News Koei Tecmo Showing MORE Interest in PC

With several Koei games coming out on PC shortly after Yaiba's Steam release, the company has made a point to see how many of their players are actually interested in seeing more of their games on the PC platform via their Facebook page.

Would you like to see a port or new Dead or Alive title on PC? Maybe Ninja Gaiden 4? Feel free to discuss the pros and cons to bringing more Tecmo games to the PC market.

I think this could be valuable to a lot of players that either don't play on consoles, or are looking for a new way to play the long running fighter on PC. It would certainly create a bigger audience despite their being less players on PC... especially for fighters.

There are also perverted mod possibilities that would inevitably be battled by a fair share of the community, and possibly even the developers.

What do you think?
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If DoA was on PC, I'd finally be able to participate in tournaments knowing what I was actually doing. I don't want to go out to buy a system just for one game.
Because if you don't support them, how can they make more of it?

We already supported them from buying the game. Twice. And if we were to all buy DoA5 for PC, that means pretty much all of us would have bought this game THREE TIMES. Is that not enough financial support from their core fanbase? What I would worry about is whether or not Team Ninja would make you buy costume DLC again for the PC version that you already bought for the console versions.

didnt stop capcom

I would bet my entire paycheck that Capcom does not make the amount of costume DLC money Team Ninja does.

I would love to see DoA come to PC, but I see no reason why it should. Why waste money and manpower porting it to PC when they can just make more bikinis? Or better yet, just release DoA5: Ultimate Arcade Electric Boogaloo Extreme Jiggle Volleyballs Edition?
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Why would they waste manpower on converting it to the PC if people are just gonna say they already bought the same thing twice. Well, that's why they are probing it, I guess.

I would pay for the PC version because it is a different product at the end of the day. With letting us share costumes between systems, I would agree. But it's also obvious why it would never happen.

You clearly don't support the PC version enough, and that's cool if you wouldn't pay for it. But I would support it anyway.
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I think this has more to do with Dynasty Warriors, which has been on PC in the past. If DOA came to PC how would Tecmo milk all the fans with sexy DLC when anyone can just download a nude mod?
Let's not forget one of the benefits of having it on a PC - being able to mod the actual gameplay (similar to AE Remix and other mods of SSFIV AE).

Imagine being able to tweak the engine to try out how the game would play if certain things were changed. Imagine a mod with no holds out of stun, or maybe even making the game play more like 3.1.
The most immediate benefit is the sharp drop in input delay.

The next benefit would be that it requires no converter whatsoever, so people could use whatever pad/stick they damn well please provided the TO has their shit together and has proper emulation software running for it.

A good PC would pretty much be the ultimate tournament system.
That's not as simple as it seems and the PC platform has inherent issues with compatibility thanks to the different available hardware options and driver issues. The closest we can get to a console experience is for TN to use XInput as a standard, but this also means that non-XInput devices get locked out, something that's the case for a lot of games that use XInput, meaning non-XInput pads and sticks wont work without some workaround like XPadder or Joy2Key.

I think this has more to do with Dynasty Warriors, which has been on PC in the past. If DOA came to PC how would Tecmo milk all the fans with sexy DLC when anyone can just download a nude mod?

They can use the free-to-play model from Core Fighters and make money from DLC characters and stages instead.
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Imagine being able to tweak the engine to try out how the game would play if certain things were changed. Imagine a mod with no holds out of stun, or maybe even making the game play more like 3.1.

This statement alone merits way more likes.
I'd love to try that.
Ugh.. the possibilites! My mind is racing trying to think of all the things I'd like to try!
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Truth be told, they got nothing to lose with releasing current DoA for PC right now. If they got their strategy right they're at least 33% on the road for DoA6 with improved everything, and if they drop by DoA3X that DoA on the PC will simply rack in some cash just before they move on to the next generation.
That's worse with PC, you will enter into the circle of perpetual obsolescence.

Even if a game might be changed over time (e.g. updates/patches/graphical improvements ...), it's hardware requirements wouldn't change thaaaat much from it's original release ones. Since it's easier as well as cheaper to change, expand and upgrade the hardware of a PC, you will be able to run that game for years once you've improved your hardware halfway up-to-date, so even if the hardware is getting older with time, it won't prevent people from being able to play it.

Consoles are liable to perpetual obsolescence too and players are even more negative affected by this. Being able to run older games on PC is in most cases possible and even easier. In case of consoles, you have to hope that the current console supports an emulator and the emulation for the game you want to play is available. I'm sure, not everyone want's to stack all (new and old) consoles next to his TV just for not being forced to start a cabling-fest every time he want's to play an older game.

Just my opinion, I really don't want to start a "which-platform-is-better-war" here.
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Yesterday I played a SSFIVAE tournament on PC. I can't disagree more with your last sentence Rikuto. Yeah, on paper PC is godlike, but fuck me if it doesn't bring a lot of unnecessary shit to the table in terms of tournament organization. There was a lot time gone to waste configuring sticks (most people in my country have PS3 sticks), PS3/PC pads, the occasional windows/PC crash because reasons. You would still have more or less input delay.


However, DOA on PC would be good. There are a lot of PC only dudes who are missing some good FGs out there because there aren't on PC (Tekken, SC, VF, DOA... mostly 3D FGs as you can see). So it would be smart (maybe) approaching that potential market on PC.

So basically what you're saying is that the TO did not have their shit together. If the game was crashing at all, this is a sign of poorly configured rig. If sticks had to be configured outside of the in-game menus, TO did not have proper drivers set up in advance for the game to automatically detect them as soon as they were connected.

PC's are a more technical beast, so a lot can go wrong if they don't have it together. Sounds like that's exactly what happened.
So basically what you're saying is that the TO did not have their shit together. If the game was crashing at all, this is a sign of poorly configured rig. If sticks had to be configured outside of the in-game menus, TO did not have proper drivers set up in advance for the game to automatically detect them as soon as they were connected.

PC's are a more technical beast, so a lot can go wrong if they don't have it together. Sounds like that's exactly what happened.
Yep, you could say that.
I would but a PC version of 5U in a heartbeat. I'd much rather have a current gen release solely due to liking the Xbox Live ecosystem, but PC is the next best thing to me.