Can someone please explain to me "Free Cancelling"

Vincent Rayne

Active Member
You don't recognize me from 8wr? I've been playing Tekken, MK, SC and DOA since the late 90's. I know the difference between 2 and 3D fighters. And if your criteria of holding back to block versus a button is what differentiates 2D from 3D then I guess MK is a 3D fighter.

Whatever bro. I know you hate tekken but that's no reason to live in a fantasy world.
lol. i don't hate tekken. i just don't like it. but i'm definitely now in a fantasy world. i'm a realist so i'm far from that, lol. i thought your name looked familiar.

unseen wombat

New Member
Well thinking that Tekken is "technically" or otherwise not a 3D fighter is pure fantasy. I'd say it has more elements of 3D than DOA does.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
OK guys back on topic. Besides, hirada has said that the team tried to make a 3d version of street fighter originally.

Jannvslaw, I'll answer your questions when I hit a pc.
OK guys back on topic. Besides, hirada has said that the team tried to make a 3d version of street fighter originally.

Jannvslaw, I'll answer your questions when I hit a pc.
That's ok, I already got my answers in the previous posts. Feel free to clarify things further though if you like :cool:


Active Member
I think it was mostly answered already. I will answer anyway, and maybe I will bring some new points to it.

So I partly understand the concept of Free Cancelling strings: you begin a string, and then you cancel a part of it with the F button and finally finish it with another string/move?
Point of free-cancelling is to cancel string input, forcing last hit to recover normally when it's done. Game system will recognize following input as new string (or action). Free-cancelling cannot improve move recovery, because it never cancels move recovery

But I haven't been able to find clarification on the following details of this:
1) At which point in a string can a free cancel be done, is it any time or only after certain moves?
Since the point if free cancelling is modifying input interpretation, you can attempt it for any move with string follow-ups.

2) After the F button is pressed, which moves can be used to finish the string, again is it any moves or is there only a select few?
Anything that can be done from neutral. Because free-cancelling makes following inputs be interpreted as if they are done from neutral.

3) After the F button is pressed, is only a single move cancelled into or an entire string, since if it were a string wouldn't that mean than you could cancel into a new string of moves infinitely?
Yes, you can do an entire new string right after. However, since move recovery is not affected, next string will start only after first string recovers, so there's no added benefit.

For example, Sarah may do :P::h: to get +1, then immediately follow-up with her elbow :6::P:. :h: input ensures that :P: of :6::P: input won't be recognized as part of her :P::P: string.


If i understand right the input like :6::6::P::P::F::H+P: will be the 100% fastest and 100% guarantied input if i want to make 2 combo punches and a BASIC throw after them. Unlike input :6::6::P::P: [recovery frames] :H+P: which is not 100% guarantied, because i can push :H+P: earlier then recovery ends, and if i push smth. on my d-pad i can make not basic throw with 4 frames but smth. another.

Is it right?

SCREAM OF MY SOUL: stop making offtopic please! :)


It didn't worked with Hitomi for me as i expected. ( I thought it would be like combo but with a recovery time between my hits, but it didn't. And after i pressed my free button and throw, the throw don't appear so i had to press it twice ...


Active Member
Standard Donor
On the DOA x Tekken topic... Itegaki was the only person in Team Ninja that hated Tekken.
Ok great. So I'm a little confused still about how the :h: affects the recovery of the move before the cancel. If I understand correctly it's faster to do :6::P::h::P: then to do :6::P: wait, then do :P: ? If so does that mean that the :h: shortens the recovery of the the move before it (:6::P: in this case)?
I didn't see that anyone answered this question, so I will real quick.

"Free canceling" does not actually cancel the recovery frames or anything like that. I'm not even sure why it's called "Free canceling". All you are doing is simply avoiding wasting frames due to trying to manually wait for the animation to finish before you start a new string. With "free cancelling", you are buffering the start of a new string so it will automatically begin on the earliest frame possible. We should rename "free cancelling", but I don't have a suggestion.
Thanks heaps buddy. I've watched your other videos and they are great. I'll check this out

Edit: Just watched it, really helpful and easy to understand. Thanks again ;)


This is a pretty important thread for newbies like me. Is it possible to tag and clean up this thread to remove the excess. And by excess you can delete my post too.


Active Member
Standard Donor
This is a pretty important thread for newbies like me. Is it possible to tag and clean up this thread to remove the excess. And by excess you can delete my post too.
I think it would be better to make a new thread that fully explains "free cancelling" in the first post, including a link to Emperor Cow's vid.

The thread should also include a disclaimer to hardcore fighting game players that they should not get confused by the term "cancelling" and think that "free cancel" actually cancels anything. I think that's why a lot of us who come from other games get confused. "Cancelling" is supposed to mean you are actually literally cancelling frames of animation. But with "free cancelling" in DOA5, you are not actually cancelling anything. You are just telling the game to not continue your current string. We really should rename "free cancelling". Perhaps... "free string end" or something.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
it's following the vf terminology, "guard cancel" as it's the same definition and use there.