Lets talk about redesigns

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Well-Known Member
with the current character select, it seems various hairstyles aren't important to tn. do y'all think they're getting rid of that? what about glasses?


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There probably will be different hairstyles and accessories only for a limited ammount of characters (Kasumi, Leifang, Kokoro, Helena...). Similar to other vanilla DOA games. I expect DOA6 Ultimate (or whatever it will be called) to introduce more hairstyles and other customization for all characters.

Let's just pray Eliot has either two hairstyles from the beginning or they do the right thing and completely swap the ugly egghead wig for the second hairstyle.


Premium Donor
I hope there are still Hair, face and head options. And I’d like to ditch the hoods for Ayane and Hayate and the mask for Hayabusa. It can obviously be done but I dont want to rely on the Break Blow to do it.
Maybe even skin tone options too! Everyone may already know since I've mentioned it before but Kasumi has a nice tan in her white kunoichi dress, it would be cool for everyone to have the choice to apply a darker tan to their character rather than it being locked to one character/outfit, and if they add eyewear, it should be an option for everyone and not just the girls and Eliot and Ein. There's alot they can do now with customization before a match if they take the time to implement it


Well-Known Member
Kasumi's loose hair will be in no doubt, kinda thought it'd be her default given the way 5 ended. Ayane's ponytail is my go to so that has to be in for my sanity


Well-Known Member
on the topic of the character select, my heart literally SANK when it showed alternate costumes taking up separate slots... what happened to pressing left/right for alternate colors (especially considering DOA5 never used them)? I hope this isn't a sign that there's going to be a pitiful number of alts in the final game and that the colors are there to pad things up.

IF what i said ends up being the case i kinda hope they do colors like how KOF 2006 did them, they had cool patterns and made use of some pretty neat texture trickery to make them all look like their own outfits even though they used the same model!



Active Member
They’ll probably start DOA6 out with hidden button combos again for different options if the little customization menu doesn’t make it to the final build
i hope this is the case!, picking the alternate hairstyle for a character fueled my superiority complex by making me feel like i knew more than someone else its great

it seems like they fixed the sword placement issue for kasumi which is nice unless it means they just disabled the sword outro (intro?) for other outfits which in that case would kinda suck but oh well i'll just use her C1 then


oh and as people have mentioned before, the characters look way too glossy but i'm hopeful for the next iteration of their engine to show off some new effects, if i get my wishes they would redo everyone's hair from scratch but i know that isn't happening


Well-Known Member
also, I'm not sure if its an option feature or not but in the most recent build (tgs) the close up hits were disabled? I really hope they didn't take those out. same with the blood and bruises.


Well-Known Member
also, I'm not sure if its an option feature or not but in the most recent build (tgs) the close up hits were disabled? I really hope they didn't take those out. same with the blood and bruises.
The close up hits and blood and bruises were all something you could toggle off for the demo version. It asked you when you started if you wanted "violence" on or off.

Edit: Oh, goddamnit. lol


Well-Known Member
The embroidery of probably only looks like its gone because the second screen shot is like 144p you can barely even make out her logo on the back. Also I'm pretty sure its there in gameplay.


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When will people finally stop comparing bullshots with heavily compressed screenshots of a Youtube video? XD
There was actually a big upgrade happening if you looked more closely at the costume model of the TGS version and that older version of the costume.
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