Stage DLC in DOA6


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Standard Donor
As I feared would happen, the small and uninspired stage selection of DOA6 already starts to get old after a bit more than a week of vigorously playing the game (dat costume pattern grind, lol).
The big question that I am asking myself now: How will DOA6 handle stage DLC? Will there be a new stage once in a while, maybe in tandem with beach costumes DLC or Halloween costumes DLC? Will these stages need to be paid for or will they be free? Will it be completely new stages, or will TN make it a bit easier for themselves again and they'll bring back fan favorite stages?
I'd love new stages, but I'm not sure current TN is that good at creating them. :/ There are also some old stages that I'd love to see return: Aerial Gardens (I'm still not quite over the disappointment of it not being in the game), Demon's Church (I crave one beautiful, traditional European architecture stage), Aquarium (how amazing could it look in current gen graphics)...

So, what do you think will happen in regards to DOA6 stage DLC? And do you rather want new ones or are you looking forward to a specific old stage returning?
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Well-Known Member
I think Road Rage, the Treasure level and the street level are all pretty fun to play in... it's more so that the atmosphere and design could be worked on some more. Road Rage at night should've been the original.

As for DLC, I'd rather them make original stages this time around. The only game worth milking stages from is DOA2. Aerial Gardens is a must.


Well-Known Member
I find original DOA 6 stages being way more inspired and interactive than DOA 5 stages (and the worst DOA 6 stages imo are the ones that are almost identical to their DOA5 counterparts).

About the future, I think will be both free and paid stages, being the paid ones the collaboration ones like Attack on Titan in DOA 5 LR.

DOA 5 vanilla only had Zack Island as additional stage. DOA5U had 6 bonus stages I think and later on they added Halloween Lorelei alt version. DOA5LR had two bonus stages from Ultimate and later on the added Azuchi, Fireworks and AoT (paid and only avaible for a limited time) stages.

About free stages I guess they will be a mix of new and remastered old stages but I wouldn't expect more than one or two per version.

The question is, how will they handle updates between versions?. You couldn't update DOA 5 vanilla version to Ultimate, so you had to pay for Ultimate to play with Ultimate stages (and characters). You could update DOA5 Ultimate to Last Round but you wouldn't get the additional stages (among other things) so you had to buy PS4/One versions to play with LR additional stages.


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Premium Donor
Not sure how much I trust TN to make quality new stages at the moment lmao. Road Rage is a white out that desperately needs the lighting toned down or at the very least the night variant from Story Mode that makes it look much more dynamic. We have bugs on Miyabi/Hidden Gardens and Forbidden Fortune. Unforgettable seems to be weighted so that you 9/10 times always wind up at the bar. Lost Paradise is really good but as we've stated before Flow does it better. A.P.O isn't bad but... Ehhh.

I would love some classic stages making a return and I'd like them to either be cheap, free, or included with costume packs (If they have to be scummy). There are some 5 stages that couldn't make a return without some work due to the way that PB interacted with them


Well-Known Member
This game needs more stages. Playing story mode, we need the variants. Although, I don't know why the team had us underneath the Colosseum with that limited space (i.i. Kokoro's fights). We need some classic stages such as:

Aerial Gardens (a must!)
The Burai Zenin (hopefully TN update the 2 Ultimate version by merging with Hardcore version because the former was lacking, despite the weather)
The White Storm (Dimensions version)
Seaside Market
Kyoto in Bloom
Beach (Zack Island, 2 Ultimate, or 3 version)
Freedom Survivor (PLEASE!!!)

and give us a Club stage! The deluxe edition has an exclusive dance track, so we qualify for one.


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Standard Donor
The question is, how will they handle updates between versions?. You couldn't update DOA 5 vanilla version to Ultimate, so you had to pay for Ultimate to play with Ultimate stages (and characters). You could update DOA5 Ultimate to Last Round but you wouldn't get the additional stages (among other things) so you had to buy PS4/One versions to play with LR additional stages.

