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Virtua Mima

Active Member
@ MisterDOG : Yeah, except THOUSANDS of people play DOA online, but they're not allowed to enjoy it right?
This game is not just for you, honey.


Active Member
Never said that just trying to get some seasoned players to give more respect the up and comers that start out online so they might b encouraged to play offline

Wait... thousands? I haven't been able to find a ranked, lobby or simple match on the PS3 in about an hour.
Lol lopedo is always trolling :)


Well-Known Member
@ MisterDOG : Yeah, except THOUSANDS of people play DOA online, but they're not allowed to enjoy it right?
This game is not just for you, honey.

Yeah, I don't agree with what Dr.Dogg said, but you kinda exaggerated that number to the fullest.. Even with the patch PSN online is still kinda dead... Last month when I playing online on xbl it was slightly live, but from some of the recent status's i've read, it doesn't seem all that hot.

Virtua Mima

Active Member
Wait... thousands? I haven't been able to find a ranked, lobby or simple match on the PS3 in about an hour.
Maybe it's happy hour where they all live

edit : fine, less than thousands, i still see 30 000 ranked live accounts on xbox. sad they all gave up


Well-Known Member
I'm not trolling. I genuinely had trouble finding a match on PSN today around noon-2.

Virtua Mima

Active Member
Yeah, I don't agree with what Dr.Dogg said, but you kinda exaggerated that number to the fullest.. Even with the patch PSN online is still kinda dead... Last month when I playing online on xbl it was slightly live, but from some of the recent status's i've read, it doesn't seem all that hot.
Well the doa4 online "community" was on xbox since it was exclusive before right? so maybe the people who stay (who still play doa 5) would be the ones who have an xbox and had doa4 i guess. I still see a bundle of people whenever i log in. That would explain why it's dead on PS. Just a thought lol

Chris Harris

Well-Known Member
I agree with most of what you said, but this section is just absolutely ridiculous. Patches affect online just like they affect offline. While offline should take priority, someone who plays online regularly (hours every week) with a decent connection and who loves the game is perfectly within their right to voice their opinion on certain issues. It sure as hell "DIRECTLY" affects (ps: "effect" is not "affect") them and it does make a difference to them; a big difference. By ignoring that, you're not making an argument that said thing wouldn't affect them, you're making an argument that said thing will affect them in a positive or negative manner and that that doesn't matter because online doesn't matter. As it's been said before, if offline DOA5 is going to survive, it needs more support, and currently your best viable pool to get that support is that large chunk of the DOA fan base who, you guessed it, plays online. If you ignore them you're basically handicapping your own chances of building the offline scene as well by being arrogant.

There it is... the person who would definitely come out and defend it. I was waiting for you, came a little later than I thought.

It's not about ignoring what the online player says. It's about understanding exactly what the online player is crying about that is the actual problem. If it messes up how the game is playing online that is a minor problem and shouldn't be brought up plain and simple.

I understand that you want to play the game as IF it was offline play but it won't happen. It can never happen as this isn't a simple thing to do considering frames are super important in fighting games. I know we would love for it to be the same but it just isn't going to happen. Now to the next phase of this whole online players input matters situation.

Most of you seem to read what I type and think of it as "Online players are garbage and shouldn't be listened to in any context. They are trash, will never travel, and the reason they won't travel is because the "top" players are mean". False I am not saying that at all.

It's more of, if you are going to make a bold claim regarding balance of the game or a specific strat have PROOF. Top players have proof it's why they are top players. You can't just make bold claims with nothing to back it up most of all it being online play.

The online players are a dime a dozen they are NEVER going anywhere. You think they aren't traveling because the top players are "mean" to them? You seriously need a reality check if you REALLY think that is the reason they won't travel. They aren't traveling because they are lazy and don't want to lose the small amount of pull they have. The online player has already made up his mind about what is good/bad in the game. He already has what he values about the game. By going offline he pretty much throws that away unless he does every cocky thing he said he was.

