DOA5U [11/30/13] SCD Casuals & Tournament - Inglewood, CA


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julian may or may not be arriving late. if he is, so will i. really hope i can. if i do make it, i can cover you apprentice


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Packing up my 360 set up and about to leave soon. Carpooling with Commanda Panda, I'll see everyone soon. I want some casuals first!


Well-Known Member
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Today was a lot of fun. It was great to see "everyone" that came out for it. Thanks to the hard working folks of SCD for hosting another great event, you guys are awesome. It's always good to see my AFD brethren, I was really happy to see Requiem and Shadow again too. Always a pleasure to see my favorite folk from NorCal.

Thanks to all of the players that came out for the event as well; Vincent Rayne, Commanda Panda (well duh, I carpooled with you LOL!), Qyu, iThe Apprentice, iSickman109, ThatOneAznJosh, ModusPwnis, Snakz. I am impressed to see that you guys are improving in your play, from what I observed.

It was cool to see AirGear one last time as well and I was even able to beat him up in Grand Finals too, for old times sake. LOL! I'm joking bro, I'm really going to miss you man, seriously. I gained a true friend over the year and we've had each others backs since like last November-December. I'm going to miss you a lot, we all will.

But we understand what you're trying to do and what you need to focus on. So all of us wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors. Take care of yourself and be strong.

As for myself, I am still on the path to prove that Ayane is a beast in capable hands. So, I will continue to play and practice as much as I can, when I can, and keep pushing myself passed my limits to further hone my skill, defense, and yomi.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
I'm so glad to have been part of a SCD event for the first time. It was great to meet all the new faces, and of course see all my old favorites. We are definitely like a family when we get together. Just silly.

Hajin, you just wait when I get back in my offline groove. It won't be that easy for you next time! It's always a pleasure seeing you, man. Congrats on your win and of course I enjoyed your play just like always. I hate fighting Ayane, but I will find a way!

AG..AG is my comedy bro. He's the one that allow me to bring out my hyper sense of humor the most. It's a fresh good thing especially when you hang around CJ all the time and he like to down play my humor. The asshole. :p

I really enjoyed how you played at this event since I can tell you really been playing a lot before this one. You did some amazing punishment and reads. Great stuff I've saw.

I always enjoy traveling with CJ/Requiem. He will always be my partner in this rather he likes it or not. Even if he makes me walk for hours on in until my feet feel like they're going to explode. >< This has been my first time seeing your Helena in a while. Great stuff. I see a lot of improvement and new stuff you did now. Despite the errors you did great and now I have new tech for my Helena thanks to you LOL. I know you hate when I use her, and you seem surprised how well I did with her(hell I was too), but now I have new ways to improve.

It was great meeting Josh and Panda for the first time since I've only played them online. It was also nice to meet apprentice since the only contact I've ever had with him is on fsd. I see a lot of improvement coming from you guys and that's always a great thing. Keep it up.

Vincent Rayne- Fatass eating up all the food. <3

I want to thank all the host for this event. You guys did a great job, and seems to have great plans for DOA and I will always support you guys as much as possible so you can always count on that. Don't give up, because we won't.

It was a pleasure meeting you all and hopefully I'll make the next event in December. Til next time.
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Active Member
Good games to everyone who made it out on Saturday. Much thanks to Max, Bloodburger, Nerd, and anyone I can't remember the name of atm, for hosting. Saw some intense matches, learned a lot. On a different note, Max, I owe you 7 dollars, 2 for the entry and 5 for the pizza.