Free Step Dodge

You can drink some tea. :D
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
pretty sure that's not an option in the place we're going, but i just gonna what i normally do in these situations, dilute my own drinks and drink them REALLY slowly, not trying to screw myself over and pass out in the bathroom like last time
or you can simple not order anything to drink. @_@
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
that always makes it awkward when you're adamant about not drinking but you hang with people you know at bar, it's like why show up in the first place? So for the times i do go i tend to drink in heavy moderation, and it works most of the time, but there are those times where i do cut loose, and those times...rarely end well lolz
if she's not ariana grande i'm still not drinking.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
@raika-snow lol, she's not on that level (even though i don't think ariana grande is all that attractive, but that's another conversation)

This girl is more like a shorter Meevers Desu with really thick thighs, hips, and a booty which looks like she's shoplifting beach balls
There's a HUGE space between diluting your drinks and then passing out in the bathroom.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
@Brute I only used the bathroom example cause that was the most recent example of screwing myself over, then again, that was a day filled with some phenomenally stupid decisions
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
4 jello shots, 3 cups of mixed beer, and half a bucket filled with some tequila, vodka, fruit juice concoction AND i hadn't eaten all day that day

me <- idiot
Having a good drink every now and then is fine, but I see what you mean. I don't drink heavily or all the time but I usually sneak my mom's fruity drinks. I like the slow, warm feeling the buzz gives me, but thank God I only do it at home when I'm alone XD One time I was so buzzed I almost passed out while cooking some hamburger helper ♡_♡
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
ahh...sneaking into the parents' cabinet for a sip, funnily enough i never did that when i lived at home, mostly cuz I had enough exposure to alcohol to know that I hated the stuff and had no desire to indulge, it's only recently i've been opening up to the idea of drinking, and it STILL makes me feel like dog shit
I used to have serious concerns about drinking. Then I actually started drinking and realized that all of the crap you hear about losing control of yourself when you drink is nonsense.