Character list leaked from Demo's EXE

Matt Ponton

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The characters have always given different win poses and taunts if they won the final round with a perfect.


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The characters have always given different win poses and taunts if they won the final round with a perfect.

well in the demo it seems like just the one ... but again .. its a DEMO .. so .. yeah ..

there were some awesome character specific ones .. like .. i think helena vs janlee .. if she beats him she says "うるさい人ね” ... i used to love that ... lol .. there were others like that as well ...

im just really excited to see more reveals and more stages ... they just look spectacular so far ..


Active Member
There is one thing DOA better not fuck up...and thats the Cheesiness of VF characters quotes. I had not needed to remind you guys of some of the funnier ones as recent as Final Showdown....Oh god El Blaze....


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and .. "better run home to mama now" .. are by far my favorite two .. lol

and ofcourse ...


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it's honestly going to be weird seeing DOA characters interact with them tho...
Not really.

A long time ago, I made a long list of parallels between the characters. If you want, I can send them to you via PM, as I feel I'll bore most people here with my "fan-dumb-ness", so to speak.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Dead or alive had at least 4 different intros and 4 normal wining poses and i think at least 2 special wins. This doesnt include the tag poses too. Hopefully they keep that and add more, like more losing poses.


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i dunno man ..
a full blown cross over really would be epic .. imagine the teamups based on fighting styles alone ..

shun di - brad wong
lion - christie
akira - kokoro
wolf - tina
el blaze - lisa
brad - zack
jeffry - bass
vanessa - bayman
kage - (insert ninja here lol)

then you can have the brats together ...
eileen - and eliot ... (as much as i love eileens monkey style i despise eliot .. lol )

then it would be funky having crossover chats .. like
shun - genfu .. old man rant
pai - leifang .. chinese moment of sort ..
sarah and tina - white trash talk lol

its so doable ... on so many levels ... and not just the game mechanics

i would love to see it ...
maybe after doa5 ... we can have like an all out doa vs vf explosion ...

infact having that would be like a dream come true ..

maybe tecmo would pull off a capcom on us and say ... look

ITS SUPER DOA5 ! with more vf included ... lol


Well-Known Member
what other characters would fit in those worlds from doa, besides the ninjas? are those games even that popular to even turn heads with guest appearences?

The warriors series of games is surprisingly popular in Japan. They are system sellers over there, on par with series like Final Fantasy or Monster Hunter. They're that popular. If Team Ninja wanted to increase attention to the game in Japan, putting in one of those characters would work well.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
The warriors series of games is surprisingly popular in Japan. They are system sellers over there, on par with series like Final Fantasy or Monster Hunter. They're that popular. If Team Ninja wanted to increase attention to the game in Japan, putting in one of those characters would work well.

Granted, but I doubt 1 or 2 of those characters would make Japanese players pick up DOA and actually play it. It wouldn't build a scene, get attention, yeah.


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Tifa in DOA5...lets go!

Ha. I wonder if we'll be getting any DOA5 news from the London Expo next week?

unfortunately it seems like we wont be ..
they're just gonna show off the alpha build... >__>

im hoping I get my tutorial vids done before then (>halfway point now :D) .. i desperately need a 2nd player to help me out recording the stuns vid (holding out of , slow escaping .. etc..) ... i can handle the rest on my own but im really struggling with that 1 vid .. im not that skilled with my feet to control 2 characters at once .. lol

otherwise the writeups for the remaining vids are done and its only a matter of recording and editing ...


Active Member
Granted, but I doubt 1 or 2 of those characters would make Japanese players pick up DOA and actually play it. It wouldn't build a scene, get attention, yeah.

Warrior games sell well out here in the states too, if Lu Bu, Zhou Yu, or SunShangXian were in DOA5, they would get alot of buzz. The thing is that, characters in the warrior series use weapons for the most part, plus it generally wouldn't make much since to begin with since those characters are literally ancient. It's a better chance they'll appear in the NG3 update....if anything at all. You better off trying to get Rygar....with DAT SHIELD!

more or less Warrior characters would appear as costumes(lame but likely).

Arnell Long

Active Member
Lol. I was kidding with the whole Tifa situation. Of course that would be off the chain, but won't happen.

On to more realistic stuff, I would of liked for TN to show a newer build at London...of course "NOT" their latest one, but at least the one from the trailer that featured Kasumi and Akira. So I spec reckon it's in the middle of the Alpha and E3 Beta build. Anywho, even so, E3 is around the corner so I have no problem waiting til then.


Well-Known Member
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Lol. I was kidding with the whole Tifa situation. Of course that would be off the chain, but won't happen.

On to more realistic stuff, I would of liked for TN to show a newer build at London...of course "NOT" their latest one, but at least the one from the trailer that featured Kasumi and Akira. So I spec reckon it's in the middle of the Alpha and E3 Beta build. Anywho, even so, E3 is around the corner so I have no problem waiting til then.

i do ..
cuz in E3 they get a hands on with a new build ...
in london we get the alpha build .. >__>
not fair ... and its only a week away ... :(


I'm still intrigued about that "RIG" character...

You guys familiar with Donnie Yen's IP Man? I think it would be crazy to have a character based on him!

Although "RIG" would be a horrible name for him lol