FSD Online Training Sessions


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Hey guys, I've been thinking about this for a while and, after some discussion in the Welcome thread, decided to put this out there. Shortly after launch, myself and several other veteran players like Lopedo and probably Rikuto, amongst others, will start hosting open training sessions. The way I envision this working, online options permitting, is a couple of us open the rooms and go into the training mode while people can come in, spectate, and ask questions. These would likely be one or two hour sessions at times that work best for people here. Ideally we'd be able to work in some friends from across the pond, as well.

There seems to be relatively strong interest so I wanted to let people know our plans now before anything concrete is in place in order to get some ideas and feedback. Feel free to reply here or start conversations to give any feedback you come up with. Looking at probably the week after launch week to start.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Will you be setting these up for both consoles, or only on PSN/Xbox Live?


Well-Known Member
Does online sparring support the max amount of players per lobby?
i haven't heard much other then it supports it. Dr.Dogg maybe able to tell us.

i use to setup kumite matches and then ask each person as they came up what they needed help with or who they had the most trouble playing against. Then help then break down there matches a lil better.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Again this stuff is still tentative until we get confirmation on the mode limitations. If push comes to shove we'll just stream sessions, but the idea is to run on both consoles, definitely.

lucky jim

New Member
Sounds like an awesome idea! I could definitely use this and I'm sure many others could as well.

I'd highly recommend streaming this, or streaming in addition to running the lobby system. It'd be real easy to take questions, and it'd be good to have everything archived so it can be reviewed later. And there will probably be way more people interested in this than any lobby can hold :)


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Yeah that's the plan. We'll see. I can only capture in 720p/1080i for the moment but I'll likely be switching to a different capture card soon-ish. At the very least we can capture and upload to YouTube. Streaming should be possible as well. This is all in the planning stages as we're guessing there will be a large interest.


As I said in the Welcome Thread, I'm definitely interested. It be awesome to see how you guys play. I'd very much like to take part. I'm based in the UK though, so I'm not sure how that would work with the time difference/lag, given that the majority of you guys are probably in the states.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Riizch, we'd have you covered. I mentioned a few posts up that we'd try to have some at times where people outside of NA could participate as well. There are some parts of the world that it'd just be too difficult to coordinate, not to mention lag problems, but that's what archives and streams are for!


Sounds like a plan :) It'd be cool to see how many people would get involved! I'm really liking this idea :)

Crimzen Knight

New Member
i love the ideal of this, I could use some tips or just watch and learn a few things from watching you guys. some like an awesome ideal


Active Member
This is a spectacular idea! I think a lot would benefit from it, those of all skill levels actually. In fact, we could level up the FSD community in one fell swoop. Competition would be much stronger and we'd all have tighter bonds as DOA players. We'd also have a step up on other fighting game scenes to have our more well-known and informed players helping those starting out from scratch in a live, interactive format.

And taking it one step further, it'd be cool to make it into a tutoring type deal. We could make a board strictly regarding mentoring sessions where players can state what they need help learning/understanding and other players could step-up with their own knowledge to take a few looking for help. Is something like that already set up here on FSD?


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I fully endorse this idea and iof possible I am totally willing to lend a hand.

We can work out specifics later but since this is mostly a community effort any help is welcome. Especially yours, because you're fucking Hubbs.


Active Member
Just wanna say it makes me very glad to see this. I may not be a very good player, but I know Doa pretty well. Can't wait to learn all the new stuff. If I can help out just let me know. It sounds like fun.