IGN's DOA5 Wiki Contributors Thread

Goro Hazuki

Active Member
Thank you, thank you! There is sooooo much more I could add to the Tina page, but my goal right now is to get all the character pages to a minimum level of info before going nuts. I went a little in-depth with Tina, because she's been my main for a long time, but I won't be able to get as crazy with the characters I know less of. Still, it's a start.

Good stuff. Well, check out some of the stuff I have on the Akira sub-forum. If you like that type of information (I will be adding more to it in the next couple of days), then I would gladly contribute :)


Good stuff. Well, check out some of the stuff I have on the Akira sub-forum. If you like that type of information (I will be adding more to it in the next couple of days), then I would gladly contribute :)

Oooh, sounds good. Any in depth info is great.


I'll be doing start up frames for all the jabs and kicks for all the characters in the game minus Alpha.

Sweet! That sounds awesome. Maybe I'll make a special section where we can make a chart of that info?

My Sarah page is up. Let me know what y'all think! Tomorrow I'm going to start adding media and formatting to the stuff you guys have contributed so far. Thanks for the help guys. Every little bit counts!



Active Member
I'm working on this still. I have a few documents written up, just not very happy with them. Once I get them how I want em it will pretty much be copy and paste job.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Okay man. Thanks for your help.

The wiki isn't made to function like the forum where you just throw up posts. I put the information in the Dead or Alive 5 game page as it's particular to that area. Honestly, I don't believe it serves a purpose for that area but enough people don't care about the wiki to where someone else can make it look pretty.


Oh wow. Way more responses here than I've gotten email notifications for! Sorry all. I'm hard at work on my Gen Fu character page and boy, do I have some stuff. I have found a couple of bits of tech that I think are going to put Gen Fu in a a whole other league from where he has been. He's always been strong, but with what I've found? Scary. Just scary.

Look for it in the next couple of days. Thanks to everyone who has been throwing stuff in, I need to take stock of it all and start putting together some media for it. Probably do that once the Gen Fu page is up. Thanks again everyone! Cheers!


So is anybody still working on this? I've been trying to build a little something for Bass and Lisa, trying to force some defining characteristics to the fighters. I don't know as much advanced stuff as MagnusCore knew, especially after the titanic work done on both Sarah and Gen-Fu so I'm mostly working from what I learned on these forums. Still, if you feel like I missed something damn important, write a comment and I'll do field testing to add it in.

The IGN page is really your best resource for advanced DOA strategy but there's too little advanced players working on it.



YES! I am still working on this, but also on a few other things at once so it's a little hard. I'll take a look at what you've thrown in and try to capture some media as soon as I get the chance. Thank you so much for helping out! Sorry I haven't been around, but the DoA page is just one of a few pies I have my hand in at the moment.