FSD Online Training Sessions

Arnell Long

Active Member
If I can help on the matter let me know, this idea is truly great and is something that will help push the Community forward.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
We need a bit more information about how the online training works, exactly, but my idea came when I read this snippet of Kayane's interview:

Kayane : The online mode for DOA4 was great. What will you improve for the DOA5 online mode?

Yohei Shimbori : We’ll have an Online Training Mode so that you’ll be able to train with someone online. It will have a voice chat and a text chat. In this mode, you can pretty much do everything you can do in offline mode. People can come to your training session, watch what you do, and hear what you say.

So...that sounds like exactly what I want to do with this. Streaming will likely have to happen to make sure we hit the largest amount of interested players possible, but it sounds like people can come in, watch, and chat with us as we demonstrate and teach things.


Active Member
My initial plans are to put a lot of effort into getting better at spacing and blocking. Really, just getting good at movement <hopefully, eventually;)>
- I'd be thrilled to make it to some of these sessions <as I'm sure many others would be> and am grateful for the generosity of this community:). That also makes me think that it won't be long before character specific information overload sets in, but that's a good thing too. :)


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
It does. Shimbori-san already confirmed it in the interview. The question is how many spectators are allowed, really.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Oh nice. Must of skipped that part. Im sure they will treat the training lobby like all the online modes.

Yeah, I would think so. It's probably just another mode in the online. Like in DOA4, where you had Kumite, Winner-Stays, Loser-Stays, Team Battle, etc. It'll probably be like that, but with Training in there too. That's what I'm hoping for anyway.

And this is definitely a great idea. I could certainly benefit from this. I'm not new, but I've never actually learned the technical side of DOA before and am certainly going to try to with DOA5.


Active Member
Id love to see that happen! Im pretty sure the community as a whole would greatly benefit from it!


Active Member
Definitely looking forward to those training sessions so that I can get start to get a bit more technical with DOA.


Great idea CyberEvil.I'd gladly help the community too.It will be a pleasure to train with FSD members.If you need a Jann-lee/Gen_Fu player let me know.I'd happily share what i know and learn from other players.I can't really be a part of this great community considering my location and lack of events in here, so if i could help in a way it would be my pleasure:).This could even become in the future a relevant tool to learn problematic match-ups.


Well-Known Member
interest is looking good C.E. I may not sale my stream equipment and keep to help out with this lol

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
This is a great Idea! I would like to add that these matches could/should be recorded so that those who do not subscribe to online gaming can get some insight.

Agreed. It would also help those who do subscribe to online gaming, but couldn't get in to the actual sessions.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I love this idea.

With this, I'll learn how to use the punch, kick, and punch buttons in less than 3 months each.


Active Member
I have a feeling this could substantially increase the level of competition around here. Great Idea!

Better competition = me not feeling as bad when I crush you with Fang.

I wish I could help, but I doubt I'll be of any help with my horrendous connection over here.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
I am more than happy to help people with Helena if they want some help. I've been using her since DOA2 so it shouldn't take me long to get her down after release. Although the EU release is 3 days behind so I'm gonna have to play catch up. I doubt I will be needed for anything else though as others already have a firm grasp on the general game play changes which I don't.

My connection is 80 down and 20 up so as long as your connection is decent there shouldn't be any problems even if you are the the US for example. Although a fair warning the last person I taught Helena to switched to Kasumi... that's right Allan Paris I'm looking at you o_0
People need to stop saying their internet speed when referring to lag in online. It doesn't matter if your speed is 2 down or 1000 down when you are only downloading a few kB/s of data anyway. Even if you had 1GB down, the latency for US to EU will still be 100-200ms, which is the real bottleneck. Other than that, lag is because of the route data takes or packets being dropped (usually because of wireless). Consistent lag is pretty much just latency though.

It might be best to just take some representatives from different regions and help out their respective region, if you want to keep lag issues down.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Given the nature of what we're doing and the fact that fighting game connections are typically peer-to-peer, there should be little to no issue with people attending from other regions of the world. Nobody besides those of us hosting will be doing any actual fighting and even that is not going to be normal fighting. While everything you mentioned is true, our format will render most of it moot. If it turns out that spectators affect the quality of the training mode for the two combatants, we'll make adjustments as necessary.

In any case, everyone will have access to the mode, so people are obviously free to host and attend training sessions in their respective regions. We're definitely not monopolizing on the mode; we're just letting people know what we're doing and letting people decide if they want in. Streams and archives will be available down the line as well.


Well-Known Member
i can help you record if needed CE, I still have most of my stuff. Just no voice over, which we prolly wouldn't use anyways.