Dead Or Alive 5 Patch Changes


Active Member
I find it's "better" in the sense that there is consistently less input delay, but when it lags, it lags like a boss.

Forlorn Penguin

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Premium Donor
I haven't noticed very much myself. It seems a tad easier to perform Bayman's combo throws though. Sometimes the inputs would drop for me before.


Active Member
I played for a bit last night in ranked and had no lag whatsoever, and the input lag was gone. The majority of matches I played were 3-4 bars, though there were a few 5 bar connections in there as well; they too had no input lag.


Don't forget everyone, some of YOU may not have the best connection either. Don't blame the net-code completely because part of it depends on your connection. I have good internet and most of my fights are pretty darn good. Before the patch I had a lot of input delay but now it's a lot better and less of it.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget everyone, some of YOU may not have the best connection either. Don't blame the net-code completely because part of it depends on your connection. I have good internet and most of my fights are pretty darn good. Before the patch I had a lot of input delay but now it's a lot better and less of it.
That is true, I always have four bars(according to my opponents), but some others have blamed me for their 1 bar connection saying it's me not them, and there's distance lag... but honestly I doubt that...I hear you can have really good matches with people in Japan which is nice to know.


Active Member
Maybe the sidestep fix is PS3 exclusive (lol)?
Has anyone here with a PS3 noticed the sidestep glitch after the patch?


Active Member
I found my first 4 bar match today. It was against another Spaniard, so I might have to keep my matches against people from my country for better connection.


Well-Known Member
I've only played on 360 since the patch, but it's still not playable to the standards of SC5, TTT2 and VF5FS.

Is the netcode significantly better? Yes, no question about that. However, you still can't counter on-reaction to things that you'd be able to react to in SC5 online. I'd be okay with that, but the frame data still seems to be changed when playing online.

I was fighting a Hitomi and Lisa yesterday and they literally just kept using unsafe attack after unsafe attack. I could not punish anything, nor could I interrupt with an attack of my own. Not only that, I couldn't even sidestep to get out of the "frame trap", even though nothing the opponents were using tracked.

I had a similar experience against Mamba's Helena, although not quite as bad since he doesn't use unsafe attacks nearly as much. But he was using attacks that leave Helena at significant disadvantage, while interrupt my next attack (not crushing it, straight interrupting it).

With the netcode as it is, I may attend DID8, but that would be my last DOA5 tournament unless it's at Evo. I don't have a local scene and the online is not good enough for me to practice at the level I need to practice at. SC5, TTT2 and VF5FS allow me to get the practice I need (online) to reach a high level of skill.


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I don't really think I'll be doing much online. The netcode isn't great and I'm only playing with one UK player on PSN, so it gets a bit stale.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
This game is just garbage online. When there is a good connection it is great but other than that it is absolute trash.

Hitomi and Mila's frame data seems to get reversed when online, Mila has strings that are -9 on block and yet when I block and jab she jabs and wins. Same shit with Hitomi.

I'm close to saying fuck it at this point, it isn't worth the stress playing a fighter that is so god man broken online. Oh and I got 80 down and 20 up with an average ping of 13 so no my connection does not suck.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I don't really think I'll be doing much online. The netcode isn't great and I'm only playing with one UK player on PSN, so it gets a bit stale.

I would offer to play with you since we both know lag would be a big hinderance/handicap, but Bass mirrors in heavy lag are awkward fun.


Active Member
Well, good to know it's not just me, but goddamn, TN, way to kill your game off, huh? Funnily enough playing Mila or Tina I have the opposite problem with Helena; I'm pretty sure if I block 1ppk i'm going to beat you out (unless the bokuho transition changes her disadvantage) and yet somehow i am interrupted consistently. It's maddening.

I don't think there are literal frame data changes so much as the input lag is still there, it's just not quite as obvious. I still get things like holds coming out much later than I input them, for example. Or there's just weird buffer drops going on; I haven't tried mashing throw punishes but maybe I should just to see. The biggest problem is we're trying by and large to be good players and do things on reaction, and with the lag and buffer drops you just can't do that. Meanwhile some asshole can mash ppp with just about anybody and some of those p's will make it into the buffer and come out in yet another unpunishable string. Also, fuck Lisa, I'll drop before I play that bitch.