The DOA5 Ultimate update came at a time and on consoles (PS3/Xbox360) where regularly updating a game over time or updating a game with a really big/signifcant update wasn't widely done yet. Now it is the norm that these types of games are endlessly updated by patches. There's enough memory and the player base won't be split. I expect this to be done with DOA6 as well.
DOA5LR was something else of course, it was the jump to the new console generation and the additional stages were apparently not workable on PS3 and Xbox360.
So, I expect them to update DOA6 without releasing a new game version until the next generation consoles come around in 2020. At that point I expect a DOA6 Ultimate including a good chunk of the DLC released/sold so far and additionally new costumes, stages and maybe even tag mode, lol.
Since there will be backwards compatibilty for sure on both PS5 and Xbox 2, I expect that we will be able to still use our PS4/Xbox One physical and digital copies of DOA6 and it will just be patch-upgraded to DOA6U for a smaller or bigger fee.


Well-Known Member
They need to make the story mode exclusive stages playable first.

Road Rage could use to have more visible snow effects so more people realize it's a snow stage and you can cause slip stuns in it (that said, it's still my favorite stage since you can do 75% damage right at round start).


Well-Known Member
They need to make the story mode exclusive stages playable first.

Road Rage could use to have more visible snow effects so more people realize it's a snow stage and you can cause slip stuns in it (that said, it's still my favorite stage since you can do 75% damage right at round start).
wait... road rage is snow??? I thought that was ash??? they just need to throw the whole stage away tbh, the most fun thing about it is knocking people into flying cars but that doesn’t mean it’s a good/pretty DOA stage. It’s literally a Tekken stage with obstacles on the walls.

honestly, the stage designers don’t got “it” anymore. Don’t think that has anything to do with budget and time constraints, it’s just that some of them are so half-baked in concept which sucks because there’s a lot of wasted opportunities in what we got that could have added more atmosphere to the game’s world. if we get aerial gardens or something back they’ll do SOMETHING to limit/screw it up somehow.


Well-Known Member
wait... road rage is snow??? I thought that was ash??? they just need to throw the whole stage away tbh, the most fun thing about it is knocking people into flying cars but that doesn’t mean it’s a good/pretty DOA stage. It’s literally a Tekken stage with obstacles on the walls.

honestly, the stage designers don’t got “it” anymore. Don’t think that has anything to do with budget and time constraints, it’s just that some of them are so half-baked in concept which sucks because there’s a lot of wasted opportunities in what we got that could have added more atmosphere to the game’s world. if we get aerial gardens or something back they’ll do SOMETHING to limit/screw it up somehow.
We're going to have to disagree since I believe Road Rage is one of the better designed stages in the game. Despite being asymmetrical, it's able to leverage the series' environmental interactivity in a way that's balanced for both players. Both player 1 and player 2 need to take note of the hazards to their back - hazards that they can get caught in at round start. Most other stages that have this kind of environmental threat at round start are symmetrical (and usually only have wall splats). The other stages with environmental hazards at round start tend to favor one player over the other (e.g. P1 in the lower part of Unforgettable has to be careful, or they can get caught in a long combo over the fences).


Active Member
I think an easy way to get more fanservice stages in the game would be to just make "expansions" for Unforgettable - which is such a cool stage in theory, but I would've taken the Hot Zone and Taylor's Bar out, and replaced them with Aqua Palace (DOA3) and DOATEC Germany (DOA2U) exhibits.

As far as iconic stages ripped wholesale out of other games to return in DOA6, these are the ones I've picked, four each:

Demon's Church
Great Opera
Aerial Gardens
Dragon Hills


Lost World


Waterfall Valley
Seaside Market
Savannah Safari
Kyoto in Bloom


The Show

On top of this, add Road Rage, Lost Paradise, Chinese Festival and (my version of) Unforgettable from DOA6, and you basically have my ideal DOA stage selection, save a regular "ring" stage, the obligatory DOATEC lab, and maybe something like the Crash Club from DOA4.

Sounds like a lot, but it adds up to about as many stages as DOA2U had...


Premium Donor
If they ever add stage DLC, I hope they start with the one's already in the story mode, DOA5 had a few potential stages they never used like that collapsed lab stage during the final fight. DOA5 and DOA6 also both have the freedom survivor which was in Dimensions so I hope they'll bring that back too.

