DOA5LR List of New Content!

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David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Congrats on your outfit making it in! It looks very good, especially with that hairstyle!

Now on to the speculation of the new character. Obviously, this new character is like all the other new characters: someone we've never seen before. Now, the TN folks say that the design was a favorite, but it may be better to say that they enjoyed creating her. So I'd expect more Marie Rose than Phase 4, and I certainly wouldn't expect Irene or Nikki.

I wish they would've ditched the Phase 4 concept and put their effort towards a new male instead. I don't know how their timing was development-wise but they could have done it so that for 5U DLC it would be: MR --> Nyo --> New Female and then add the new male and the revived male to LR.

And if this new female fighter is as popular with fans as she is with the development team she probably would've earned TN a lot more $$$ DLC-wise.


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Shes gonna make Team Ninja money regardless of her being DLC or not. The only way to play her is to buy a whole game.


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Just had a terrible thought!!
It would actually make much sense, if it really were these two, who were the new characters:



They already fit into the Ninja Gaiden/DOA universe, they are male and female, he is "resurrected", she "isn't black-haired", she will indeed make "good use of the soft skin/boob feature" (as Hayashi also revealed), both are already perfect as a tag team partners, their inclusion will promote Ninja Gaiden Z: Yaiba a little more, which kinda flopped...

IMO IMO IMO IMO IMO (just take the hint, Irene fan boys)

IMO this would be twelve times better than Irene (or any other busty blonde).

Once again, that's just my opinion. Please don't attack me Irene fan boys. I understand your want for Irene because I want Nikki, but still...


Well-Known Member
I'm just....tired of suggesting existing characters anymore or seeing the suggested.

Like all dlc characters so far, odds are I'll never use em anyway. Hell of all characters introduced in 5 I use exactly one.


Well-Known Member
I'm just....tired of suggesting existing characters anymore or seeing the suggested.

Like all dlc characters so far, odds are I'll never use em anyway. Hell of all characters introduced in 5 I use exactly one.

I think the only reason I suggest Nikki is because she a fun and not serious characters who has a diverse look. I want more diverse characters. They could be brand new for all I care. NPCs do have their purpose. I want more black characters (preferably female. Haha.), more characters with a tattoos (also since we have Rig, perhaps a female), Indian or Middle Eastern characters, an fiery orangey red Irish female would be killer with bright green eyes, and Egyptian, Brazilian characters (preferably a male, idk why), some Hispanic characters who actually look Hispanic (No offense Mila. Haha.). I mean we could have that Rico Suave type of male like VF has. We need diversity. They brag about DOA's beauty and sexiness, but it gets boring when over half the roster is busty blondes and busty Asians.

I would love a Black Australian chick with a fun personality. She could be like a black Miranda Lawson, but less serious. I also think we should have a Canadian female who has Jack's personality and a large amount of tattoos (not as many as Jack). Sorry for the ME references. Haha. Also the actress from Revenge who plays the Party Planner (she is the British female) has a personality and look that would be good for DOA.

Sidebar, my Irene comment is strictly for the DOA5/DOA5U/DOA5LR situation. I think Irene would be perfectly fine in DOA6 as Sarah's replacement. I would even venture to say the idea of a South Korean would be a solid replacement for Pai.

Just me ranting on the same tangent of needing diversity. I guarantee you if they gave me another black female, she would instantly be my main. Lisa is my girl, but they practically killed her off (way to go TN killing your diversity or making them so ridiculously unlikable... poor Zack. They killed his image in DOA5.).


Well-Known Member
I do however like that, except for Helena's accent and the Armstrong's who are performers so excusable, DOA doesn't really go the "token ethnic" route.

I would however like a girl with a...messy hairstyle. Like Maggi Maui or Air Master.

But yeah. probably not gonna like the new characters, same as last....6. Rig Marie Rachel momiji p4 nyo.... pass on all of them. Pass on the next two.


Well-Known Member
if it's another ninja i'm gonna be highly disappointed, i mean yes yaiba is perfect but ughhhhh i just want a male character who is fun to play as


Well-Known Member
i would like Miss Monday 100x more if she didn't ride Yaiba while he was dead. that just killed her for me. it'd be cool to see her tho, she'd probably offer a pretty unique style


Well-Known Member
Well with the current lineup of newly added characters, I don't doubt I'll like the new girl ( Unless it's Irene, cause I have Rachel so I don't need her >_>;; ) I've liked every character added in ultimate + the DLC characters so they're on the right track to me hahahaha.

I pretty much live off using Marie Rose, P4, Nyo, Rachel & Momiji. Here's to hoping the new girl is added to that list =3

Also I'd be okay with Miss Monday, I don't think it's her personally- but if it was I'd be ok with it. She doesn't look like any of the current characters, and I feel they could easily make a connection with her and La Mariposa / Lisa. Would create a new kind of story arc for Lisa, which would be cool.


Well-Known Member
Why not just give Rachel an Irene costume?

Problem solved
Hahaha, that could be a solution.

Accordingly to this interview of Mr. Hayashi, the female character will be new, all TN is loving it and they have big expectations when they announce her. So, I think is not Irene nor Mrs.Monday. So, let's open our mind. New characters can be created. There's no need to put all Ninja Gadien characters in DOA just because Momiji and Rachel have been added (and their addition is totally justified and makes more sense than Irene or Mizuki since they are playable characters in the game). If it was for the community Marie Rose would never existed, since all fans are always asking for characters that already exist in other games, but is not Marie Rose a very popular character right now? I say, let TN creates and see what they offer us.


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Did anyone besides me try to translate that tweet? :confused:

It says something along the lines of "Eliot-chan seems to have come out of the closet" :eek:

I'm rather confused by that comment. Punk-rock outfits, especially this one, don't really scream "gay" me. He may be referring to the "skirt", which all of us here know is a kilt, but that might not be something your average Japanese guy is too familiar with.

Yep, I also was curious and translated that tweet. I think, the tweeter was just trying to be witty. ;) I also believe, Japanese do actually know, what a kilt is. They are not that secluded from the rest of the world anymore...


Well-Known Member
Well, a kilt and painted nails can be misunderstood. But in Japan you can see even more strange things. I think Eliot looks more punk than ever, and he is looking not more gay than with the rest of his costumes. So if you think Eliot is gay, you will contiune thinking it with his default outfit, not because this new one designed by @Tyaren. And judging by DOA5 story, when he met Christie at bar, he is not gay...xD
The only thing about @Tyaren desing that can be polemic is mixing british flag everywhere with scottish traditional kilt, since Scotland voted in a referendum to get independence from UK... xD


Well-Known Member
Well, a kilt and painted nails can be misunderstood. But in Japan you can see even more strange things. I think Eliot looks more punk than ever, and he is looking not more gay than with the rest of his costumes. So if you think Eliot is gay, you will contiune thinking it with his default outfit, not because this new one designed by @Tyaren. And judging by DOA5 story, when he met Christie at bar, he is not gay...xD
The only thing about @Tyaren desing that can be polemic is mixing british flag everywhere with scottish traditional kilt, since Scotland voted in a referendum to get independence from UK... xD

Well the vote to stay in the union won.
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