DoA5:LR DLC Outfits Packs.

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The Killer B(or Z) of DOA


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The Clan Ninja Costume Pack will be also available on PS3?
That can be read in the end of the trailer

Zero Beat

Well-Known Member
The women's look like a modified version of Leifang's C8 with modified versions of Ryu's or Kasumi's gauntlets and boots depending on the character.

Jacky and Jann have men's versions of Phase's C3/4.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
The women's look like a modified version of Leifang's C8 with modified versions of Ryu's or Kasumi's gauntlets and boots depending on the character.

It could have been worse I guess. They could have just given all of the girls straight up recolors of Kasumi's ninja dress. I feel like the last batch of girls will get recolors of this:



Well-Known Member
Welp. Looks like I have to wait until April to buy Hayat- ugh ninja Ein lol

In the meantime, really tempted to get Leifang and P4, maybe even Nyo now that I have her on xb1...


Well-Known Member
:jacky: Green is just not Jacky's color. It needed to be red, or blue or... Black or... NOT green.

:phase4: - Probably the best outfit in the pack. It's... revealing for a ninja suit but I guess it's to be expected at this point.
:momiji: - One of the better outfits actually, probably the color scheme. But it's brought down by being a copy paste like all the others.
:zack: - Meh, about as silly as you would have expected. At least he didn't have a mask with the shades, that would have looked hilarious.
:nyotengu: - She looks like an asian stripper at a club under a geisha theme.
:bayman: - SOLDIER NINJA. I hope Leon's doesn't disappoint either.
:cyborg: - It's supposedly one of his older outfits, it's alright I guess.
:jannlee: - You couldn't give this guy a ninja costume without it looking silly. At least they got the color scheme right and I like the nunchucks on the back.
:leifang: - An... orange barely covered ninja with a black mask that goes with literally nothing else on the outfit. Everything about this outfit is bad, the bow looks cool I guess.
:helena: - Would be decent if it wasn't basically a copy paste of P4's. Then again they mostly all are but... at least not in color scheme. 2nd worst outfit behind Lei's alone.

Overall this pack is meh, I don't think I'd buy anything from it.
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Zero Beat

Well-Known Member
I highly doubt that Ayane Ryu Hayate And Kasumi are going to be in number 3 considering you guys said there was going to be 30 and 4 left out right? If so then won't they be the ones because they got Ninja 2015's

That is my current theory. Barring someone getting a two costumes or one of the 4 main Ninja getting a costume in pack 3 (if that does happen, I'd guess Kasumi because she has 1 fewer costume than Ayane), this also means Alpha might finally get DLC.
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Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Zacks and Bayman ninja costumes are just straight rips from Ninja Gaiden Razors Edge. Team Ninja sure loves using the unknown ninja head and arm gear lol
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