Community Discussion for Tournament Rules

Should The Ends of the Earth stage be banned? 2/3 or 3/5 matches?

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I use a DS3 on PS3, and I must say 1,3,7 and 9 inputs are horribly unreliable. This is particularly annoying when trying to last-minute avoid wake-up kicks with 9Ps.
And to hell all with the pad inputs for any "rolls." I can only do them with the joystick, meaning I have to switch mid-match constantly between the pad buttons and the joystick.
I have limited experience with the 360 version, but a glorious experience it was.

Back on topic: 3/5 is ideal, imo. I'm mixed on EotE. It does gives certain players a much better advantage, but so does the lab map with the danger-floor, as well as the Wrestling ring with it's tight-as-nuts proximity and bouncy, electric walls. At what point does "advantage" become "unfair?"


Master Ninja
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Let's follow Brute's example and keep things focused on the topic and not controllers. There is a console of choice thread already.


Well-Known Member
3/5 rounds or 3/5 matches? This is a discussion on the matches, not the rounds.

Assuming that each is of equal skill, and that each opponent wants opposite land choices, then I would say it's a 50-50 chance. It really comes down to character movement (before round start) and juggle/knockback/position switching throw options each has. I still say at least there's a chance unlike EotE which has 0 chance. If there was a steel floor area on Ends of the earth like in the center, I'd tolerate it.

The other issue that separates EotE and Sanctuary is EotE is more notorious with glitchy cliff falls. Including falling through what looks like a wall. It makes it difficult to tell if you're safe from the 'ring out'.

u know what I meant lol


Active Member
So the poll has been up for two weeks and seemed to have stopped gaining steam. The poll results seem to be for banning EotE and 2 out of 3 matches.

So is that gonna be the final verdict starting 2013?


Master Ninja
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People just have a short attention span. As for anything being a final verdict, I doubt it, but everyone I know that runs or helps run tournaments is at least on board with banning End of the Earth. The rounds thing should probably be decided based on turnout. 50+ would be great for 2/3 until at least Winners/Losers/Grand Finals. Smaller tournaments would, in my opinion, see a benefit from having longer matches. I've elaborated on that enough at this point but that's where I'm at, two weeks after the fact.


Well-Known Member
Can we ban Depth and Home as well? More than a few characters can land 90% combos on Depth once the Power Blow danger zone is active. Home... well there are just so many objects that lead to ridiculous damage.

...and I still think Sanctuary should be banned. The reset every round is a real pain.

Also, I will be pushing for 3/5 at IPL events. Time shouldn't be a concern. I'm more about trying to remove as much of the random factor as possible.


Master Ninja
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The argument could be made to ban plenty of stages for various poor design decisions. Home you can be glitched through the wall right at the start (player two), Sanctuary restarting you in water, player two starting with their back to the RPG in Hotzone or whatever it's called, player one (IIRC) starting with their back to the cliffhanger on Scramble if the generators have blown, and it goes on. Obviously you can make the argument that the affected player has to move but that's an extra consideration that the other player doesn't have. It's like starting with an advantage, which shouldn't happen in fighters if you don't have to work for it. I never thought I'd have a complaint about spawn logic outside of shooters lol.


Well-Known Member
uh.....isn't there a stage in DOA 3 where you're in a temple and it's raining. That stage wasn't banned was it? Also Ends of the Earth doesn't make the game look broken.

3/5 matches would be better too.


Well-Known Member
dude im 15 im too lazy to do that LOL. my bro has a video capture thingy but he has a kinect so i cant just pop my harddrive in and do it, but if i ever get the chance ill show ya'll.. oh hey when tenrens streaming i can ask him to just do online dojo and just show it real quick... but yeah there ya go :p


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
uh.....isn't there a stage in DOA 3 where you're in a temple and it's raining. That stage wasn't banned was it? Also Ends of the Earth doesn't make the game look broken.

3/5 matches would be better too.
That was DoA2U and it was the Burai Zenin. We had a SIGNIFICANTLY smaller scene back then as well, tournament-going and otherwise.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Oh my bad....I never played those other DOA games. but yeah wasn't that level all water though?
It was, yes, but the stun system was completely different and it didn't make up the entire game. Plus, there were a ton of totally broken things in those games. Slope infinites, back stun infinites with water, and other random nonsense that was a lot of fun.


Well-Known Member
It was, yes, but the stun system was completely different and it didn't make up the entire game. Plus, there were a ton of totally broken things in those games. Slope infinites, back stun infinites with water, and other random nonsense that was a lot of fun.
lol i should pick it up when I get a 360 again that sounds fun.

But yeah Ends of the earth shouldn't be banned folks....i mean why we talking rules, while the only majors I know DOS 5 will be at are FR, UFTG 9, and IPL. We need tournaments and majors to test these rules out. Not everyone like me lives down the street from a Master or PL.


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Standard Donor
Everyone is a threat on Ends of the Earth. The slightest touch puts you in a critical stun lol


Well-Known Member
lol i should pick it up when I get a 360 again that sounds fun.

But yeah Ends of the earth shouldn't be banned folks....i mean why we talking rules, while the only majors I know DOS 5 will be at are FR, UFTG 9, and IPL. We need tournaments and majors to test these rules out. Not everyone like me lives down the street from a Master or PL.
Yes it should. The game is stupid enough without everything putting you in critical, we don't need a stage that does it for everything.

Nothing needs to be tested, everyone knows how it works. There have been enough tournaments since the games release.


Active Member
Yes it should. The game is stupid enough without everything putting you in critical, we don't need a stage that does it for everything.

Nothing needs to be tested, everyone knows how it works. There have been enough tournaments since the games release.

It shouldn't. This stage is a part of the game. While it's game changing, it's not game breaking. 30% voted against ban, so it's not like everyone agrees that the stage warrants a ban.

By banning this stage it's possible to deny some advantage for some characters on the stage, which they should have.

Valid reasons for ban would be frame rate or vision problems. Not people being annoyed by the stage feature. Next thing will be breakable objects, then walls, leaving Dojo as the only "playable" and "fair" stage.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I'd like to do for IPL rules (at least for the first event). This is NOT final. I'm just putting this here to get some feedback. I'd rather not have the community lash out AFTER the rules have been set.

- Ends of the Earth (Banned)
- Sanctuary (Banned)
- Depth (Banned)
- Home (Banned)
- Dojo added to random select
- You can choose any legal stage if both players agree on it.

General Rules:
- 60 Seconds
- 3/5 Rounds
- 3/5 Matches
- Normal Health
- Danger zones on
- All characters allowed
- Double Elimination
- Xbox 360 (might not be my decision)

Feedback is welcome, but be constructive please. The rules are meant to eliminate as much randomness as possible.