Online multiplayer is a complete disappointment

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I've had the game since last night and I haven't had a lag-free match at all. I usually play searching for same region, 3 rounds but every match has been unplayable so far. It's a total letdown for me. I can play SCV and VF5FS with zero problems (haven't tried TTT2) but this game, the one I actually cared about is simply unbearable.

I'm actually very sad about this.


I'm not sure if it is the new timing of counters, or the lag, but I get incredibly frustrated when I get hit by crap I know I'm holding. The game is random enough I don't need my countering to be inconsistent as well.

Some stuns are too deep to hold through, or have incredibly strict input timing before the followup. You'll need to get into the lab and break down whatever is happening to you.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if it is the new timing of counters, or the lag, but I get incredibly frustrated when I get hit by crap I know I'm holding. The game is random enough I don't need my countering to be inconsistent as well.

Wassup Worm!

Yeah I do think lag is a problem personally, but also what Rikuto said with the new timings it felt like I couldn't counter jack but as I kept playing I got a better feel regardless of connection.

I figured me playing so much DOA2U/3.1 had an effect.


Active Member
Yeah, back after doing a bit of soul searching. I'd like to forget all about 2012 honestly, just been a terrible year for me.

Back on topic, the connection is really hit and miss. Some of the stuff I get with is pretty silly, and I feel like I have to block it instead of counter, even when I know it's coming. Could be the move properties, but I doubt that's the case for every situation. Seems very random when I can hold stuff. Lots of lows from Helena always catch me, same with some Eliot's moves as well (his low into a mid which launches... don't know the input unfortunately)
I've had the game since last night and I haven't had a lag-free match at all. I usually play searching for same region, 3 rounds but every match has been unplayable so far. It's a total letdown for me. I can play SCV and VF5FS with zero problems (haven't tried TTT2) but this game, the one I actually cared about is simply unbearable.

I'm actually very sad about this.

Are you on wireless? Behind a firewall, or something akin to this?

I have played hundreds of matches online both in sc5 and vf5:fs as well and outside of a few choice examples so far the netcode has been performing very well for me. I may have some issues with the online feature set but the netcode is not one of them.


Active Member
From what I see on PJS's stream, it looks really smooth. Ofc there's some random guy with no bars here and there.
Can't wait for tomorrow to test this out myself.


New Member
I'm on a NAT 3 connection, and I've been lag free outside of a few Lag Mariposa's yesterday. I usually have problems with certain games, but not DOA5.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if it's on my end but in the evening it's practically impossible to find a lag free match. Morning is good though

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I'll wait until I have the 360 version. My PS3 is connected in wireless but my 360 isn't. It should not be an issue anyway because both consoles are in the same room. Uncharted 2, DiRT 3, F1 2010, VF5FS and Resistance games have always worked perfectly online. I should NOT have this much problems online.

I really hope they fix this. I'm seeing too many complains about it.


From what I've found, if your connection is set up "correctly" the netcode is honestly fine.

If you are set up incorrectly, and for some reason the game hates your router, or you're downloading porn, etc, you're screwed.

If the host of the room is downloading/uploading porn/isnt set up correctly, everyone in the room is screwed. So basically you are personally limited in whether or not the people you are playing with give a fuck.

If you happen to play in a corner of the world where most people use two cans and some string to for an internet connection, you may well be screwed.


Active Member
From what I'm seeing, it's purely connection based. Coming out of China, this is bad news for me. In DOA4 I would get a good connection maybe 3/10 times. In DOA5, it seems more like 0/10​
In all my matches so far, I've had to go back to the lobby because it was literally in slow motion and there was no way I could do 3 rounds like that.​
Normally, I would just suck it up, admit my connection is terrible and move on, but after playing TTT2, im not sure I can do that. I'm not sure what kind of magic TTT2 does for connections, but when I play that, I have almost no problems. I just wish DOA could use the same formula, because I'm really liking the gameplay so far.​


Active Member
I was playing with a fellow Australian and the game started off laggy, but about 5 rounds into it, the game was lagless and amazing. I was so happy.