DOA art


Premium Donor
Here's some DOA fan arts I've seen a while back, I apologize since I couldn't find the artist for a few of them, I legit looked everywhere especially for the Kasumi one:
If anyone finds this artist, PLEASE tell me! I wanted to ask them if they ever thought of doing one like this using her violet bikini, original default dress, and even her side ponytail or high ponytail ♡.♡

This Kasumi artist is from Sankaku Complex, his/her name is Ameoto

This artist I know, but the name I don't remember XD I'll edit this whenever I acquire the name, I was literally looking at this artist's works three days ago.

Then here are two Eliot ones if you're interested. They're kinda in the same boat as the Kasumi ones, so if you look, make sure no one is watching you at work XD

I legit would love this as DLC for Eliot XD
This artist is named Hachuurui from SC as well, I'm trying to find him/her on twitter since I believe he has more work but no success so far. XD

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Then here are two Eliot ones if you're interested. They're kinda in the same boat as the Kasumi ones, so if you look, make sure no one is watching you at work XD

I legit would love this as DLC for Eliot XD

Why is Eliot dressed like Shimakaze from KanColle? O_O That is so wrong and awful. Marie Rose would be the only one in the game who could wear Shimikaze's outfit


Kasumilover are you sure you've never watched/play that series? You seem to post a lot of pics about it. XD


Well-Known Member
Why is Eliot dressed like Shimakaze from KanColle? O_O That is so wrong and awful. Marie Rose would be the only one in the game who could wear Shimikaze's outfit


Kasumilover are you sure you've never watched/play that series? You seem to post a lot of pics about it. XD
Theres ALOT of KanColle porn tbf so its not uncommon lol


Premium Donor
Why is Eliot dressed like Shimakaze from KanColle? O_O That is so wrong and awful. Marie Rose would be the only one in the game who could wear Shimikaze's outfit


Kasumilover are you sure you've never watched/play that series? You seem to post a lot of pics about it. XD
Nope, I know nothing of the series besides the outfits XD And idk about that, I mean Marie could pull it off but I'd make it my main Eliot outfit if they did use it and made it just like that(I'm not really into cross dressing like that but I kinda do have a thing for it if it's poorly done/ somewhat obvious like when I saw this months ago, I didn't really it was actually Eliot until I saw that tag, but I probably should've looked at the chest and arms instead of the backside which is where my eyes immediately went too. 0_o But eh, I don't really care anymore, I enjoyed it.

Speaking of which does anyone have the artist's patreon or twitter? I wanted to get in contact with him so I could probably request a Kasumi fan art of her in the violet bikini and a similarly done picture of Eliot in Marie Rose's sailor exclusive X3 "swimsuit" or even that little devil imp one.


Premium Donor
Because for some reason people still think the "Eliot's a girl" joke is funny, even though he doesn't look like a girl at all anymore.

Seriously, people. It's not DOA4 anymore. Can we put this tired joke to rest?
I think he still looks feminine, he's supposed to be DOA's pretty boy but they slightly masculinized his face in DOA5. And i didn't find that pic funny at all if you know what I mean, I genuinely would LOVE for Eliot to get this costume. I can see why people would take it as a joke if you didn't like it for the reasons I did.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
To be honest, Eliot looked better in DOA4 because of the "Haku" (from Naruto) vibe he had back then. Now, he looks like a wannabe Justin Bieber.


New Member
Hi all. can anyone tell me where to post about xnalara? im new to this and would like to ask for some help on understanding how to get dead or alive models and use them in a program like xnalara or something else where i can move them around and change things about them etc. im very new to all of this so i apologize if im posting in the wrong area.


Premium Donor
Hi all. can anyone tell me where to post about xnalara? im new to this and would like to ask for some help on understanding how to get dead or alive models and use them in a program like xnalara or something else where i can move them around and change things about them etc. im very new to all of this so i apologize if im posting in the wrong area.
I'm sure the modders here can help you out! Go to the forum section, then click the Dead Or alive 5 Discussion and then after that go to General DOA5LR Discussion and then you'll see a sub forum called "modding". I believe there's a tutorial section there too as well as other forums for costume, hair, and moveset mods.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the modders here can help you out! Go to the forum section, then click the Dead Or alive 5 Discussion and then after that go to General DOA5LR Discussion and then you'll see a sub forum called "modding". I believe there's a tutorial section there too as well as other forums for costume, hair, and moveset mods.
So you gonna have the nerve to make a post about helping people who need help with XNALara and not redirect them to me??? Kinda shady


Well-Known Member
Hi all. can anyone tell me where to post about xnalara? im new to this and would like to ask for some help on understanding how to get dead or alive models and use them in a program like xnalara or something else where i can move them around and change things about them etc. im very new to all of this so i apologize if im posting in the wrong area.
Hi there sweetie I'd love to help you out with any questions you have :D Xnalara and the community are (majority) on Deviantart you can get the latest version of it here
Models for dead or alive can be found here at these links

specific people I get my doa models from are*Warning, as I don't have the patience or time to check out each and every person for safety i'm going to mark these links as Not Safe For Work, some may contain nudity but if you don't have an account at dA you won't be able to see anything*

Now that you have downloaded some models and Xnalara Posing Studio what you want to do is put those folders into your XNA Data folder and start up XPS. Then you want to hit file, load model and load up your model. With your model loaded the next thing you have to do is learn posing, or go back to Xnalara-Customized and download a pose pack. Certain poses won't work with certain models, Ayane poses will work with Mila but Rachel ones won't with Marie.


Well-Known Member
it's so hard to find doa art that's not just Honoka or Marie Rose anymore...anyways, sifted through Tumblr for some Mila art


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NSWF (Nipples)

Still really irks me how fanart draws Mila as a redhead. She has red HIGHLIGHTS, big fuckin difference, and that signature two-tone red on black hair is what distinguishes her from other similar characters like Riza Wildman.


Well-Known Member
They aren't showing up for me? And yeah people tend to either forget the freckles or the fact that she's got dyed hair which is a shame since it really does make her stand out from a lot of the other characters. Her standing out and being unique is awesome.


Premium Donor
it's so hard to find doa art that's not just Honoka or Marie Rose anymore...anyways, sifted through Tumblr for some Mila art


More Below







NSWF (Nipples)

Still really irks me how fanart draws Mila as a redhead. She has red HIGHLIGHTS, big fuckin difference, and that signature two-tone red on black hair is what distinguishes her from other similar characters like Riza Wildman.
The images are broken >.>


Well-Known Member
it's so hard to find doa art that's not just Honoka or Marie Rose anymore...anyways, sifted through Tumblr for some Mila art


More Below







NSWF (Nipples)

Still really irks me how fanart draws Mila as a redhead. She has red HIGHLIGHTS, big fuckin difference, and that signature two-tone red on black hair is what distinguishes her from other similar characters like Riza Wildman.

pixiv images dont show here, yollhave to provide some liks to show these


Premium Donor
Speaking of DOA art, here's an art of rig I really liked, especially since this is my favorite outfit for him in the game, no other one compares:

The artist is "f-15jrs". Lol, Ayane apparently makes a guest appearance and kicked his ass. XD


This one IDK
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