"I will fight on!" The Kasumi Gameplay Discussion Thread

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It's fine, I hope you're healed at least! And idk if I'll be very active but I'll be sure to join! :-D
It's fully healed. It took 3 months lol. But yeah. I'm kind of worried about how I'm going to keep my stamina in the game since I'm playing so many, but this is one of the things that I live for lol haha. And I want to play them so that's exactly what I want to do.


Premium Donor
Watched Kwiggles stream sessions and found these:

-her 6P+K is 15i and the mid kick follow up is 17i, it also doesn't have jumping properties either.

-Her new jumping P mid bound attack doesn't track.

-Her 5P is -2 on normal hit.

-Her 66P is now -15 on block instead of -14.

-Her new 66PK is 14i but -12 on block, definitely unsafe xD

-Her 3PPP is -6 on block and the other variants with the same ender elbow are as well making it safe.

-Her 66K~P is -12 on block and her 66K~K is still -3. 66KK is still -17.

-4H+K is now unsafe at -12 to -13 on block...

-8P is -4 instead of -5 now!

-Her 17i 9PP is now +1, +0, or -1 on block(It was constantly changing when he showed it in practice mode xD) but GBS. Advantage seems to vary in distance.

-Her 66K~K still seems to cause a sort of bound, at least in the air after 236T. Can follow up with 7K into her P follow up for a bound combo.

-Throw damage was definitely buffed, her 236T now does 30 damage instead of 18 on NH.
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Well-Known Member
Watched Kwiggles stream sessions and found these:

-her 6P+K is 15i and the mid kick follow up is 17i, it also doesn't have jumping properties either.

-Her new jumping P mid bound attack doesn't track.

-Her 5P is -2 on normal hit.

-Her 66P is now -15 on block instead of -14.

-Her new 66PK is 14i but -12 on block, definitely unsafe xD

-Her 3PP is -6 on block and the other variants with the same ender elbow are as well making it safe.

-Her 66K~P is -12 on block and her 66K~K is still -3. 66KK is still -17.

-4H+K is now unsafe at -12 to -13 on block...

-8P is -4 instead of -5 now!

-Her 17i 9PP is now +1, +0, or -1 on block(It was constantly changing when he showed it in practice mode xD) but GBS. Advantage seems to vary in distance.

-Her 66K~K still seems to cause a sort of bound, at least in the air after 236T. Can follow up with 7K into her P follow up for a bound combo.

-Throw damage was definitely buffed, her 236T now does 30 damage instead of 18 on NH.

1. I guess you meant 3PPP?

2. 4H+K becomes highly unsafe on block, which is understandable as it now causes the fatal stun on hit. As far as I know, moves that used to be safe or plus on block and now have the fatal stun hit property are unsafe on block. To name a few, Christie's 214P, Bass' 214P.

But there're still some cases that mid FS moves can be safe on block due to the gap created.
Nico's mid FS move 7K leaves herself -14 on block, but the created gap makes it safe, so...

3. Actually the recovery of her 6P has been added 3 frames in DOA6. It's now 11(2)24, while it's 11(2)21 in DOA5. Also it's now -11 on block in DOA6 and -9 in DOA5.


Premium Donor
1. I guess you meant 3PPP?

2. 4H+K becomes highly unsafe on block, which is understandable as it now causes the fatal stun on hit. As far as I know, moves that used to be safe or plus on block and now have the fatal stun hit property are unsafe on block. To name a few, Christie's 214P, Bass' 214P.

But there're still some cases that mid FS moves can be safe on block due to the gap created.
Nico's mid FS move 7K leaves herself -14 on block, but the created gap makes it safe, so...

3. Actually the recovery of her 6P has been added 3 frames in DOA6. It's now 11(2)24, while it's 11(2)21 in DOA5. Also it's now -11 on block in DOA6 and -9 in DOA5.
That makes sense with 6P but tbh that doesn't worry me since she'll have 6PK as a way to get space on block, and she has 6PP which is safe on block as well. 4H+K isn't safe but I think it'll be good from max range like Naotora, in DOA5LR her 4H+K was unsafe as well but because of the long reach it could be used from a distance as well too on block with no consequence


Premium Donor
Her 64H hold grants her +14 FA where opponent can't block and hold for a brief period so she can do either P or 6P to continue a stun for more damage or she can go for 7K for an immediate launch set up

I posted them in the discord earlier but here are the combos I've came up with so far:

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Well-Known Member
I’m still figuring out how this combo / damage system works in the beta. Seems like fatal rush does very little damage and you can’t get max launch height after doing a launching attack from a FR attack.

I’ve only had like 30 minutes with the demo but it seems like a lot of Kasumi’s juggles do about the same damage. Lots of scaling after bounds or extended juggles or something. The few things that I’ve found are that she can follow up a bound with Hoshinpo KK. And I’ve gotten 4PKK after some bounds at the wall after 9K6,9KP.

Why did my cousin have to have a destination wedding the same weekend as the beta.


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Standard Donor
I’m still figuring out how this combo / damage system works in the beta. Seems like fatal rush does very little damage and you can’t get max launch height after doing a launching attack from a FR attack.

