Best DOA One Liners !


Active Member
Well she does sound fake but... it's funny lol. It's so classy!
That "Vulgàr..." is so full of loathe and posh, as if she wants to slap her opponent with a white silk handkerchief and then look at him with disgust.

Another like I love from typical japanese Helena is the one she says when the match starts:
"Saa, hajime mashouka?" Which is something like "Shall we begin?"

<3 <3 <3

I keep japanese on X360 and English on PS3 btw.
Speaking of voices, I was SUPER ANNOYED that they changed some of the original japanese voice actors for no reasons.
They changed Bass because... well they were forced to, the actor died, but the new one is very similar so no complain here.
They also changed Gen Fu, it's different but... it's ok, it's fitting.
The new Jann Lee and Brad Wong voices are UGLY instead.WHYYYY
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY did they have to change them?!
Itagaki would have never allowed this.
I blame you, Hayashi! Ruining Ninja Gaiden wasn't enough, you had to change some of DoA actors as well, inorite?!

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I played some Tengu mirrors with Nightpup in DOA4 yesterday. I thought that this was kind of funny.

Tengu: "You must die!"
Tengu: "How unfortunate!"


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Ayane goodness:

Taunt 1: Do YOU want to fight?
Taunt 2: Is that the BEST you can do?
Taunt 3: You IDIOT!
Taunt 4: HMPH!
Taunt 5: How BORING!
Taunt 6: LOOOSER!!

End quotes:

1.You know, you're supposed to WATCH your opponent when you fight?
2. The match is decided!
3. Hmph, don't make me LAUGH!

My god Ayane is so trollish xD.

Some other goodies:


LeiFang: Don't strain your self old man!
: Now's my chance!! (During powerblow)

Hitomi: Oh, no you don't! (During Cliffhanger throw)
: One punch, and you're down!

Bass: I'm just Too... DAMN.... STRROOOONNNNGGGGG!
: Get out of the ring FOOL!

Kokoro: Don't get too worked up!

Ayane: You were everybody's little princess...
Kasumi: I will not be defeated by you!

Eliot: MILK!!!
Lisa: Do I get you excited....? O_O

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
Ryu ; Sorry I must go
Ryu ; Talking makes tired. I must WIN!
Ryu: Rin Pyo Ta Sha Kai Chin Retsu Zai Zen
Ryu : Zetsu!
Ryu : If you will not move I must take your down
Ryu : The weak Soul can be engulfed by even the smallest ripple "
Ryu : Know also that the path of the Ninja is a long and diffucult one "
Ryu : dissapear to the darkness
Ryu : If your souls is imperfect life is difficult
Ryu: Ore ore
Ryu: My fury is that of raging storm
Ryu/Kasumi Gomen or enough