Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


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Standard Donor
Hopefully to fix the lighting.

It's too late for that, I am afraid.
DOA6's "improved" lighting is so aesthetically unpleasing. D: It is too bright, it's too dull, it lacks any sort of atmosphere. Skin and other textures and shaders under it look off.

The new lighting of The Crimson is particularly bad. Instead of a dim, golden/orange glow, it's now bright and reddish without any glow at all. It completely lacks atmosphere.
While there might be a technical improvement, I fear a good portion of TN's former artists have left or are working on another project than DOA6.
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Premium Donor
Hope they gonna show a newer Build and i accept a Raidou Trailer . Im Really not digging some Stuff ive seen right now . I want answers .
I think it'll be the final build since one of those videos that Kelay posted was from a guy who sharefactory uploaded the final version of the game. That's probably when they'll show Raidou which makes sense imo since he's the only one not shown as of yet


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It's too late for that, I am afraid.
I think if they were properly dedicated, a month or two should be enough time to remedy it to at least an acceptable degree.

They'd just rather waste their time on other shit for some reason.


Well-Known Member
I think it'll be the final build since one of those videos that Kelay posted was from a guy who sharefactory uploaded the final version of the game. That's probably when they'll show Raidou which makes sense imo since he's the only one not shown as of yet
I hope not that is the real final Build in my Opion there are a few thigs they have to change ( Choosing between the recolors of the Costume in the Characters Select Screen + The Hair Animation in General (loose Hair after the Blow ) - Makes no Sense to choose a different Haitstyle when its loose with every Character after the Blow :/ And it looks shitty and too thin / Short !

No Option to choose different Costumes before choose a Scene in the Story Mode . Sounds tidious but that is my Changing Wishlist .Would make it perfect for me as a Player .


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I think if they were properly dedicated, a month or two should be enough time to remedy it to at least an acceptable degree.

Honestly, I wonder if they are even able to with all the time in the world.... What I see of DOA6 visual presentation shows it's rushed and careless, yes, but it imo also shows lack of artistical ability and sense. They don't even know where musculature and navels on a male torso are located.
Maybe the art team has changed, maybe most of the usual team is working on other projects like Nioh 2 and that Marvel Ultimate Alliance collab with Nintendo.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Honestly, I wonder if they are even able to with all the time in the world.... What I see of DOA6 visual presentation shows it's rushed and careless, yes, but it imo also shows lack of artistical abilities. They don't even know where musculatur and navels on a male torso are located.
Maybe the art team has changed, maybe most of the usual team is working on other projects like Nioh 2 and that Marvel Ultimate Alliance collab with Nintendo.
While undoubtedly not all of these things can be fixed this close to launch, I still say they should pull a few talented blokes off Nioh 2 for a week or so and let them sprinkle their magic talent dust all over this mess. You can at least fix the lighting and particle effects, if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
It's obvious they haven't spent as much time on this game as the other titles. Dare I say they only really started working on it since late 2017.
The game's execution is lackluster compared to all other entries in the series.
  • Reused assets such as stages and outfits from DOA5LR etc
  • Pointless costume system that breaks from tradition
  • DOA Central Wardrobe is really pointless - unlocking sunglasses? really?
  • New stages are lackluster and unoriginal (Road Rage is pretty much the bottom half of Scramble)
  • Plot doesn't seem fresh
  • Promo campaign is confusing - what is the theme?
  • Removal of tag mode for no reason
  • Stage lighting is horrible in the Road stage as well as The Muscle and Unforgettable.
The only good changes I've seen is the new SS system and unique opening taunts and winposes.
It really feels like DOA5 Super Last Round XX. You can come at me, but it does.

I'm HOPING there is more to it and my opinion is wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It's obvious they haven't spent as much time on this game as the other titles. Dare I say they only really started working on it since late 2017.
The game's execution is lackluster compared to all other entries in the series.
  • Reused assets such as stages and outfits from DOA5LR etc
  • Pointless costume system that breaks from tradition
  • DOA Central Wardrobe is really pointless - unlocking sunglasses? really?
  • New stages are lackluster and unoriginal
  • Plot doesn't seem fresh
  • Promo campaign is confusing - what is the theme?
  • Removal of tag mode for no reason
  • Stage lighting is horrible in the Road stage as well as The Muscle and Unforgettable.
The only good changes I've seen is the new SS system and unique opening taunts and winposes.
It really feels like DOA5 Super Last Round XX. You can come at me, but it does.