So to clarify no one said they couldn't speak their opinion but if you are going to pass something off as fact please bring some of those facts to the table. Yea it sucks that if they leave a certain glitch in or something else it will make it that much harder in the online community. But if you want to play the game and not deal with that guess what you gotta do? Leave that house and play offline.


Active Member
U do have a point about it being a xbox exclusive doa is competing with other fighters streetfighter x tekken tekken tag 2 persona4 Umvc3 Blaze Blue so hence my earlier point ppl need to learn their manners and teach and not hender


Well-Known Member
There it is... the person who would definitely come out and defend it. I was waiting for you, came a little later than I thought.

It's not about ignoring what the online player says. It's about understanding exactly what the online player is crying about that is the actual problem. If it messes up how the game is playing online that is a minor problem and shouldn't be brought up plain and simple.

I understand that you want to play the game as IF it was offline play but it won't happen. It can never happen as this isn't a simple thing to do considering frames are super important in fighting games. I know we would love for it to be the same but it just isn't going to happen. Now to the next phase of this whole online players input matters situation.

Most of you seem to read what I type and think of it as "Online players are garbage and shouldn't be listened to in any context. They are trash, will never travel, and the reason they won't travel is because the "top" players are mean". False I am not saying that at all.

It's more of, if you are going to make a bold claim regarding balance of the game or a specific strat have PROOF. Top players have proof it's why they are top players. You can't just make bold claims with nothing to back it up most of all it being online play.

The online players are a dime a dozen they are NEVER going anywhere. You think they aren't traveling because the top players are "mean" to them? You seriously need a reality check if you REALLY think that is the reason they won't travel. They aren't traveling because they are lazy and don't want to lose the small amount of pull they have. The online player has already made up his mind about what is good/bad in the game. He already has what he values about the game. By going offline he pretty much throws that away unless he does every cocky thing he said he was.

So to clarify no one said they couldn't speak their opinion but if you are going to pass something off as fact please bring some of those facts to the table. Yea it sucks that if they leave a certain glitch in or something else it will make it that much harder in the online community. But if you want to play the game and not deal with that guess what you gotta do? Leave that house and play offline.

No no no no.

Say some new person joins this forum today. No name, no recognition, no history. The only things you know from his first post are that he plays online and likes the game. As you continue to read the post, he talks about advanced (offline) set ups, frame calculations and character balance all regarding offline play. The dude then says he's the best in the world but doesn't want to travel and will only play online.

So does his opinion not matter because he won't go play offline and prove that he's the best?

Yes and no.

No, some of his post is invalid. He can't possibly be the best in the world if he has never gone offline and played/won. That part should be ignored and criticized.

Yes, a large part of his post is valid. Everything you just read about his set ups, frames and the like, he practiced in training mode, offline. That information is valid regardless if he will ever go play offline or not.

Online WINS don't matter, online PLAYERS do. Until an online PLAYER goes offline nobody will ever know how good he/she/it is. If that player doesn't ever go offline but posts legit tactics, that player is then to be considered knowledgeable of the game. If he applies this online, good for him. If he does it offline, he's welcomed into the "top" players list.

By the way, who are these top players? What is this elitist group bullshit that you try to drag people into. Or is it just you and your friends? I know I walked out on PL and all, but if you drop your elitist act you would realize *I* could very well beat you in a finals match at an event. If I did, would I be a top player?

Statistically, looking at tournament history for DOA 5, you aren't a top player. Manny is a top player.

And if we're looking at tournament results alone, hell, anybody going to a monthly gathering in somebody's basement could be a top player. Major tournaments? Okay, still Manny. Calibur Blades? Rikuto?

I won a demo tournament, does that mean I'm the best in the world at a demo game, back when it was actually good? Or wait, my win doesn't count right, because the game wasn't out.


Chris Harris

Well-Known Member
No no no no.

Say some new person joins this forum today. No name, no recognition, no history. The only things you know from his first post are that he plays online and likes the game. As you continue to read the post, he talks about advanced (offline) set ups, frame calculations and character balance all regarding offline play. The dude then says he's the best in the world but doesn't want to travel and will only play online.

