Free Step Dodge

Why are you so melodramatic? Just download some fucking mods. Jesus Christ.
@marussya It's best to find something else to enjoy. Believe it or not, as much as people hate to admit it, there are better options out there. Just have to look for it. It's not easy, but problems leave to other problems. This isn't buttering up the situation, but the fact is that there "are" better options. Don't stress yourself out.
If you keep it up, you'll bound to find something you'll like more than DOA. Same with anyone else hopping over to DOA on vice-versa. You should try out Granblue.
I know you don't want to drop this game or series, lol. Otherwise, you wouldn't keep typing your frustrations like this. There is a lot you like about DoA6 but this PS4 exclusive feature has you upset. I get that. I feel the same way sometimes. I kinda feel that way now.
I get upset about things in DoA too, but I always come back. Like you said, you played this series since 2003. That's 17 years. That's a long time. It's almost like a relationship or friendship with its ups and downs. As long as there's a bright side, as long as most of those things that have been keeping you attached for this long are still there, there's reason to come back.
Obviously you still care about this series and you don't want it to exclude you this way. You wish the problems you see were fixed so you can keep enjoying the game you want to enjoy. Maybe it will. Maybe it's too early to freak out, maybe they'll add the feature for the rest of us later. Until then we can try to enjoy the game the same way we have been so far, at least. Or take a break, see how it's doing later.
just buy ps4 version lol
I get it, not everyone wants to deal with mods. Back when I had a working PC, I had issues with mods too. Maybe they're a hassle. I don't know if that's your issue with not using mods, but whatever it is, I'm sure you have your reasons. There's also the principal of the matter where TN basically makes those of us who didn't choose PS4 feel like we chose the wrong horse.
But give it some time. Right now it's easy to get emotional about it. Wait to see how it actually turns out, maybe it won't even be so great that it's something we're missing out on. But after 17 years, I think hair colour is too simple of a reason to end your connection with this series, right? You're not the only one not happy about this decision. Everyone has their problems with DoA, whither hair or input lag...
Or maybe it's late and I'm just rambling like a crazy person. Well, thought I'd just give it a shot anyways. I got the time. I can understand people being happy about the hair thing just as much I can understand being upset about it and just as much as I can understand thinking the whole thing is stupid as hell casual crap. Give it some days. Maybe the next thing TN does will make you forget this, who knows.
If she is using a cloud gaming service then she probably doesn’t have access to the system that runs the game and is stuck with official features only.

EDIT: Thanks Onryoki.