Final Fantasy Thread


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i meant that the characters are alive when its used. it doesn't have the ability to bring you back from the dead story wise.

I think we all know that. ;) That's why Nikotsumi referred to KOed characters and not dead characters...

The Phoenix Down gif is by the way from this Russian gameplay video:

Cyrillic look somehow so odd to me as designation.
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Well-Known Member
God lol your good at finding all these gameplay videos of the game! Also I'm jealous of these people playing the game already. I'm liking the voice acting as well in the game though I don't know If I'm using English or Japanese when I playthrough the game.


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God lol your good at finding all these gameplay videos of the game! Also I'm jealous of these people playing the game already. I'm liking the voice acting as well in the game though I don't know If I'm using English or Japanese when I playthrough the game.

Some of the videos/stuff I show here I find on my own, but other stuff (like that video) I am made aware of on Neogaf. ;)

I too still don't know. The German dub is horrible, it really that leaves just Japanese and English. The English dub is pretty good, even though I don't like Ignis and Gladio and even though it takes too much liberties for my taste. The Japanese version is as always near perfect (they really know what they are doing) but reading subtitles is distracting and annoying at times. So I might give English a chance and play it in Japanese on a second playthrough.


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Oh I was actually going to ask If you'll be using the German but If it's horrible then I guess not! XD I haven't heard it but maybe I'd need to understand German to understand how they're messing it up? And yeah reading the subtitles could get distracting so I might just use English since it's good. I'll have to try to find some good gameplay but at the same time I'm avoiding it, I was happy to see Tonberries and Cactuars though. :)


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Oh I was actually going to ask If you'll be using the German but If it's horrible then I guess not! XD I haven't heard it but maybe I'd need to understand German to understand how they're messing it up? And yeah reading the subtitles could get distracting so I might just use English since it's good. I'll have to try to find some good gameplay but at the same time I'm avoiding it, I was happy to see Tonberries and Cactuars though. :)

Here a taste of the German dub in a Twitch stream:
(You had troubles with Twitch though, right? :/)
Here's the car pushing scene in German:

Trust me, you'll hear how awful it is without knowing much German, lol.
As I predicted FFXV would get the anime dub treatment, which means a bunch of lowly paid voice acting newcomers do the job. They sound very unnatural and stilted. The voice selection is also unfitting and in some cases simply unattractive. Some voices are just not meant for voice acting...
Cindy (or Cidney in German) sounds like a 70 year old woman...or a 50 year old woman who is also a chain smoker. (Did they ask the cleaning lady to record some lines after work?)
Ignis sounds and talks like an average guy. There's not really a difference to how Noctis, Prompto and Gladio talk. His reserved, sophisticated way is completely gone. In one scene he even called Noctis casually a moron. x__X You know, just like friends joke with each other.
So there's that regarding the German translation would be closer to the Japanese script...

Gladio is voiced great though! He got Kratos' (God of War) German voice.
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I watched it and yeah I'm not sure how to feel about the voice acting, Lol I'm interested in hearing Cindy's voice if she sounds like that! XD I'm not sure If I'd prefer Ignis have an average voice or a sophisticated one but I feel like the sophisticated one gives him something different from the rest of the party. Lol at him calling Noctis a moron, that is closer to what friends act like though Ignis seems to act like a protector type person to Noctis. English is the one I'll probably stick to since I like most of the voices. ( Including Cindy's )


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I watched it and yeah I'm not sure how to feel about the voice acting, Lol I'm interested in hearing Cindy's voice if she sounds like that! XD I'm not sure If I'd prefer Ignis have an average voice or a sophisticated one but I feel like the sophisticated one gives him something different from the rest of the party. Lol at him calling Noctis a moron, that is closer to what friends act like though Ignis seems to act like a protector type person to Noctis. English is the one I'll probably stick to since I like most of the voices. ( Including Cindy's )

Did you just watch the one scene? After that come a couple of others. Here is Cindy:

She's so awful. WTF were they thinking?! XD


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Oh lol oops I didn't see the other clips I thought It was just that first one.

Okay wow that doesn't sound like Cindy should lol! XD She really does sound like a low tone and much older than about the early 20 year old I'm guessing Cindy is. I already liked Cindy's english voice but now I like it even more after that.


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Hey @Tyaren, do you know if there is an Italian dub?

There will just be a Japanese, English, French and German dub. :(

By the way, do you guys remeber when we talked about the F-word on Prompto's clothing? It is actually still there:

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Well-Known Member
Omg lol! XD I didn't even realise it said that! I didn't know what you's meant when you were talking about that. I don't think it's very noticeable though.


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yep im sure we're all excited to play Roen.

come the fuck on advertising is one thing, but you're not even going to put the name of the game on their own poster thats retarded.


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yep im sure we're all excited to play Roen.

come the fuck on advertising is one thing, but you're not even going to put the name of the game on their own poster thats retarded.

Oh, come on... XD Kojima is probabaly at the mall/department store there in front of a Roen shop. Of course they are going to plaster their logo big and fat on a poster.