Sly Bass
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  • I think we should all click the donate button and give mr. Wah a Christmas gift. Merry Christmas!
    So I found a way to actually get ranked matches. Plug a monitor up next to the TV and watch a whole show before an opponent is found.
    News! My cousin is giving me his 360. I just have to get a used copy of 5U to jump on the 360 as well. I've been working hard with Akira as of late. I made use of 246P without the need of crouch or 2P. Been doing it on stand and whatnot. Also is there any word of the video for Akira? want to make the video to send to Mr.Wah for the news feed. What do you think Sly?
    So many boosters on ranked matches avoiding me. To quote the great Ace Ventura, "Nobody wants to play with me!"
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    Reactions: Pictured Mind
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    You shouldn't really take online that seriously, especially when it comes to ranked matches.
    Sly Bass
    Sly Bass
    Well it gets annoying when I think it has found me an opponent after waiting 5 minutes only to find that it's the guy that keeps avoiding me.
    I do get specific people that void me like the plague as well.
    You and I need to have a session. Apparently the way I play Akira or... I don't even know, I can't find a flow with him, not even really just his changes but the recovery frames and the whole deal.

    I can't play him anymore. At least now how I've been doing. I need to sit down with you and re-invent how I play this character. If I can't, I'm dropping him for good after a well handled goodbye vid.
    Sly Bass
    Sly Bass
    Initiating is a lot different in 5u. I also very rarely go for cbs.
    Well, CH 2P > 66P was a big part of his opening game as you know. Without that I generally don't actually get in after 2P, 6P+K can be crushed and he's still suseptible to sidestepping. I need a new neutral game overall.
    But what I meant by comfortable in vanilla was that the recovery was as it should be but the character (and game for that matter) quite literally felt faster and the buffering system even felt better. I was an avid user of 6KP > 466P+K, I kept getting 66P+K after 6KP in ultimate but when I went back to vanilla I landed it every time.
    Headed home and gunna fire up some DOA5U. Been away for a little bit, time to get back.
    I can't fathom the behavior of online ragers . If you're going to be a self righteous moron to me, I will verbally destroy you.
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    Reactions: deathofaninja
    You are a fantastical and wonderous human being.
    I'd have more replays for you guys if the FB upload didn't fail EVERY time.
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    Reactions: DestructionBomb
    ...But, it works for me like... 90% of the time. And if it doesn't, typically I try the next day and it's fine.
    Sorry DOA, I think COD is going to consume me for a while.
    eww, in that case, doa will not be missing you
    Was anyone else unable to log into xbox live last night?
    a few days ago i wasnt able to login offline AND online... XBL is fucking up.
    I've been playing Battlefield 4 every night for several hours since launch. No issues at all.
    Sly Bass
    Sly Bass
    hmmm, seems Nereus had the same experience I did yesterday. Hope it has cleared up tonight.
    I think I may, I think I might, try to learn Zack tonight.
    * In Drakes voice * Dont do it... please don't do it. lol
    Sly Bass
    Sly Bass
    You've made your dark voices sound jolly with a lol. Might I recommend using, "Cackle" or "Maniacal Laugh"
    Lol.. you can add my GT : o Nereus o Zacks my secondary... id like to get some matches in w/ you
    I wonder if there is some kind of character usage chart. I'd be curious to see where each character ranks.
    I don't think it would mean much. The most played characters would just be the core fighters and the hot chicks. In order to get any interesting results, you have to filter your variables to try and highlight the competitive/high-level crowd, and that process would get very messy.
    His Reverence
    His Reverence
    I'd be frightened to see the numbers for Ayane. Granted, most are shit - but she wouldn't be hip anymore!
    They had that in DOA4 actually.
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