So does his opinion not matter because he won't go play offline and prove that he's the best?

Yes and no.

No, some of his post is invalid. He can't possibly be the best in the world if he has never gone offline and played/won. That part should be ignored and criticized.

Yes, a large part of his post is valid. Everything you just read about his set ups, frames and the like, he practiced in training mode, offline. That information is valid regardless if he will ever go play offline or not.

Online WINS don't matter, online PLAYERS do. Until an online PLAYER goes offline nobody will ever know how good he/she/it is. If that player doesn't ever go offline but posts legit tactics, that player is then to be considered knowledgeable of the game. If he applies this online, good for him. If he does it offline, he's welcomed into the "top" players list.

By the way, who are these top players? What is this elitist group bullshit that you try to drag people into. Or is it just you and your friends? I know I walked out on PL and all, but if you drop your elitist act you would realize *I* could very well beat you in a finals match at an event. If I did, would I be a top player?

Statistically, looking at tournament history for DOA 5, you aren't a top player. Manny is a top player.

And if we're looking at tournament results alone, hell, anybody going to a monthly gathering in somebody's basement could be a top player. Major tournaments? Okay, still Manny. Calibur Blades? Rikuto?

I won a demo tournament, does that mean I'm the best in the world at a demo game, back when it was actually good? Or wait, my win doesn't count right, because the game wasn't out.


I never said I was a top player but unlike 90% of the community I did well in every game I competed in when I focused on it. Thus I get "some form" of respect from outside communities. It has nothing to do with an elitist group but knowing when someone is correct and you are wrong.

When I started playing TTT2 I talked to some players that were more knowledgeable of the game than myself. I had ideas that I threw out there and of course they were refuted as bad. In general that has happened in every game I have played. I thought Makoto was the best thing ever when she was released. Even after everyone talked so much shit about her but I proved that my ways of playing with her could still win. This was before she even had HALF the shit she has now.

Not to mention the one thing I was doing which everyone called me out on is being used by a top player in Japan MORE than I used it. The only time an online player is shot down is when he is passing off something as fact that everyone in the room knows is false. Most of what online players even argue is theory fighter anyway so obviously you can't prove them wrong and they can't refute what you are saying. It's just a theory lmao.

I never once said they don't matter. I said their opinion is invalid when we are speaking of online play. Regardless if it makes the online play more difficult for them is irrelevant because if he REALLY wanted to play he would find offline competition.

Basically all you are saying is help the online community be more complacent and let's all keep being lazy.


Active Member
Agree with lopedo u may try to mask the intention of ur writing but the way u put things makes the online kid feel like a scrub and again i say thats where 95% of people get their start u should spend time helping not hendering fyi big fan of calibur blades played him online got my ass KICKED. But i learned alot from playing him made me want to get better made me want to PLAY OFFLINE AT A TOURNAMENT OR EVENT mr harris u should spend more inspiring less time being rude sir

Chris Harris

Well-Known Member
What did I say that was rude? I told you exactly what your problem is and you're proving it with insane accuracy. Once again the online players get upset when they are told the answer to their problem.

Respect = Traveling. There is no middle ground for it. People made fun of the online player from Japan in SF until he what? Yea you guessed it. . .showed up to an offline event. People shit on Wolfkrone until he showed up as well.

Respect is never given and never will be. The sooner THIS community understands that the sooner it will grow. I have spent quite a bit of my time helping the new players and even online players. Ask around and you will soon see that I'm not some mean person out to shit on online player(s) parade.

With characters I would never use again mind you. I did it to help them get a foot hold on the new mechanics and with characters they deemed "difficult". So before calling me rude check my credentials, thx in advance.


Well-Known Member
Two things:
1. I can only play online. Why is this? I'm a minor, I have no funds and no way of travelling. Offline is something I am completely exempt from at the moment. I'm positive there are other online players in my position. Yet, I'm fairly certain I'm at least decent at DOA, if not good enough to hold my own against said "top" players. I won't know this until I actually meet and challenge one, but I damn well sure want to.

