Increase gravity in tag mode?

Increase gravity in tag mode?

  • Yes. I don't like long ass juggles in my DOA

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • No. DOA tag should be more like Tekken tag.

    Votes: 10 37.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I'm not too much of a fan of Tag matches in general if I want to play "seriously", but I agree some of the juggles are retarded.
I understand most of the times it's "your fault" to fall for a trap like Emperor Cow said, but this doesn't change the fact that:
1) They are retarded
2) They look retarded
3) They are frustrating

I wouldn't mind increased gravity in Tag, not at all.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Remove the infinite's then it's fine. Watching two characters doing the same attacks till the opponents hits the wall is boring.

It reminds me I dropped TTT years ago because I got bored of seeing de same again and again and so on in both: neutral game and juggles. That time I loved DOA triangle system strongly discourages players to play in a pattern-lish (boring) way at least in neutral game.

Honestly its just why I don't do tag. I remember one hit kills, mvc style in tag back in 2u. Not fun at all.

Recently I realized tag guarantees "crazy" things like delivering around 150 health points from just a i6 move in normal hit!!! :O So two mistakes and you already lose a character in tag mode. 4 ones and you already lose de round. I'm really happy with evolution of single mode we got with 5 and 5u, I think TN had made a magnificient work. Perhaps some more of their good work into tag mode to make it shines. ;) :)

I'm fine with juggles as long as they're not too long. What I'm not fine with is mechanics I adjust to totally changing in Tag mode for no reason. So yeah, make gravity settings consistent in all modes.

I agree. The more I play DOA (and read FSD), the more depth I find, the more I have to know, the more I have to understand, the more I have to plan, the more I have to practice, the more feedback I have to handle, and so on. Changing mechanics/properties in tag mode increases the work I have to do. It amused at begining of 5 and kept me away from playing tag mode.

Now I think changes are not so many, neither drastic. I tell my reasons below.

The gravity should be the same as in solo, and I also think the damage should be decreased even more every time you switch your character, just like in doa4. In addition the rebounce should only be permitted one time, just like tekken. The nerf on the damage/combos in tag is necessary, specially now that Dojo is playable in tag.

Also recently, I noticed gravity noticeablely increases around 10 hits and % damage revision decreases each time same move is performed in a juggle. So now, DOA also discourage repetition in juggles! :D Moreover, I noticed each launcher demands different juggles in order to get maximun damage. Walls demands it more variety too. All these looks nice to me. :) I have not found any change in stun properties, the only change I've found is relaunch properties. I now it doesn't look such hard... I'll be trying tag mode more. :) Hope to found it's now this mode is balanced enough to play it seriously.

Regards guys!


I <3 Jesus...and coffee.
Premium Donor
I like tag mode quite a bit.

I love me some high damage. I love me some long a$$ combos. If the juggles used to be longer and did more damage then I am sad that I didnt pick it up earlier.

Dying in 4 mistakes is not a problem if you are confident in your neutral game.

Making tag crazy and high tension is a great balance to the singles mode. Dont get hit.

Great game, great mode.


Active Member
While I consider DoA5 a big step forward overall for the game, I think aestethically combos did an overall small step backwards.

One of the reasons why i favoured (talking only about an aesthetic point of view now) combos in DoA compared to Tekken or VF is because.... they looked better.
They had no "stupid attack that looks like it should miss but instead hits and brings the opponent up above for more juggles" things, or at least they didn't have as many.
Just like they didn't have that "put the enemy in air then repeat the same move/fist/kick a certain amount of times until it falls down", whereas in DoA5, while they're a great minority, you start to see thigns like that and honestly I hate it.

Again, it's not a gameplay issue I'm talking of, just aesthetics.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm not a huge fan of Tag either, as I can only do basic tag combos and my longest tag combo was with Eliot/Ayane at just 12 hits. The only advantage that DOA5U's Tag mode has over TTT2 is the fact that the fight goes on even if one of your characters is defeated. Juggles are more important in Tag, but not really in solo for certain characters.


I never have an issue with this.

1. I never play tag.
2. I always play Bayman.
3. In the event that 1 occurs, always go with 2.


Well-Known Member
I think that gravity should just be consistent throughout the game. That'd probably fix some length problems that people have.