Halloween Designer Challenge 2017

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Indian test, the orignal was draw for Sarah but a friend tell me to try on Lisa so...
small lisa  test 01.jpg
small sarah.jpg


Premium Donor
I wasn't sure about posting this one because It's very similar to the ice queen outfit Christie got in the past but I guess I should just for the sake of it. This is my last design that I had finished in advance for the Halloween contest so now I'm gonna have to go make more! :D

And @KasumiLover69 I'm starting work on that outfit I was talking about last night! :D

That looks great! How did you color it, is that like digital or color pencil??


Well-Known Member
this needs to win omg

and jade's christie is superb :O

Oh yeah lol I forgot your obsessed with Mila too! XD And yeah it really is a great looking outfit for her, And thank you! :D

i'd be all for that.reminds me of my favorite Soul Calibur character, KamikiriMusi!

.....would it be in poor taste for me to try an Oni costume for her as well?

You should go for it! :D I liked your previous entries so It'd be cool to see what you could do with an Oni Mila costume.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
So can DOA itself.

I wouldn't be too concerned about offending the politically correct pundits. The fucking sunrise triggers them. There's no avoiding it.
To be fair, an artists' creativity can only go so far without controversy. There was the Nazi Hitomi (you know, since Germany = Naziland decades ago) costume submitted last year, and the artist got a looooooot of heat on twitter for it lol


Premium Donor
To be fair, an artists' creativity can only go so far without controversy. There was the Nazi Hitomi (you know, since Germany = Naziland decades ago) costume submitted last year, and the artist got a looooooot of heat on twitter for it lol
And remember that dumb ass fuss and heat Tyaren got over his Eliot costume? People will find anything they can to tear down an artist's work


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Then there must be another reason all the beautiful Egyptian and Dia de la muerte costumes get ignored every year
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