2. While the offline scene for the FGC is rising, FAST, (and this is just my personal view on things. If you can correct me, please do)it seems to me that the online community holds more sway than the offline community does. Why? There are more people that play online than offline. It makes sense to cater towards the majority, even if it means screwing up the game competitively. Why? Because the majority is where game developers get their revenue. Game Development and production is still just a business like any other. It's just an entertaining one. So it makes sense to fix and change a game to please the players of the mode most are on, which is Online.

NOW LISTEN. I am NOT discrediting the Offline scene in any way, shape, or form. Y'all are still important. You guys are professional and make money off of this shit. You're worth like, 10 people per person. And you guys definitely deserve the game you want, taking time out of your lives to travel around and push buttons for money and bragging rights because you love it. Sadly, this doesn't change the fact that the majority of consumers play fighters online, and games will always attempted to be geared towards the majority. TN just doesn't get that though. They try to please everyone, and fail because of it. So we all end up hating the game, and take that hatred out on each other. [/drphil]



Active Member
If ur not being rude how is it everyone is getting the impression that u are and i study frames / set ups and punishes i do alot of home work so i can compete offline and like night said some these ppl are minors and cannot travel so they play online until they are old enough to compete and travel


There are more online players than offline players, sure. There's also more bad players than there are good players.

But we won't look up to bad players, we look up to good ones. You wouldn't credit someone with losing, you would credit them with winning.

Rules of majority do not give prestige, I am afraid. But its understandable you have issues traveling right now. We won't hold that against you, we just can't credit you with experience in that field.

If ur not being rude how is it everyone is getting the impression that u are and studay frames / set ups i do alot of home work and like night said some these ppl are minors and cannot travel so they play online until they are old enough to compete and travel

Rudeness is saying what is unnecessary. I don't consider anything he has said to be unnecessary. If you haven't gone offline yet, its probably harder for you to see why. Considering the bulk of the online playerbase for DOA and those who flatout refuse to travel, it's also going to be a very common point of view that what he is saying is rude, even when it isn't.


Active Member
Well ppl like him make me not want to if that type of attitude is what i have to look foward to however there are ppl like lopedo calibur blades and electrified man that make want to spend the money to do so but i belive if u want the community to grow u put in the work educate not discriminate trave does not equal respect it equals a bill playing with fellow pro gamer and going back forth at an event equals respect(personal experince)


Well-Known Member
I love helena and after reading her ver 0.3 patch notes those are not nerfs i completly respectfully disagree with u i study her very in depthly and to imply she cant b played offline competivly is offensive on the other hand online players are also some the people that decide to become offline / online players based on their online experince thats how most people are introduced to games nowa days and for some of u more seasoned offline players telling them they dont matter is rude u should encourage them to play offline and see the differnce in game play etc b more imfomative and less rude
And THAT is EXACTLY why most casual players are walking away from the game. All yall do is torment them, and call them scrubby like yall are the DOA gods.....
straight face.jpg


Well-Known Member
I love helena and after reading her ver 0.3 patch notes those are not nerfs i completly respectfully disagree with u i study her very in depthly and to imply she cant b played offline competivly is offensive on the other hand online players are also some the people that decide to become offline / online players based on their online experince thats how most people are introduced to games nowa days and for some of u more seasoned offline players telling them they dont matter is rude u should encourage them to play offline and see the differnce in game play etc b more imfomative and less rude
So again... This is why Dogg says you won't understand the difference lol... Also he never said she's not "viable" offline anymore. Just the fact that the system screwed over her PFT, making it -15 after handslaps is seriously stupid on TN's part. You may not get how that will affect offline but it definitely does. Online my friend for one has lag, that lag affects the "initial" nerf TN placed on the system, making Helena's PFT instead of -15 it could easily be +3 now (And yes +3 is amazing). Just... realize that online plays differently to offline because of the P2P (peer to peer) connections we're having to deal with. On top of that I"m sure most of the community doesn't have lagless TV's. That also contributes to screwing up online. :)