We'll eventually get a beach stage so when we do I hope they'll bring back the beach stage from DOA2U, it was way more expansive and better than the DOA5 Zack Island stage imo, but I want them to focus mainly on DOA2U stages since that game had the best stages in the DOA series


Well-Known Member
The DOA5 Ultimate update came at a time and on consoles (PS3/Xbox360) where regularly updating a game over time or updating a game with a really big/signifcant update wasn't widely done yet. Now it is the norm that these types of games are endlessly updated by patches. There's enough memory and the player base won't be split. I expect this to be done with DOA6 as well.
DOA5LR was something else of course, it was the jump to the new console generation and the additional stages were apparently not workable on PS3 and Xbox360.
So, I expect them to update DOA6 without releasing a new game version until the next generation consoles come around in 2020. At that point I expect a DOA6 Ultimate including a good chunk of the DLC released/sold so far and additionally new costumes, stages and maybe even tag mode, lol.
Since there will be backwards compatibilty for sure on both PS5 and Xbox 2, I expect that we will be able to still use our PS4/Xbox One physical and digital copies of DOA6 and it will just be patch-upgraded to DOA6U for a smaller or bigger fee.

This is what I'm afraid of, they not releasing in vanilla version the additional stages of the enhanced version for next gen consoles (and Steam I guess).

I think the best would be a free patch updgrading the game to the Ultimate (or whatever they want to call it) versio, to be able to play online against next gen users and then releasing a DLC for 25/30€ adding all new characters, stages and costumes.

I guess Tag wouldn't work on current systems but meanwhile they add everything else I will be ok.


Well-Known Member
i never thought i'd hate a stage more than the training stage for being so boring

now i'd take boring stage over treasure stage. i must get rid of this salt

and i never played doa2 or doa2u but the stages look wooow! i was like 'pffft what's all this hype for aerial gardens?' now i want aerial gardens


Premium Donor
i never thought i'd hate a stage more than the training stage for being so boring

now i'd take boring stage over treasure stage. i must get rid of this salt

and i never played doa2 or doa2u but the stages look wooow! i was like 'pffft what's all this hype for aerial gardens?' now i want aerial gardens
Yeah DOA2U went all out with the stages, playing the game itself gives me a comfortable feeling I don't get with the other stages in other games. DOA4 stages are good too but I feel like I'm on slippery ice and don't feel secure in them xD

The current DOA6 stages like the APO and Throw down stages are good but most are too dark and bleek which I love, but it gets old after a while when there's only really the Colliseum and museum stage to add some ray of sunlight on the game's darker tone which gets exhausting after a while.... which says something since I'm a fan of anything dark in generalo_O


Well-Known Member
Yeah DOA2U went all out with the stages, playing the game itself gives me a comfortable feeling I don't get with the other stages in other games. DOA4 stages are good too but I feel like I'm on slippery ice and don't feel secure in them xD

The current DOA6 stages like the APO and Throw down stages are good but most are too dark and bleek which I love, but it gets old after a while when there's only really the Colliseum and museum stage to add some ray of sunlight on the game's darker tone which gets exhausting after a while.... which says something since I'm a fan of anything dark in generalo_O
road rage with a white costume makes my eyes burn. soo it's either too dark or too light xD


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
and i never played doa2 or doa2u but the stages look wooow! i was like 'pffft what's all this hype for aerial gardens?' now i want aerial gardens

OMG, if you have an Xbox or Xbox360 you need to get DOA2U. You have no idea how big, polished and gorgeous the stages are. The DOA5 and DOA6 stages will feel even more disappointing afterwards. Wait, better don't play DOA2U then... >__>

DOA2U stages are the best stages (and the best DOA imo). I would love to see a lot of them again ...

Agreed. DOA2U remains (and will likely remain) my absolute favorite DOA for this reason. It's a great example that the beauty of a game has less to with the technical side of things, like the game engine or the power of the gaming system, but with the inmagination, talent and effort of its artists.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. DOA2U remains (and will likely remain) my absolute favorite DOA for this reason. It's a great example that the beauty of a game has less to with the technical side of things, like the game engine or the power of the gaming system, but with the inmagination, talent and effort of its artists.

Something I really miss from older DOA games is volumetric snow and sand. Characters draw drifts meanwhile they moved through the stage but in DOA 5 ... sand was just a simple texture.

It's sad to see how older games have so much love and detail on them meanwhile in new games they ignore these details.