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  • Well well, color me impressed. Koei couldn't get Naotora or the SW's to get English voices in SW4. Surprised she got one here.
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    Reactions: Darkslay and Lulu
    Takes alot of work dude do you even know many characters in the musou series there are.
    I'm well aware of that. However, bear in mind Koei has dubbed the SW games in the past. They still dub the DW series. Heck, they even dubbed both WO1 and WO2 and those games had well over 90+ characters. Now WO3U I can understand since that game is massive lol. SW4 wasn't dubbed cause of either budget cuts or maybe they had issues with the VAs.
    Hey Naruto did it with the Ultimate Ninja Series..... granted its not a dialogue heavy game (except in Story Mode) but damnit they pulled it off. ;)
    Darkslayz told me you have knowledge on assassin's creed games, I was thinking about getting liberator on the ps3. Any recommendations?
    oh ok cool. If you need to know the events of AC1 for story purposes, you can just youtube the cutscenes. Story and gameplay in AC1 is meh compared to AC2. Personally I feel Ezio has the best story arc compared to the other assassins. I'm sure most will agree as well.
    Alright, thanks. I played a little of the first AC some years ago when my goduncle use to own it, but I couldn't get into the game at the time because I thought it was boring and you instantly when you drown which was like GTA 3 and vice city all over again so hopefully the sequel will change my perspective of the series.
    yeah I didn't like the drowning thing either. Messed me up in two of my stealth kills. It was an okay game but it really pales in comparison to AC2. Ezio can swim so don't worry about that xD
    So I googled up Raidou and found an old Shin Megami Tensei game lol. "Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Soulless army." Kinda wanna try it now.
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    Reactions: Darkslay
    Yea Dante/Raidou also become recruitable if you follow a certain route in the game. I think those games are like around 10-20$ on PSN. Not bad really.
    Shin Megami Tensei: Devil summoner, amazing yet underrated game, i HIGHLY recommend it. You remember the song i used in the 2nd Dragon Guide Followup? The one you really liked? It's from that game.
    Ah snap. I got to get it now lol. Going to grab Raidou and Digital Devil Saga off PSN
    That moment when you're in the lab practicing your combos then you notice a roach crawling on the floor and you scream like little girl.
    If Namco decides to make Soul Calibur 6 and they added Hayabusa/Kasumi/Ayane/Momiji/Rachel as a guest character, how would you feel?
    I really enjoy playing Ezio in SCV even though I'm complete ass at that game lol. Hopefully one day we'll get news of SCVI. Though for now, Tekken 7 is going to be the center of attention for Namco.
    I dunno. Probably would be interesting. Personally, I'd be more excited if they added Leon or Bayman. I've already seen how the ninja translate to other games.
    you know thats not possible. the ninjas at least have a chance of becoming guest characters.
    You there! Not you sir keep moving. You! Yes you. What days are you free? *insert fighting game put down here*

    If chappy does the offline thing we should all be available. And you should be there to fight a shitty Tina
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    I'll get chappy here as long as he wants to attend. It's the N.Y. crew that needs to be pushed to join. Go to the N.Y. thread its unmotivated.
    Dr Snipe
    Dr Snipe
    You just make sure you show up in a samurai hat with mariachi tassels or I'm calling bullshit
    Oh yeah I heard about there being a NY thread. Always forgot to check it out :p. For the record, I'm in Flushing so I should go sometime. LMAO xDD my hat, armor and sword got broken though. I am a samurai though, honest!
    I'm releasing the Super Akira video after Naotora hits the console. The reason why I waited was because of the patch changes, and lo and behold, look likes I was right. So I have to adjust the video again because 3P+K no longer guaranteeds a stun so back to editing. Will check for hidden changes as well.
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Awesome man. Yeah it seems TN will continue nerfing Akira though lucky for us, 3P+K is the only nerf he got. Don't think he got any other changes besides that.
    28 more days till those costumes arrive lol. Man, I haven't been this hyped for a costume pack in a while.
    She actually would!!!!! And she looks good in read!! But I want kokoro to have hayakawa I think she would look good in that I actually wanted Marie in the outfit
    Yeah Kokoro getting Hayakawa seems realistic. Speaking of Marie, doesn't Kasumi already have SW3 Gracia outfit? xD It'd be so weird seeing them fight. There are more SW characters than DOA so about 26 of them will be omitted. Probably going to be Goemon, Kojiro, Okuni and few others since they always get shafted :p
    I actually think okuni might sneak in there since they would wanna use all the girls & yea Gracia appeared twice xD and goemon and kojiro were just thrown in there last second buy naomasa Ii should have his costume in the game too
    Story of my DOA life...
    I love beating up trash talkers. Most of them usually are the ones who mash out of disadvantage every time or think spamming PPPPP gets them the win.
    Usually the people I beat say that to me. "Mash out of negative". Honestly I never understood why the players I beat convincingly, try to play the critic afterwards. A win is a win, accept the loss.
    lol I wonder what the people that subscribed to KOEITECMOoffical on YT for Hyrule warriors or AOT, were thinking when they saw DOAX3 stuff.
    After seeing that Yukimura costume, I went to the lab with Hayate to learn him. I'm having a blast. Never thought I'd pick up Hayate lol.
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    Reactions: Darkslay
    Personality-wise, he is pretty lame. Hayate's list of outfits isn't exactly spectacular either with about 1-2 that's about decent. This by far is probably his best one.
    We're on the same boat, impossibro, i actually like Hayate and think he's really fun, he just reminds me way too much of Lars though, he's the Mr. Perfect of DOA.
    yeah I agree with you guys. He is literally the Lars of DOA lol. With that said, I can't wait for his costume to come! Finally my dream of having Yukimura Sanada in a fighting game is coming to life! (sort of)
    Ok, what the fooking chow mein is going on with online on PS4? 7 disconnects in a row and only few good fights. This is unacceptibru! >_<
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    Reactions: Darkslay
    Sure bro. That reminds me, I don't think I ever added you lol. My PSN is Possibru_samurai. You'd probably kick my butt since I barely touched the game lol but I always did want to learn Ezio. Assassin's Creed 2 was my favorite in the series.
    I'll add you as soon as i can, bud. I'm a scrub tho, i don't play the game as much as you might think. :p
    And yes! AC2 was my favorite as well.
    ahahaha. I don't think I even played through the story mode. I just bought it a month ago cause there was a big sale xD. AC2 > the other AC games. Just didn't feel attached to the other protagonists after AC: Revelations.
    So I was like "Hey baby, wanna see my guaranteed combo?" She was like "Pfft, I can easily SE out of that, loser". I was like "Impossibru!"
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