I think he had that in VF5 Vanilla and it launched much higher
I would definitely love 2H+K6K46P back as a string. And also the launching 46T, that would be Godlike in 5U.
It was so nasty I forgot the input LOL. 3F+K,6P 2/8. God that is sick.
omg his 3p+k,p4 went into back turned. That was sexy
@Ghosty, wait really? I haven't played FS in awhile but I never noticed that xD lolz back on the topic, it would be cool if Akira got back some of these attacks like @2:12.
You guys must be surprised to know Dural's physics are still present in VF5FS. Physics so strong they hit heavier than Akira's strikes :V
lol I just noticed that. xD Now I'm like WTF. Didn't know VF also had OMG mode.
The jiggle physics on Dural are fucking disgusting. What the hell? lol
Didn't you post this already? Or was it something similar?


May 8, 2014 at 10:11 AM
Before you say anything, I know half of these moves were modified or taken out

PAL version

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