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Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
I guess it's the classic "well im ass at every other fighting game so I need to stick with this one regardless" which make no sense, if you're a decent SF player you have sooooooooo many alternatives that'll accommodate your skills, or hell, here's a CraZy idea, try something new! diversify your portfolio dammit!
Capcom players are too privileged. The fact they expect a SF6 is wild to me. Been waiting on VF6 since 2009
Ah, the League of Legends player syndrome where they can't stand their own game but they play it day in day out, dangerous and it isn't easily curable but there is a way, if they master one of the two arts, the: I should play other fighting games too art and the game is so garbage that I don't want to play it anymore art. Mastering one of the arts is key in order to resist the temptation of the Street of Fighters.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
League players hate League? lol i didn't know that was a thing, but there's hella money behind league so at least there's monetary compensation to keep ppl motivated regardless of personal taste
Who stream it and don't take the game professionally the very least, there are also people whining to Rito about certain things that need fixing or needed fixing, or just buffing for a long time, like Nunu's invisible W glitch, Yasuo's windwall bug, the client, adc's being weak etc. I just quit because its ranked system is dumb as all hell and playing other roles outside of mid and support wasn't fun or strong.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
Dayum, the only games I can think of that kept playing despite them not being enjoyable in the long run were F2P games that i had spent an embarrassing amount of money. after dumping 2000$ on a game it's hard to convince yourself to stop just cause it's not fun, it's all about that sunk cost fallacy, the more you invest the harder it is to stop