Good game, Bad game Online/Offline thread

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
Good games to Shadow (again!), cetma, NanhouDrops, Gruff757, and Tenryuga. Sorry for the lag when it popped up, and for a few matches where I totally screwed up and somehow won anyway.

Bad games to my new mini keyboard. I must learn how to type on it.

Yeah I really hope this patch makes the online playable.


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Standard Donor
Bad games to myself. Was playing in a lobby getting my ass kicked (chose random) and then right on the last round, my next died.

I must have seemed like such a loser to those guys. =\

edit: gg to TheMavistarr. He said "go easy 'cause I'm F-rank"
I'm like "Yeah, okay." then I realized "Hm, yeah, maybe not such a good idea" xD

edit2: Net dropped again against Gruff. It was an awesome match, too.
I think I'm going to go beat my school's net guys to a pulp, now. brb


Well-Known Member
ggs to Punishere, CrazySteady and ElectrifiedMann. Milestones were reached today, had an intense set with Punishere, and finally took down his Leifang and Emann's Kokoro and Christie.

Renarism's Kokoro is all that remains... I will be sending him a challenge very soon...


Active Member
GG to Master, whom I found in ranked and beat me 3-2.

BGs to the usual spamming lag abusing runners. A story about these. I run into this Sarah in ranked. She chooses the training stage. As soon as she gets a lead she runs away, and I mean, in an infinite stage away is very far away...She wins. I run into her a second time. I choose Pai. Now I get the lead and I run. I win. I don't like taunting but this time: Pai dance! (4P+K, 4P+K...)


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Standard Donor
Bad games to Vrittany who chose Hitomi and simply used her somersault for two solid matches (6H+K, I think). Because of lag, I couldn't tech roll.

Probably the worst spammer I've ever seen in a fighting game, and that's saying a lot.


Well-Known Member
Bad games to myself. I learned some frightening new tech and combos with Akira, but I was so eager to use them in a real match I started getting one track minded and sloppy. I don't think I've ever been held so much in one match... mid punch... mid punch... mid punch.

Maybe I should stop playing tired... yeah that's it.


Well-Known Member
There's no such thing as good games when playing in this netcode.
He messaged me saying this very same thing.

All the same, ggs to Codemaster92163. Very fun back and forth matches, despite being tag.