Free Step Dodge

Deth Cody
Deth Cody
The current system just encourages ppl to rank up just to wave their epeen and then complain when they lose points that are intended to make you lose ranks you dont belong in. The modern system encourages ppl to play and defend their rank and move up, instead of get high and quit which makes for a dead rank matchmaking. also fix the netcode
Deth Cody
Deth Cody
sorry this was so long
I can't say I really know anyone whose rank has dramatically declined even when they "stuck with it." Worst case scenario, if you keep playing you're unable to grade up. But most people will continue to get higher and higher ranks the longer they play, even in the S/U/Gem ranks.
Deth Cody
Deth Cody
ppl usually quit playing rank b4 they derank, you gonna tell me theres a ton of ppl on ranked right now? also many of the ranks are inflated, its gets easier over time to get a higher rank in the old system, because ppl in higher ranks quit ranked in higher ranks because they dont want to lose their points, which is what i was talking about in the earlier longer post
Deth Cody
Deth Cody
the system also creates this self fulfilling prophecy of ppl saying "rank doesnt matter", who wont touch rank now
I played continuously in the old days when people were still frequently playing ranked, and I never went down (even when the vast majority of my matches were against players of my own rank or higher).
And yeah. They don't touch it because they would rather play with people they know than waiting four hours to be paired with some lag-monster on the other side of the globe.
Deth Cody
Deth Cody
iirc in vanilla you lost less points when you lose, and youre own experience isnt the rest of the player base. but all the problems ive listed are all exacerbated by the bad netcode
I was actually referring to 5U on PS3.
Rank is a skewed interpretation of actual skill.
In a way. Who would you be more mindful of facing: An LR rank or a Diamond rank?
Deth Cody
Deth Cody
i view the current system as a measure of player engagement, like how willing are they to put up with the system. kinda like the current education system really only measures student engagement instead of how much the student has learned.
That's another good interpretation.
Well I guess from face value I'd have to say a Diamond. However, I do still go in with equal amounts of caution for any rank for the first match. I guess I should have said "unreliable" instead of skewed.
To make things more delicious, they could force ranked matches within lobby matches. They cannot escape at all unless they give you the boot afterwards.
I would say LR only because of the current system theres nothing to fear about a Diamond rank
i have a few ideas about rank 1 can't cancel opponents it's very hard to rank up if you're high ranked because 90% cancels you 2: rank should be based more on how many fights you have like if you have 100 fights you rank up and then 200 fights etc 3 make sure no one can mod the game
You should be allowed to cancel if the connection is shit or the opponent is an unsavory asshole. You should not rank up simply for playing longer. This isn't an RPG. Modding only happens on PC. But yes boosting is bullshit. The way how ranked was back in pre-patch DOA5 Vanilla was the best. The only downside was that you lost too few points for losses making it too easy to rank up.
I disagree with the cancel part because in rank you can choose your own connection settings and if you fight that type of asshole then deal with it don't let negativity get the best of you
The problem is not in the cancelling, the problem is that Ranked displays too much information of the opponent. It should just show the name and connection quality