Christie vs Bayman video


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is it just me ... or did the wind effect not even come out when bayman did his powerblow ...
did they change mid stun powerblow properties when uncharged ?

that could be interesting ...


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Yeah they removed it, I think the wind didn't come out for Christie's PB either.

could it be that its just one version now ?
like always the same if u pressit or hold it ? .. that would be ... well .. annoying ...

i think thats .. a bit too fast if you ask me ...

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
could it be that its just one version now ?
like always the same if u pressit or hold it ? .. that would be ... well .. annoying ...

i think thats .. a bit too fast if you ask me ...

It could be the direction that they are going to go with them, to make them look different from the start up of the charge attack animation. It would be interesting to have them without the wind effect on them. As of now TN haven't said anything about it and probably won't. Maybe at E3 someone will find out for sure and let the rest of us know.

Yea Team Ninja stated that you'll be able to turn the Wind effect on/off.

Yeah they did but, that on/off hit effect was not pertaining to the wind effect on charge attacks or power blows.


Well-Known Member
The wind effect was still there, it was just very short since the timing to activate PB seems to have been sped up by quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
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It could be the direction that they are going to go with them, to make them look different from the start up of the charge attack animation. It would be interesting to have them without the wind effect on them. As of now TN haven't said anything about it and probably won't. Maybe at E3 someone will find out for sure and let the rest of us know.

Yeah they did but, that on/off hit effect was not pertaining to the wind effect on charge attacks or power blows.

The wind effect was still there, it was just very short since the timing to activate PB seems to have been sped up by quite a bit.

see I have a bit of a problem with it being sped up that much ...
because the damage from a powerblow can be quite devastating ... especially when combined with a danger zone and a danger zone follow up...

the damage from it is way more than say a hold ... or a counter strike ...

this makes it a low risk high reward move ... i dont like that ... whats stopping you from just throwing it out when you have the life lead ?

i prefer it slower ... and I prefer the wind effect back because that was a good audio visual trigger ...

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
i prefer it slower ... and I prefer the wind effect back because that was a good audio visual trigger ...

Yeah them remaining slow should stay. I agree that they do too much to be faster. Granted that the guaranteed damage can only be done once, let them remain slow.

You could just pay attention to the move. I mean the PB still needs to be charged.


Unless it re-tracks through the animation, the defendant can always choose to sidestep it as soon as it actiavtes, even if the one activating the PB cancels his too he should be at a disadvantage.

I think there was someone here who also understood some japanese, at the end is christie saying mi no hodo wakanai na? I've never heard that expression, but I guess it means Bayman doesn't know his limit? edit: maybe an Americanized way to say it would be "Know your place!" :cool:

"As can you see, this is your limit" is how I understood it


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Unless it re-tracks through the animation, the defendant can always choose to sidestep it as soon as it actiavtes, even if the one activating the PB cancels his too he should be at a disadvantage.

well if it still plays out the demo PB has tracking if you sidestep too early .. but if you sidestep on its release you get to avoid it ..