce it before DOA6 too to have all of that sweet attention.


Well-Known Member
I was pretty sure SC6 was in development since the big character poll took place and that it only was held back because of Tekken 7. Fortunately Tekken 7 is finally out of the way and Tekken did comparatively well too, so it's only in Namco Bandai's interest to finally announce SC6. If I were them I'd announce it before DOA6 too to have all of that sweet attention.
Yeah, thank God they finally got Tekken 7 out of the way. Now we can get SCVI. Hopefully they've been developing it since the poll in 2015, so we can get a full, non-rushed experience with plenty of content and the characters we love.


Premium Donor
Yeah, thank God they finally got Tekken 7 out of the way. Now we can get SCVI. Hopefully they've been developing it since the poll in 2015, so we can get a full, non-rushed experience with plenty of content and the characters we love.
With soul calibur 6 in the works this could also mean collabs between the two games, who knows, Tekken could give SC more tekken gear and Soul Calibur could do the same on their end. Soul Calibur won't have to even worry about competition since it's very popular, it doesn't need to worry about a game no one's really checking for or that's not really mainstream anyway


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm sure there will be a new creation system in SCVI that goes even further than what SCV did. Hopefully it'll be expansive, and continuously supported. The best part is having the character we love to work with, rather than their terrible replacements.


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It really sucked that after just a few DLC sets SCV's character creation DLC was already discontinued. Wasn't there even already announced stuff still missing?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Namco just pulled the plug on SCV. It led to numbered DLC packs never getting sequels. Hopefully this isn't the case with SCVI.


Premium Donor
Yeah, Namco just pulled the plug on SCV. It led to numbered DLC packs never getting sequels. Hopefully this isn't the case with SCVI.
It shouldn't happen hopefully, they had to drop the DLC since there was content packs and items they planned to put out but it was discontinued since they were focusing on T7. I didn't mind but what I did mind is the fact that Tekken 7 D idnt need attention anyway since they didn't add any DLC content bar music and endings

Soul Calibur has alot of assets and stuff from Soul Calibur 1, 2, 3 and 4 they could add if they take the time like Tekken 7 to dig up legacy outfits and content, I mean they have bob hairstyle for example that originally belonged to Cassandra but they brought it back in EACH game and improved and refined it appearance and movement wise, they can definitely do the same for everything else

Soul Calibur 6 however I hope they'll do a massive jump graphics wise, soul calibur 5 exceeded SC4 in terms of stages and stuff but character models didnt change as much, just better rendering, better poly and skin textures and shaders and textures but on ps4 they can do a mega jump g graphics wise. I'm so excited!!! ^.^