Any LGBT community?


Well-Known Member
When I first saw this thread I was like -

"Come on LGBT thread let's get sickening"

....................Then I actually read it...



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Lol this thread, i just read all of it and it was the funniest thing ever.

DOA forum is literally the only one that kept this thread. Dustloop, MKX, SF, KOF, Tekken forums usually closes the thread. Out of all the forums, MKX test your might forums was the most savage of them all. They didn't even let 3 comments go by and the last post it said was "This isn't a dating site, go to craigslist with all this crap. Whether you are straight, gay, or whatever it is you do with your oriented sex life, don't bring that shit in here. This is a fighting game. Cut the crap." - Thread locked.

While I understand that it's a forum and people are trying to limit the content so that the main focus is MKX, they didn't have to go all fatality though loool. But yeah, just read some of these pages. Funny stuff.


Well-Known Member
DOA forum is literally the only one that kept this thread. Dustloop, MKX, SF, KOF, Tekken forums usually closes the thread. Out of all the forums, MKX test your might forums was the most savage of them all. They didn't even let 3 comments go by and the last post it said was "This isn't a dating site, go to craigslist with all this crap. Whether you are straight, gay, or whatever it is you do with your oriented sex life, don't bring that shit in here. This is a fighting game. Cut the crap." - Thread locked.

While I understand that it's a forum and people are trying to limit the content so that the main focus is MKX, they didn't have to go all fatality though loool. But yeah, just read some of these pages. Funny stuff.

You need to change your avatar back to doge it's been to long, But yeah It very quickly turned into people just talking about sex... Thank god it did though because this thread's amazing.


Premium Donor
So....uh, when is someone gonna make an "Any hentai/RP community" thread so we can start rol- er, I mean discussing stuff? :-D

And what's funny is that Brad actually made a thread like this long ago and the mods closed it, but this thread still remains.


Well-Known Member
YESSSS! I wish I was around when it was open, I would've had so much fun just talking in their with friends and stuff. But when I joined it was closed :-/

It was beautiful, I remember within 2 days of joining I was having a fake argument with a profile pretending to be Beyonce! XD Even fake Rebecca Black accounts were there. There was like 20 new pages a day on that thread lol!


Premium Donor
:oops:.....Uh, I have...something to say...I know you probably wouldn't have expected this from me but....I'm kinda bi OK??(I think like 5-10%..) I vastly prefer women but over the summer up to now I've slowly begun realizing that I do kinda like guys a little bit, at least Videogame and anime guys...I don't like dick but there are parts of male bodies I do find hot(I'll say exactly what if I'm asked by anyone here), I've wanted to say this for quite a while like around August but I was afraid to know. I've already told one other person this and it'd be wrong for me to not tell anyone else here's who's LGBT.

I'm still @KasumiLover69 tho, it shouldn't matter whether or not I do like guys a bit, I'm still the same I've always been :-D. But yeah....sigh, just letting you know is all.. I was kinda scared to say all this. I even almost changed my privacy settings so that there wouldn't be fuss over it but some people are watching the thread so fuck it I guess.