Lets talk about redesigns

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This. People in the Dualshockers article outright stated "They must have seen the pre-order numbers" COMPLETELY WITHOUT IRONY and then later on stated "With the interest of the game at an all time low"...

Yeah sure, this is exactly what I believed and knew from the start: These people aren't fans, they don't care about actually getting what they want. They just want to be proven right and have something irrevocably fail simply because it did it the wrong way. It's amazing how all you have to do is apply a different coat of paint and you see these fools as exactly what they are: Anti-SJW's.

Just as bad as their regular counterpart, but have no clue on the sheer irony of their situation.

How can an article blame something on pre order numbers of a game that hasn't officially gone on pre order yet?


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How can an article blame something on pre order numbers of a game that hasn't officially gone on pre order yet?

It was just a comment, Dualshockers is not OneAngryGamer after all :p (probably still the top comment though). References the BFV pre-order debacle.


Well-Known Member
@Kasumi-Phase-X you do need to realize that DOA5LR came to levels of fanservice that weren't present in the main series anymore, and not only hurt the external view of the game, but also did less for its characters. DOA is sexy, i love sexy, everyone loves sexy, but there is a thing as too much, and i'm glad Team Ninja is going away from that direction, right now DOA seems to be aiming for the level of fanservice present in doa 1 ~ doa 5 vanilla, which is honestly better than what we got on DOA5 Ultimate foward, and now on DOA xtreme 3. This level of fanservice doesn't provide anything good to the game, it doesn't bring players that actually play the game, it doesn't help grow out a fighting game scene, it doesn't make the game play better.

Yes, i don't want that kind of content to be even optional, microbikinis that only cover strategic parts, OMG breast physics (and don't come up with "this is since the ps1 era", it was that way because they had no tech to make it better).

What wasn't present from the main series of DOA5LR? Characters are fictional with their only purpose is being appealing, fanservice just adds option. Your opinion about DOA is sexy but there is a thing as too much and this level of fanservice doesn't blank, is something I could just replace it with Blood & Gore and it would be the same argument since these are content that is recommend for Teens to Adults which may not make everyone comfortable.

Even if everyone loves sexy, but do they love what I love like DOA5LR Costumes, Details, & Breast Physics options? If not, then there is no point even talking about people loving sexy stuff if its not the same as what DOA5LR had. Everyone has their preference of what they find sexy. DOA approach I've seen seems to be going of a mainstream approach or what DOA5 did before their DLC support, however when it comes to DLC feedback is going to be a major role for I'll I know it has the chance of repeating DOA5 history depends on what every gamer's opinion wants (which not everyone will be the same). By the way you didn't need to bring DOAX3, since I've never mention Xtreme series which is a spin-off.

What the level of fanservice provides is player experience (to those who likes it) and reasons to buy/play the game itself. What fanservice wouldn't do since its content is what requires to make a videogame, having it would give you a reason to buying the game. Here is abit of an opinion I got from a fellow member in Eventhubs "Everyone can literally enjoy this game for their own reasons", the only players it won't bring are ones who dislike its content only enjoy it for its gameplay. Fighting game scene doesn't help attract casuals.

That last piece of opinion should be enough of a reason for TN to think about making a new franchise to cater a different demographic. I'd would at the very least accept different costumes that cater to different taste, and having optional content that we can decide what we prefer for fanservice experience.


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You heard it from me first: There will be swimsuits (or something equally revealing, but please no fugly bunny bikinis like in DOA5) as preoder bonuses or day one DLC for DOA6.


Well-Known Member
What wasn't present from the main series of DOA5LR? Characters are fictional with their only purpose is being appealing, fanservice just adds option. Your opinion about DOA is sexy but there is a thing as too much and this level of fanservice doesn't blank, is something I could just replace it with Blood & Gore and it would be the same argument since these are content that is recommend for Teens to Adults which may not make everyone comfortable.

Even if everyone loves sexy, but do they love what I love like DOA5LR Costumes, Details, & Breast Physics options? If not, then there is no point even talking about people loving sexy stuff if its not the same as what DOA5LR had. Everyone has their preference of what they find sexy. DOA approach I've seen seems to be going of a mainstream approach or what DOA5 did before their DLC support, however when it comes to DLC feedback is going to be a major role for I'll I know it has the chance of repeating DOA5 history depends on what every gamer's opinion wants (which not everyone will be the same). By the way you didn't need to bring DOAX3, since I've never mention Xtreme series which is a spin-off.

What the level of fanservice provides is player experience (to those who likes it) and reasons to buy/play the game itself. What fanservice wouldn't do since its content is what requires to make a videogame, having it would give you a reason to buying the game. Here is abit of an opinion I got from a fellow member in Eventhubs "Everyone can literally enjoy this game for their own reasons", the only players it won't bring are ones who dislike its content only enjoy it for its gameplay. Fighting game scene doesn't help attract casuals.

That last piece of opinion should be enough of a reason for TN to think about making a new franchise to cater a different demographic. I'd would at the very least accept different costumes that cater to different taste, and having optional content that we can decide what we prefer for fanservice experience.
You know funny enough, I was introduced to DOA because of the Xtreme Series. Mainly the 1st game. I didn't own a Xbox long ago, but a friend of mine did. He once brought it over and he popped in DOAX. Then I started to dig more into the series right after that.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
It was just a comment, Dualshockers is not OneAngryGamer after all :p (probably still the top comment though). References the BFV pre-order debacle.

This. It was more of a comment and not an actual article Dualshockers made. It's the same type of comments you see similar to "Japanese fanbase is irate" or "Interest is at an all time low" type of bullshit from butthurt fans or Anti-SJWs.

Ya'll acting like DoA6 wont have DLC. Everyone losing their minds over something that is not going to change. DLC will be there, and it will have just as much fan service.

You forget though:

Get woke, go broke tho right?
Anyone else hate how this has been mis-applied lately?
Because I damn sure do.


Well-Known Member
Soooo in a different topic, I wonder how much time had pass in 6? Possibly a month to a year since DOA5 story wise. Hmm, I wonder what would've been like if it was a 10 year time skip... Imagine Eliot with a beard....
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Premium Donor
Soooo in a different topic, I wonder how much time had pass in 6? Possibly a month to a year since DOA5 story wise. Hmm, I wonder what would've been like if it was a 10 year time skip... Imagine Eliot with a beard....
No thanks to my boy Eliot with a beard xD but they did say in an interview that DOA5 doesn't pick up right after that last scene in DOA5 but it's not a long time so I assume its like 3-5 months minimum, long enough but short enough for everyone to not age.
I honestly don't think TN will go too overboard this time. Then again, I might end up being wrong l0l
I don't think that'll be the case, I think Master being on the team will help them find a balance, they did well with the gameplay changes so I'm sure they'll do the same with everything else. As long as Kasumi/Phase and Eliot look good I'm content xD


Well-Known Member
But what if Bass...shaved?



Premium Donor
Ugh, Bass >.> I don't care for him enough to really care if he did but it would be interesting if they did some minor changes like that. Rig's buzzcut grew somewhat longer in DOA6 so I don't see why Eliot couldn't have longer hair or if someone cut their hair short or something xD
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