Good game, Bad game Online/Offline thread


Active Member
GGs to Akumasama. In all honesty, I think you would beat me offline too, you utilize crushes better and your close range spacing game is better. In general, your offence is very hard to deal with. You could improve your defence a bit to get to the next ultra-pro level though :)


Active Member
Thanks P1naa!
But yes, you got exactely to the core of the problem.
As I mentioned in this old thread I tend to rely too much on crushing my opponent with my strings of attacks and low frames pokes (especially with Christie for example)
I really suck at defense, always been my main problem.
It takes me a lot of consecutive matches against someone to finally start being able to get some decent defense up, and even then it's still lackluster :'(

Nonetheless, really nice matches, thanks a lot for playing with me despite my silly italian connection ;)


Active Member
GG to AlanGoesMo , Bayman007 and Rahfeal
Bayman007 is the portuguese Bayman on X360? If so he's awesome in a very bizarre way.
Plays in a strange way that makes him seem like he's not that good and that you got victory in your hands.
The second you think that, it's the moment you're gonna lose under his pressure ;)
Haven't seen him online in ages.

Haven't seen Alan in ages too. Wonder how much he improved in the time being, I remember some good matches against him some time ago.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
If you want to see a match from baymon007 go to my profile and recent media. The match with alan I will upload it later.


Well-Known Member
Good games to Akumasama. That first round was really fricking close. Also made myself look like a dumbass and swatting the air on a few occasions, because i forgot Helena's breasts anchor her down.

Also good games to everyone who bothered to join my tag lobby :p.


Well-Known Member
I finally got to hop online very good games to that skank "FairestRose" and "Oh No its Ros3"

Fairest Rose and I had an unintentional mirror match I got Christie on random. She ties it up 2-2 taunts so then I spam 4T all day every attempt at it connects then she almost comes back and I 2H+K for the win GG's.

Then its rose who I had played previously lagged and beat me. We fought again on accident really I didn't mean to stay in the fight. Was mad for me taunting rose other even though she taunted first. So I got Ayane on random I proceeded to turtle all day grab and won then taunted so yeah GG's to its Rose. After I left Fairest Rose sent me a party inv proceeded to call me a bitch talking about who taunts and gets one win then kicked me from the party. This morning is starting pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Hey, you should add me (: I finally renewed my Live Subscription

I wish I could actually its not like I cant its just I have no internet currently which sucks cause I have gold still. Looking for a job still don't know what the future holds but I do know this if I can find a local job. I'll be on regularly like I use to be in the SC days.


Well-Known Member
(offline tournament) Good games to Ryujin & Allan Paris. I had a wonderful time!
(online lobby matches) Good games to JDE & Brute. Damn netcode lol


Active Member
Good Games to: MarryTheKnight, Ufle, AlexMaGanda, Mintedsnooki, Ultima Ivanov, Kunire (very nice, methodical player, very very impressive!)... hope I'm not forgetting someone.


Good games to GaLaX Zer0, Karraz, TSA IMcNmra & TentailedBankai.
Bad games to BIGDADDY 637, Tekniqk, LikeBruceLee (cheap Jann Lee).