Is Nyo Tengu a bad game design choice?

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Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
I couldn't make it though the whole video...

I'm completely with you...

I watched the video...had to stop at the halfway point, hell, I almost stopped at the BEGINNING because he virtually had and made no point whatsofuckingever to begin with.

One of the first things that made me cringe was saying that they are submissive...SUBMISSIVE!?! Do you realize that this is a FIGHTING GAME?! Do their attacks pretty much have them lie on their back and quit the match? What the fuck is this?
And then we get to the obvious loaded answer that is "Marie Rose is a 12 year old and that's bad" despite the fact that to this day, she isn't even remotely close to being sexualized AT ALL(OMG, She got a Schoolgirl outfit and a leotard, they MUST be sexualizing her), even compared to Talim and Amy of Soul Claibur, let alone the rest of the cast.
And then he pulls the same shit with NyouTengu that he does with most people that don't get it when she first came out:

1. How the fuck did you get Nyou mixed up with Neo!? Nyou is Japanese for lady, Neo is Greek for new.

2. Yes, it sucks you guys lobbied for Bankotsubo and got scrubbed but to even FATHOM that he's somehow popular enough for Team Ninja to be PROFITABLE is fucking stupid. It should have been dead to rights clear why she's even a thing at this rate, he wouldn't sell, they needed new blood and they realize that there are some Banko fans out there, why not please both?

And I'm not gonna get into this same body bullshit since people have stated that their bodies are different from each other(especially compared to past DOA titles) and if you want to be technical, most females and males in general on MULTIPLE GAMES run on the same body models anyway(which I seriously have to laugh my ass off because he states that Cammy doesn't look like Chun-Li and same to Juri, yet there's a good chance they are sharing the same body models anyway)

And here's the fun part: He says he's okay overall with her model, but why the fuck bitch about her to begin with then!? Why this massive tirade over shit anyone with a brain in business knows why this even happen? Oh right, you just wanted to rant, I'm done with this shit and I'm not watching the rest.

EDIT: Forgot to add Nyou is Japanese for lady, I screwed up there.
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Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I'm all for open discussion, but if you're going to start a conversation with a less-than-well-informed individual ranting, fan or not, stop before you start. A new character that, from the design standpoint we're apparently supposed to be discussing, is actually significantly more involved than simply taking the easy route and giving us the original Tengu of Destruction again...

You know what? Just going to kill this now. The answer to the topic title is that it doesn't matter and very few of us here are game developers, graphic artists, or anything that would give us something approaching a qualified opinion. That said, most of what could come out of this thread would be akin to what a drooling four year old manically pounding on a keyboard might produce and I'd rather not read any of it.

Good day.
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