I’ve only had like 30 minutes with the demo but it seems like a lot of Kasumi’s juggles do about the same damage. Lots of scaling after bounds or extended juggles or something. The few things that I’ve found are that she can follow up a bound with Hoshinpo KK. And I’ve gotten 4PKK after some bounds at the wall after 9K6,9KP.

Why did my cousin have to have a destination wedding the same weekend as the beta.
A lot of the juggles I've found that are new actually are side techable. If they tech, then they probably could throw punish her. The ones from 66K.K & 33P seem like those are her go-to combos now unless I'm missing something. :/

Edit: this from her launch throws & holds that I'm referring to. She may be able to get a little more off of her strikes. Mainly off 236t. The others need more testing too. The highest numbers I got on CH were 83, 82, & 80. The 80 one was the hardest one while the other 2 were easier.
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Active Member
Juggles scale so much harder than before.. KK7K combos get out-damaged really easily by shorter, heavier hitting juggles.
236T 33P BT H+K P 6P+KK does 64, (light, mid AND heavy-weight!) seems to be the highest I can get without any timing necessary, which is more than 6K PPKK at 60 damage. 66K:K 7KP 6P+KK gives a bit more.

6PK and 6P6K also work after a bound if the combo isn't too long, and I think is her current max-damage ender. 6P6K of course gives the chance at the 6P6KK ground hit if they don't tech. 236T 33P BT H+K P 6PK gives 66 damage, but whiffs after 66K:K 7KP. 4PKK as an ender seems to be inconsistent, so i'm probably going to use 6P6K for wall hits.

i'm also making a kasumi changes/new moves video so um hehe that'll be soon


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Juggles scale so much harder than before.. KK7K combos get out-damaged really easily by shorter, heavier hitting juggles.
236T 33P BT H+K P 6P+KK does 64, (light, mid AND heavy-weight!) seems to be the highest I can get without any timing necessary, which is more than 6K PPKK at 60 damage. 66K:K 7KP 6P+KK gives a bit more.

6PK and 6P6K also work after a bound if the combo isn't too long, and I think is her current max-damage ender. 6P6K of course gives the chance at the 6P6KK ground hit if they don't tech. 236T 33P BT H+K P 6PK gives 66 damage, but whiffs after 66K:K 7KP. 4PKK as an ender seems to be inconsistent, so i'm probably going to use 6P6K for wall hits.

i'm also making a kasumi changes/new moves video so um hehe that'll be soon
236T > 33P > H+KP > 6P+KK is 82CH. 66K.K > 7KP > 6P+KK is 83 CH. Theyll hit anywhere even near the wall.

Wall juggle from 236T is K > 33P > H+K> 6KK, but I’m going to use the other with 6P+KK to see what I get tomorrow. Could be more.


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Honestly, unless we find something that does more than 33T damage (68 NH), then in open stages, unless they have wall/corners, I don't think it's really worth using 236T. You're still going to use it for stages like Road Rage, Forbidden Fortune, Lost Paradise.

I don't think 4PK is worth using atm for strike punishment since you get 62 after the combo. You get just as much with a throw on their backs turned (Honoka's shoulder thrust, Lei Fang's Shoulder Thrust, Ayane's 3PP all on BT)

I mean I'm not complaining, but they did do a lot of nerfing across the board in juggle damage. Most of the juggle damage comes from using meter, which is fine (I guess).


Premium Donor
Good findings! I may as well share mine if we're doing Twitter stuff xD



This one shows that the damage scaling really does set in the longer a combo is so it's definitely best to keep them shorter and not so extra



I'm still teching atm but later I'll post that one clip I mentioned in the discord where it shows her 6P+K2K is wonky, it should track and avoid highs but for whatever reason it's considered standing so she can be jabbed out of it and stepped. On the plus side the sweep has good reach and it doesn't have a half hit property so it can be used to better chip at health unlike the vaulting low from 6P2K and such.

I also like 6KK is safe now, I didnt realize that it was in DOA6 so she at least has a safe mid kick ender


Well-Known Member
Been playing DOA Quest mode a lot. Only one stupid quest with Raidou I can't finish. Anyway, I've noticed that the computer can do Kasumi's powerblow (1P+K) from DOA4/DOA5 but it's not a move the player can do. I've seen it four times now. The first time I thought that my eyes decieved me but I saw it again. It's in the command training nor the movelist so I guess it's just something that the computer can do.


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Combo from 46H: 214P > KK7K6 > 9PKP > 6H+K is 84.
Heavy: KK7K6 > 9PKP > 6H+K or 3P+KKK is 81
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This is a double post but this anyone notice that she had 6P+K into 2K? I did it by accident while performing a combo. She goes into a low. She can also confirm 3P+K > KK from bound states.


Premium Donor
This is a double post but this anyone notice that she had 6P+K into 2K? I did it by accident while performing a combo. She goes into a low.
Yeah I have although tbh I thought you knew that already since her move list came out xD in the demo I didn't like the attack tho since the low is considered standing and doesn't avoid highs consistently if at all, but it at least has no tip hit properties. I also hate how it doesn't track despite literally being a low sweep like all the others she has
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