Final Fantasy Thread


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Nice I see that he actually has the sheathe now. iaito without it just doesn't look right as there's no reason to return your blade to rest in the first place.


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Well it seems you might be able to play as the other characters If that's what the multiplayer actually is. The weapons are interesting me as well, I wonder If it's like certain enemies are affected more by one or another?

By the way I need these!



I meant in the single player game, switching from character to character. Like in Versus XIII's early days.

Yeah, those are cute. :3
I really want this special edition guide book:


It's actually not even that expensive, just 29€/$. But if I decide to buy the Pro plus the game and the season pass I am broke. XD That would cost me about 500€. x__X

On another note:
The very positive previews are accummulating nicely in the last couple of weeks. Here's the newest one:

"Final Fantasy XV - Beautiful, colossal, phenomenal. A must buy on release day"
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Well-Known Member
Yeah It's a shame that you can't switch between the character's but I'm fine with being them in their dlc's, And Wow that's a lot of money! It looks good though, I'd like the guide book too but I'm not sure I want it that much. It's nice to see the good reviews coming in I'm looking forward to it.


Premium Donor
It sucks I won't be able to get it on release day XD maybe I can ask my father if he'll get it for me, I don't think my mom would buy it for me, she's not really accepting if me playing games like this.


Premium Donor
My mom is ultra strict and religious so she dislikes magic and any forms of sex appeal, she doesn't even know much about DOA and SK and how I REALLY act since I have to hide it from her XD. I once caught hell from her over this screensaver:

All I have to say is how I act on here versus real life is drastically different. XD Lucky. for me my dad doesn't care, he's not very strict, he bought me M rated games when my mom wouldn't. If she what Cindy or Gladio and any of the magical and ethereal stuff in the game, she wouldn't allow it.


Well-Known Member
Oh I didn't think of the religious side, I remember hearing about how in America Harry Potter was banned and parents didn't let their children read it because of the magic parts of the books.


Premium Donor
Yeah that's how my situation is, she even made me throw away my Harry potter books and sell a bunch of game like Tekken 6 and stuff at age 14 because of "demonic symbolism" and stuff...ugh. ~_~ FF I'll definitely have to play privately


Well-Known Member
Wow and here I am playing GTA since I was a child! XD That's a shame that your Harry Potter books got thrown away and games too, Yeah Final Fantasy is probably not a good idea to show then since it has quite a lot of religious symbolism.


Well-Known Member
I thought those weren't in the game, as they always used Potions/Elixirs to heal in gameplay videos xD
I like how the KOed character can use it.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I thought those weren't in the game, as they always used Potions/Elixirs to heal in gameplay videos xD
I like how the KOed character can use it.

They are pretty rare and also expensive. It's the first time we see them used in gameplay. Though I saw them earlier in other gameplay footage in shop menus and lying on the shelf of one of the shops, which was a very cool detail.

it clearly shows that Phonex Down doesn't revive you it just gets you back in the fight.

Huh? The Phoenix Down revives a KOed character and additionally fully heals it.