DOA5 1.03A changelog

Female Tengu

Active Member
Well you can't really say the ignored you. They left in it for tag but removed it for single. Looks like that was TNs try to make both sides happy. Which is funny cauz most characters in tag didn't really had problems to chain combos in tag mode together. Basically it's just became easier now.

But who the hell plays tag. I play it from time to time just4fun, but single is the way to go IMO.


Active Member
Takes was always fun but i never took it seriou. That might change now. Hope to see more tag tournaments now especially since im a fan of 2v2.


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness those tag combos. Sweet Jesus...

I was scared to play Tag before, but now I'm just flat out terrified after seeing all that XD


Well-Known Member
Basically we got a buff to tag mode which nobody plays, they fixed a glitch that nobody wanted fixed, and they nerfed one of a single character's best tools along with giving certain other characters back their own tools.

My fire from yesterday has gone out but it's still annoying. At least tag looks ok though.

Still, 0 hype for this patch now. It'll come out when it for 360 comes out. Which so far appears to be never, and I no longer care.


Well-Known Member
I don't like Tag Mode. Never liked Tag. And I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna play Tag. Well, for the ones who actually are into tag mode, go ahead and enjoy yourselves with dem guaranteed (and not so much) damage situations.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see the imputs for the combo shown in the video :) Anyway I think that they have reported bad the last move of the Kasumi Ayane combo, that should be PPPKK


Active Member
"Changed the combo damage adjustment in Tag Mode for tag changes during juggles from 1.7 to 0.95."

Does this mean tag combos do more damage or less damage?

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
"Changed the combo damage adjustment in Tag Mode for tag changes during juggles from 1.7 to 0.95."

Does this mean tag combos do more damage or less damage?

I believe it's more damage now. It felt heavily restrictive before. You'd go to basically 30% the current revision before. Making some solo combos more damaging than actual tag combos.


Active Member
Played a bit around with the new tag mode and damn this stuff is crazy. Just to clarify you do more damage...a lot more damage. Tried some combos for like 5 minutes and already found one for 247 dmg which is guaranteed after the first hit connects. Its seems like all heavy kinda stuns give more + if you tag right after. For example Kasumis 4H+K sitdown usually gives +26 but if you tag right after it connects it gives you +33. That combined with the inability to SE means...guaranteed setups...guaranteed setups everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Played a bit around with the new tag mode and damn this stuff is crazy. Just to clarify you do more damage...a lot more damage. Tried some combos for like 5 minutes and already found one for 247 dmg which is guaranteed after the first hit connects. Its seems like all heavy kinda stuns give more + if you tag right after. For example Kasumis 4H+K sitdown usually gives +26 but if you tag right after it connects it gives you +33. That combined with the inability to SE means...guaranteed setups...guaranteed setups everywhere.

I think that it will be really funny to play and I desire to try it before possible, but really I can't leave from my mind the idea that the game seems too much broken in this way. Anyway I know that to play in single or in tag is really different.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Its seems like all heavy kinda stuns give more + if you tag right after.

Yes, that's always been a feature of tag. You cancel the recovery frames of an attack by tagging out on hit. It's also a safe way to tag in a character.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I'd love to play tag if I knew any offline DOA fans, or if you could do paired tag online. As it is though, the new tag changes are meaningless to me. The most I'll get from it is just watching crazy awesome tournament videos and streams of tag matches.


Active Member
Yes, that's always been a feature of tag. You cancel the recovery frames of an attack by tagging out on hit. It's also a safe way to tag in a character.
Oh ok, i didnt know that. Never played much tag but now is the right time to do so i guess.


Well-Known Member
"Made it easier to continue combos in Tag Mode by disabling stagger escapes for some Criticals. PS3/Xbox360"

And they couldn't do this for singles because? What a joke.

Sly Bass

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
"Made it easier to continue combos in Tag Mode by disabling stagger escapes for some Criticals. PS3/Xbox360"

And they couldn't do this for singles because? What a joke.
They did it for tag because you have 2x the life bar. I would wager that if they kept it for singles, you'd be back here crying that characters are broken because they take away your life bar in one combo. That isn't fun, it's stupid.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
They did it because they didn't want to screw over their casual instead they pretty much set aside Tag for the compedities since hardly anyone plays that anyhow.

You know inspite of my words on here I personally don't want 1 combo kills every time I join a would honestly ruin the game for me and a lot of others you may not be able to accept it Raansu but there are people who don't play compeditivley,but do actually play the game to play the game.i never picked it up so I could stare at the woman I play it for there are certain things a casual wont notice probably,but this I would.i personally don't see the skill in whose the better juggler and I don't want DOA to turn into that.