Day 1 of IPL's 12 Days of DOA coverage

It appears that the first article from IPL has been released today. The article brings up the changes the game has gone through since last seen on the show floor of the Electronic Entertainment Expo. This includes a new critical stun that disallows holding and struggle escaping out of it, changes to the Critical Burst mechanic, disadvantage changes on block, and various option settings that many players I think will come to enjoy.

Check out the full article for all the news coming out of IGN's Pro League and our own DrDogg, and stay tuned for the next 11 days as the site counts down to the second I'm a Fighter World Championship tournament being held in San Mateo, CA on Aug 18th.


For the hardcore competitive players, they’ll be happy to hear that a new “unholdable” stun has been added into the mix. At E3, the tournament players were ecstatic to find that certain stuns did not allow for the opposing player to use a counter hold, something the series is well known for. These stuns included the sit-down stun, limbo stun, stagger back stun and the newly introduced Critical Burst stun.

Adding to this list is the faint stun, which we lovingly named because of the way the opponent reacts while in the stun. They slowly fall back, almost as if they’re fainting on the spot. So far we only noticed this new stun while playing as Leifang, but the game isn’t quite finished yet and not all of the characters were available in the build we played. It’s quite possible we’ll see more characters with this stun when the game hits store shelves in less than two months.

While competitive players were very happy to discover the unholdable stuns in the E3 build, some were concerned because it was possible to “shake out” of these stuns by rapidly moving the d-pad and pressing buttons. It seems as though Team Ninja is paying close attention to the fan base, because these stuns are now much harder to shake out of. In fact, it took a full match of shaking out of stuns before we were able to avoid some of the follow-up attacks that were more easily avoidable in the E3 build. It also seems as though it’s not possible to shake out of the new faint stun at all, which should have tournament players even more enthusiastic.

Source: IGN Pro League