Final Fantasy Thread


Well-Known Member
What is it? The omen part? It looks interesting though so I'll be sure to watch it. And lol the staying up talking about it part is always fun, You know until you know that what you get to see is a noodle advert!

I wonder why he's on his own?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I wonder why he's on his own?

Looks more badass.



Well-Known Member
Amazing new FFXV "Omen" trailer!

Now let me gather my jaw from the floor... DDD:

Yeah I was just watching that, So is it a trailer for XV? It looks amazing though. There was also a part in the stream where you could fight the other characters.


Well-Known Member
And its finally gold, meaning no more last minute delays xD

My december will be absorbed by XV, hopefully, it's not a gargantuan disappointment. so far, games with long dev cycles have awful track records.


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To better understand what we just watched:

“Omen” is a conceptual CG cinematic trailer by DIGIC Pictures, inspired by Final Fantasy XV.

A rapidly shifting world, enemies that appear endlessly, gradual loss of abilities… and a madness that brings harm to the beloved fiancée.

This epic production, which can only be described as a nightmare for the struggling Noctis, is a collaboration between Final Fantasy XV and DIGIC Pictures, the world-renowned 3D animation studio that also took part in the creation of Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV.

This beautiful yet violent vision inspired by the world and story of Final Fantasy XV depicts an “omen” for Noctis’ father, King Regis, of a catastrophic future that must be avoided.

Nice detail in the trailer:


I can't believe it's finally a finished product! ;___; It's been over ten years...


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online multiplay?!

Apparently they plan this: First they will release single player episodes for Gladio, Prompto and Ignis, in which you will be able to fully controll them, and then they will throw them all together (including Noctis) to fight online against each other or in team with each other. Sounds interesting...but I have to see this first to be really excited. Well, I won't be excited anyway because I just don't enjoy multiplayer games. :/


Premium Donor
Apparently they plan this: First they will release single player episodes for Gladio, Prompto and Ignis, in which you will be able to fully controll them, and then they will throw them all together (including Noctis) to fight online against each other or in team with each other. Sounds interesting...but I have to see this first to be really excited. Well, I won't be excited anyway because I just don't enjoy multiplayer games. :/
If they release single player episodes through DLC, I'll just buy Noctis and Prompto, Gladio I'll see and I'm not much a fan of Ignis as a character, he doesn't have anything that's exactly attention grabbing to warrant a DLC purchase unlike the other 2-3.I probably won't even play online multiplayer, I don't enjoy playing with strangers and I don't have anyone in my area who'd play with me, it's not like SKEV where you see the same 29-30 online players every freakin' time. XD


Well-Known Member
I remember some time ago I asked if XV would have online multiplayer, people said no because it was uncommon. Glad SE are changing things up, can't wait to play with friends