I'm HOPING there is more to it and my opinion is wrong.

I also wonder how in-game currency, quest mode and the in-game shop will make any sense after like a month when they will start selling DLC costumes for real money, at least I expect them to charge real money for it and not putting them in the in-game shop for players to unlock them.


Active Member
It's too late for that, I am afraid.
DOA6's "improved" lighting is so aesthetically unpleasing. D: It is too bright, it's too dull, it lacks any sort of atmosphere. Skin and other textures and shaders under it look off.

The new lighting of The Crimson is particularly bad. Instead of a dim, golden/orange glow, it's now bright and reddish without any glow at all. It completely lacks atmosphere.
While there might be a technical improvement, I fear a good portion of TN's former artists have left or are working on another project than DOA6.

I feel the “great” former artists left when Itagaki left TN . They have no clue what they are doing .


Well-Known Member
I don't know how we went from SCRAMBLE to ROAD RAGE or whatever it's called...
The Circus stage was pretty innovative and interesting in DOA5... haven't seen anything that fun in DOA6.
Also the Crimson might as well have been in Unforgettable. Same with the Gym.


Well-Known Member
Well in their defense, they did amazing job with the doa 4 -> doa 5 character looks transition
And to be fair, they are capable of the greatest (new awesome outfits, some new physics) and the worst (some new physics ahah, creepy and tasteless outfits (if you consider all the trash that composes DOAX3)).

- some characters render (Christie, Tina, Diego, Lisa, Eliot).
- outfits (the new casual ones are awesome, special mention for Lisa, Tina, Christie, NiCO fur)
- new modes that gives longevity to the game (DOA quest, DOA encyclopedy, DOA custom).
- Unforgettable stage idea (still things to complain about, but I still consider it a great addition !)

- some physics (mainly hair (Kasumi and Hayate...), and shading).
- costumes (deluxe set is just tasteless and making everyone a bad wrestler).
- they gave us recolors BUT a color palette would have been way better.
- the same stages composition, just different background (Sweat, Lab, and so on).
- DOAX3 that is a garbage and porn game made for otakus.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how we went from SCRAMBLE to ROAD RAGE or whatever it's called...
The Circus stage was pretty innovative and interesting in DOA5... haven't seen anything that fun in DOA6.
Also the Crimson might as well have been in Unforgettable. Same with the Gym.

Apart from the new dino stage, the stages are not as interactive as in doa2-4 era :/
And oh god the damn "Gym" music is back with another remix (really cringe song xD)


Well-Known Member
Everyone keeps complaining about the lighting and I just don't see the issue. Ya'll got brightness maxed out on your monitors or something? lol

So I wonder why they delayed it. Maybe for a Day 1 patch to fix bugs or net play.

I can only speculate based on what I saw in the beta, but it seems to me the game still needs some optimizing as it didn't run all that smooth. Had some noticeable frame drops during certain situations.

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
i also think there's a real issue with the lighting. here you can see a chameleon in its natural habitat



Well-Known Member
So okay lets be real =)

After seeing sexy Diego Shirtless im not complaining about the Male Physics (at least the upper Part ) anymore . It looks amazing and sexy ;Yeah =)

The Fact what i loved about DOA from the very first Beginning was the super cool individual Design of each Character . There was a Deepness and u just wanted to know more about the Game ,the Characters, the STORY-

I as a casual Player was in Love with the Story, its Cutscenes the Beautiful Stages ect.

I really never bought DOA because of its Titts JIggle Physics .........stupid !!! I hate People just Notice this Game for that .It hast so much more to offer !!!
It was a Game that was differnt and had a different Vibe.

After all i think Team Ninja /Team Koei did a great Job so far and the Community is not closer to any other Refernece in the Fighting Game Genre accept MK ,I guess . Not even Tekken .

Of course its not easy to top the last Game ( for no Company) . And i think they can do a lot more to bring back this unique Fighting Game , and dont turn it in into another lazy Venus Beach Crap. (sry i hate doa Extreme Venus what ever its called ).

I have much more to say but dont want to bother anyone here =)

So ...


Well-Known Member
Ever since they changed the lighting from the E3 build, It's been downhill from there on imo :/

Though I do like the fact that the game actually has color and brightness now (If you compare it to the grayish doa5)