DoA5 and the Split of online players


Well-Known Member
I am so confused on what's going on. So we are hailing a a cross dressing King as a Queen, or vice versa? This Queen/King has Snake hands?



I was talking about how impressed i was with MaxDrago, and how great it is to have them.


Active Member
okay, this should be taken to the casual discussion, but I'll put my word in on it.

DOA is what basically created the modern online fighter back with 2u. Before that fighters were very few and far in between, then DOA4 was like, the ONLY Online fighter for the longest time.

Since DOA4 we've had other online fighters come in, and none of them did anything to be influential, really.

We got SF4, which was just SF again, nothing influential from that other than the rabid fanbase. (Though SF4 desperately tried to pretend that charge moves were something new lol.)
We got Soul Calibur/Tekken, which did do the character creator/customization, so I give it that.
Then we got all the flashy anime spazz seizure fighters like MvC3/Skullgirls/Blazblu/P4A, which also added nothing, so no influence there, since they were just rehashes/sequels to older fighters MVC2 and GG.
Then what we have besides that is the arena/anime fighters, like DBZ/Naruto/Jojo. DBZ has been getting shallower since Raging Blast, losing any influence it might have had, Naruto is all about the visuals, not the mechanics, and I haven't played JoJo yet, but seems to be in the same boat as Naruto.
Then Mortal Kombat had the great story mode cutscenes, though that's hampered by the story itself sucking bad. And the fact that the actual Kombat was as hilariously stiff as ever.

Looking back at all the big name fighters of the past 10 years or so...DOA4 was the most influential. It was the only real ongoing fighting series, basically kickstarted online fighters, real environmental hazards, was THE online fighter for the LONGEST time, still the most fluid fighter, etc.

Only "influences" from others would be
SF4 - More remix editions that unfortunately is a trend DOA5 is taking after
SC/Tekken - Character customization. Which was actually bad because it wound up just being constant cosplays.

and that's about it.

You pretty much nailed it on the head but I'll add just another dime.
DOA4's "bounce" combo mechanic!
It was a revisiting mechanic from the danger zones in DOA1, and maybe Team Ninja didn't really understand it as an actual combo mechanic back then(?), though the bounce was added into the very in-depth 3D Fighter Maker game for PS1.
Doa4 brought it back, an many fighters thereafter began to implement ground-bounce combo mechanics as well. VF5 picked it up, Tekken 6 picked it up, even Marvel Vs Capcom 3!
I'm sure there are even more that haven't come to mind, but that ground bounce mechanic really caught on :)

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
I don't really play random people online, nor do I play ranked matches (people shouldn't even take it seriously). I usually make private lobbies and invite folks from FSD, DOAW, and the DOA group on Facebook.


Active Member
I don't take Ranked seriously and get annoyed by the fact that TeamNinja themselves are the first who took it too seriously, ruining several aspects which made the whole mode more entertaining in past games.

At the same time though I am unable to ignore it. I feel "obsessed" with gaining points and ranks, that letter close to my nickname.. it's stupid.
If I were to get the max rank I'd probably stop to play ranked because I couldn't care less about world position and stuff. All I care for is to get the max rank and that's it.
How stupid is that?!
But I can't help it, it's just how I feel :(


Well-Known Member
You pretty much nailed it on the head but I'll add just another dime.
DOA4's "bounce" combo mechanic!
It was a revisiting mechanic from the danger zones in DOA1, and maybe Team Ninja didn't really understand it as an actual combo mechanic back then(?), though the bounce was added into the very in-depth 3D Fighter Maker game for PS1.
Doa4 brought it back, an many fighters thereafter began to implement ground-bounce combo mechanics as well. VF5 picked it up, Tekken 6 picked it up, even Marvel Vs Capcom 3!
I'm sure there are even more that haven't come to mind, but that ground bounce mechanic really caught on :)

Not happy that it did, but that's just due to my personal aversion/hatred/disgust towards juggles.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The only thing I ever consistently got out of online was uncertainty.

I had my good days and my bad days.

I won some and I lost some.

And for most people, it's much harder to communicate or get people to understand you without a mic.

The rest of the bells and whistles of online play - ranking, stat-tracking, etc. - are just distractions designed to give people a superiority complex. Don't fall into the trap, and you'll have a good time.

NOTE: Awesmic did not make this post.