Ask me anything.


I knew you was going to say DOA4 lol. XD

Ouestion #1: Have you ever had the butterflies inside your stomach each time you go into a tournament?

Well thats open to interpretation a bit, but I would say no.

Butterflies in your stomach means you are nervous and unsure of yourself. I don't get that feeling. What I do get is a sudden shot of adrenaline that screws with me physically and alters my mental state negatively for a short period of time.

This seems to happen to almost everybody, though, regardless of a persons premeditated mental state.

Chaos stop asking dumb ass questions. Ask something like: RIKUTO WHAT TAKING YOU SO LONG TO ANSWER QUESTIONS?! THIS IS YOUR LIFE!

If you had your own tv show would it be based off this topic where anyone calls you and ask you stupid questions?

Did you find it funny that Julius Rage looks like Jim Kelly?

If you saw a light at the end of the tunnel would you follow it?

Would Raansu still be a scrub even if doa was what he wants it to be?

1. Yes, but inbetween series of questions there would be a segment where I expose frauds and tell people why they are stupid.

2. Well he certainly tries to, but not really. Everyone molds themselves after someone else as closely as they can without outright admitting it.

3. I would put on a pair of sunglasses and shoot at it.

4. Most of you would.

Here's one for you. Is Return of the Shadow truly the best in the world?

No. I am.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Where's this Jim Kelly shit come from - I was trying to look like a jackass. Mission Accomplished.

Rikuto, what does dog food taste like?


Well-Known Member
How do you feel about the characters being so unsafe on DOA5?

Is CyberEvil a really cool mature guy to hang out with or is he a ignorant asshole?

Will you travel to outer space?

Did any gang members tried to jump you in school?

What is your favorite PS3/360/PC exclusive?

What would you do if Freddy Krueger tried to kill you?


Well-Known Member
Are you afraid of Clowns?

Is green your favorite color?

Can you use a pogo stick?

Is your idol Britney Spears?


How do you feel about the characters being so unsafe on DOA5?

Is CyberEvil a really cool mature guy to hang out with or is he a ignorant asshole?

Will you travel to outer space?

Did any gang members tried to jump you in school?

What is your favorite PS3/360/PC exclusive?

What would you do if Freddy Krueger tried to kill you?

1. I think plenty of them are safe enough. If you choose an unsafe character you have the string delay system to help manipulate your rate of success.

2. Yes. And everybody is an ignorant asshole when we feel like being one. That's one of life's great joys.

3. I'm already there.

4. No, we didn't have gangs. Just idiots. I did drop out in middle school (illegally, I might add) due to how tired I became in dealing with people.

5. PS3 Dust 514, 360 Halo, PC Eve Online.

6. Haunt him back.

Are you afraid of Clowns?

Is green your favorite color?

Can you use a pogo stick?

Is your idol Britney Spears?

1. Clowns fear me.

2. At one point. Currently? Red.

3. I don't know, honestly.

4. No, and never has been.


Active Member
Do you think assassin's creed would benefit from a colonial latin American environment?

(Personally I'm looking forward to Havana in IV)

What do you think about the dynasty warriors series and its many spin offs?


Do you think assassin's creed would benefit from a colonial latin American environment?

(Personally I'm looking forward to Havana in IV)

What do you think about the dynasty warriors series and its many spin offs?

Assassins Creed would benefit more from receiving some actual challenge in its gameplay other than "derp im in a pretty sandbox running across rooftops and shit".

I haven't played a DW game in a while, honestly. Not because I dislike them, mind you. But because I've played Dynasty Warriors. Cyber tells me that each game is quite different, but I sure as hell don't see it.

I dont get it. Can we ask everybody what we want to know or just the thread creater ?

You can only ask me.

You can only ask to Rikuto.

Going to pretend I didn't see this.