New Doa 5 Characters


New Member
We all know the range f doa characters; going from ninja's, to wrestlers, to kung fu fighters, and what ever the heck helena is. so what else could they add to the next doa game? an evil ninja maybe????? another wrestler........ or not.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
Personally, I'd like to see a Parkour specialist in the game, and think it could work with DOA better than any other 3D fighter! Plus, such a style can allow for new mechanics to be added to the game to accommodate for the character's ability to avoid environmental damage, and perform certain aerial moves off of various objects.


Well-Known Member
Irene Lew, it's been over a decade and it's high time she did more than get kidnapped for Ryu to rescue.

x Sypher x

Active Member
How about Joe Higashi? I think that's his name...from the Shinobi series made by Sega. I think that would be interesting. One more ninja couldn't hurt right? Haha. I'd also like to see another Kung Fu master. Lei Fang's Tai Chi Quan is only one of many art forms. But perhaps that's asking for a bit much. Maybe they could add an american soldier? That would probably add an interesting twist to the story, the US army getting involved. Those are just a few thoughts for now.


Well-Known Member
How about Joe Higashi? I think that's his name...from the Shinobi series made by Sega. I think that would be interesting. One more ninja couldn't hurt right?
Joe Higashi is the TKD guy with the tall hair from Fatal Fury/King of Fighters. I think you're referring to Joe Musashi.


New Member
i don't know, I'd rather they didn't merge the ninja gaiden and DOA series to much. kasumi is already a high possibilty in ninja gaiden 3, but I don't want them to add momiji, rachelle, irene, joe, and all their people. But it would be funny to see murimasa fight jen fu

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Joe Higashi is the TKD guy with the tall hair from Fatal Fury/King of Fighters. I think you're referring to Joe Musashi.

Not to nitpick, but Higashi uses Muay Thai.

Only the Korean characters Kim, Jhun, May Lee are TKD. And to a lesser extent Choi and Chang .


Well-Known Member
Whoops, my bad, I saw someone type TKD and for some reason that was the acronym for kickboxing.


Standard Donor
Maybe they could add an american soldier? That would probably add an interesting twist to the story, the US army getting involved.

And her name could be Nicole Sparta. She would be an undercover super soldier sent in from the United Nations Science Corps (UNSC) to stop DOAtec from rising from the ashes! And instead of a plasma grenade for her signature throw, she would use C4 or Semtex... Yea!

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
And her name could be Nicole Sparta. She would be an undercover super soldier sent in from the United Nations Science Corps (UNSC) to stop DOAtec from rising from the ashes! And instead of a plasma grenade for her signature throw, she would use C4 or Semtex... Yea!

lol. Seriously. lol.
Let's see... what fighting styles do we not have covered.

Japanese martial arts (ninjitsu of various types)
Chinese martial arts (various types of kungfu)
Korean martial arts (various types of tae kwan do)
General Karate
Pro wrestling
Combat Sambo
Mauy Thai

Not covered (examples, no way I can name them all.):
Kickboxing (I'd prefer we stayed away from full boxing)