New Doa 5 Characters

Black Dragon

Active Member
There must be some comprehension fail going on here... possibly on my end, so bear with me for a moment.
Didn't the general consensus already agree that a parkour FIGHTER (emphasis on fighter intended) could be a good idea?
Yes, it is.

What we had here was a failure to communicate, clearly. lol


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This suggestion really isn't for a new character per-se but I'm always kind of disappointed with how Ein's movelist gets neglected from game to game since he's technically not there any more. How about creating a new character to take Ein's movelist? Make him a student from a neighboring nation studying abroad in Germany as well as training at Hitomi's father's dojo where he develops a crush on Hitomi and a jealousy towards Hayate. Honestly, I don't give a shit about the story, I just want to see that movelist expanded upon but that's how you make the character relevant to the throw-away story in DOA. There, I did the brainstorming part for you Team Ninja, now just give me more moves.


New Member
well since parkour is a heavy topic on this thread i looked up some videos. It would be cool to see someone using it, although i do agree with whoever said they where all kinda using it just by jumping over obstacles. maybe they could do moves like lisas three part grab and since the environment is a huge asset to the next dead or alive maybe that could widen the moves of this characters.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I didn't think Ein was that different from Hitomi, to be honest. But eh, you guys deserve it, I suppose. Hell, you can borrow a Mishima if you want.

Also, regarding new characters, I'm pretty sure TN have gone past the creative phase already, so right now we should just be playing the guessing game regarding the new characters.


Standard Donor
Hitomi looks far better in a bikini than Ein ever could.
That's one tiny, insignificant detail.


Well-Known Member
a 2 character person would be crazy. Like carl from blazblue. If you could control them in a 3d free step. You could restrict the other player to only move back n forth. It would be crazy hard to control as well ...
Do what Mike_Z is doing with Ms. Fortune in SkullGirls. Map all commands for the second character to one button. In the aforementioned example, once she tosses her head (separate character), everything the head does is mapped to Fierce - none of the negative edging and whatnot that you have for Carl in BlazBlue.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Found this on one of the wikis by accident:


I'm not really into the story, but it seems like this is how they planned on adding new characters through the mistresses.


Standard Donor
Or they could take this Goldie and use her as the face of my beloved Nicole Sparta.
(refer to my previous post for Nicole's background)

I can already picture her alternate costume with her hair tied back in a severe bun and sporting desert camo.
Oh yeah! Keep the dream alive! =D

Game Over

Well-Known Member
*slight jolt to discussion*

Back to the possibilities of Parkour in DOA ...

^^ Note Kasumi @ 1:19, Lisa @ 2:22, and "cinematic" Hayate @ 4:04 ... it's not as if Parkour elements (specific moves interacting with the environment) would be entirely new to the series. Just the expansion and refinement of it within the repertoire of a (new) character would be.

Granted, Lisa's moves shown are accessible in DOA4, however, as designed, the moves are completely telegraphed and therefore not very useful against a quality opponent.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
That concept art is much older than DOA4. That's a page out of the Team Ninja Freaks Book that came out in, I think, 2004.


Well-Known Member
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Did they even know where they were going with the subplot about Douglas being a horny womaniser or was it just something that was passed around?

That's concept art of DOA4. The women are Fame Douglas' seven wives. Helena and Kokoro are related because of this.

That much I did figure out in the wiki.


Well-Known Member
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I really can't take someone seriously who presents himself this way just to garner attention and I sure as hell don't understand people who consider these figures as their "heroes". There were some really weird shit he did like where he always waved around his sword when people interviewed him and the other interview where the main subject was his drinking habits and how he got his ideas at the bottom of a glass of liquor. When you look at his wikipedia page for example, there is this weird format where there are separate sections on his "design philosophy" or different nonsense you don't find on other respected designers' wiki pages.

I don't know how much of an impact he had on the games. He was probably a really good producer and made an impression with the younger members of the dev team. Maybe he had good work ethics. Maybe the team was the reason he succeeded. Personally, I don't know and I don't care.

Sooner or later, people will figure out this charade anyway. I just don't want to talk about it any more because it's a waste of time because he's not part of the team.

Regarding new characters, hopefully they'll add characters that aren't ninjas. Maybe they'll add a tae kwon do guy with loads of mix ups or a cool new gimmick. I swear, if they add another fucking ninja, I will not touch the game for a whole month after release.


Well-Known Member
lol i bet $100 theirs a new ninja. Its a game based on ninjas. LOL lets say they added a Parkour character. His bio would say style Parkour. Self taught ninja or so thing
really thu i could see few new characters 1 would be a ninja 2 others who knows

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
Momiji is making the cut, if she doesn't I'd be surprised. The Praying Mantis would be nice to see, both the Northern and the Southern styles.

Black Dragon

Active Member
IIRC, Hayashi said he wants to keep the DOA and NG storylines separate.

Adding Momiji to DOA is a clear contradiction to to that.