The punch to Jann Lee is one of the greatest moments I've ever seen. Bonus points for not holding block.
I'm not sure what i like more, the Jann Lee or your epic mirror match comeback.
Naaaa that's just Danny being stupid,he always taunts at the end of each round
Whether it be online or not, that last clip was amazing! That dude you fought really had karma struck down upon him. Never mess with karma! :p
nothing can top :33 lol. dat hype
There is nothing random in this video ,everything was perfectly planned ,feel free to hate
Naaa Step,that wasn't Rendering ,it was tylor,and don't worry FON ,yo bitch ass is free to post some hype moments from all those major tournaments you went,o wait....
1 of those were Rev, one was rendering maybe, and the last was DarkSoulz.
I would like to thank to all the good sports for not rage quiting and making this video possible to be recorded.


Nov 7, 2014 at 12:11 PM
Posted by F_A_M_GAMEOVER
This is what DOA it's all about , hype moments and diversity ,not costumes and drama shhhh,
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