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Well-Known Member
Awesome! Can you give us a download link of the high quality trailer, in the quality of these pics? :) The version uploaded on dropbox is unfortunately only a very compressed, pixelated version. :(

What I reported between the "--------" it was the post of Mr.T, I don't know where to find these pictures and actually his/her post made suppose that they were got from the linked trailer; btw I will try to ask about it.

EDIT: However I suppose that he could have downloaded it directly from PSN with its console, and the uploaded on dropbox. So maybe there isn't an uploaded video in high quality (on the web).
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Vigoorian King

Well-Known Member
Awesome! Can you give us a download link of the high quality trailer, in the quality of these pics? :) The version uploaded on dropbox is unfortunately only a very compressed, pixelated version. :(
Actually the version you can download is in 1080p, just not the video on the site.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The highest quality version on the net, that I know of, is this 1080p version on Gamersyde:
It's much better than the Youtube videos but still not as good, as the pics posted by Kronin.

Indeed, I was for replying with it: I downloaded the video and it's perfectly in 1080p, it's just dropbox to lower the quality during the streaming view.

Okay, I'll try downloading it again.

Kronin and Vigoorian King are indeed right, the trailer is of a really high quality, when downloaded. :)
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Well-Known Member
But it says it has only 71 MB, I have a version (Gamersyde) that is more than 100MB. More megabytes less compression... ;)

The size is not everything, you have to consider even the format of the video (for example the MKV files are more compressed than their AVI counterparts and anyway with a bigger quality).

The video posted on dropbox is an MP4 with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 (so 1080p), I don't know what kind is the one from Gamersyde.
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Aven Kujo-Gin

Well-Known Member
I don't get why she got this hair option to begin with when there are other choices that would have looked better.
Classic brown hair, anyone?

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
The highest quality version on the net, that I know of, is this 1080p version on Gamersyde:
It's much better than the Youtube videos but still not as good, as the pics posted by Kronin.

Okay, I'll try downloading it again.

Kronin and Vigoorian King are indeed right, the trailer is of a really high quality, when downloaded. :)

Resolution is bigger but I can tell you the released trailer was made in 720p. So anything claiming 1080p is just upscaled, making additional aliasing effects.

I was given the orginal trailer by Team NINJA directly so that's how I know.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Still hope I can see King Bass... belt included... :(


It's a great costume. :) I still can't get over how well drawn this is. I really like it! Seeing Bass like this, I wished, DOA still had the more comic-like and exaggerated bodies. In fighters these imo look the best.


Well-Known Member
I knew the answer going into it... haha. Tekken and VF is way more popular in the west and I think the diversity of races actually help. Maybe TN should play ball. Tekken has Raven. They literally have a black ninja playing a serious role. That's rad. VF has Vanessa Lewis! Enough said. I was like dying to get her in DOA5. Why can't they add something new? Every time I see a new Asian girl, I just think that made Leifang, Kokoro, and Momiji seem so much more average. I could say the same for Tina, Helena, and Rachel when blondes get added...
I don't think Raven should count if only for being to Wesley Snipes what Jann is to Bruce Lee.

And Vanessa got the Lisa treatment though I think that was more so it didn't clash as much with her silver hair
Pornstar pigtails only makes sense on either her schoolgirl or cheerleader costume (and maybe her overalls?) but in all honesty, I don't get why she got this hair option to begin with when there are other choices that would have looked better.
Because team ninja just does not give a flying fuck about WHO they stick stuff on, only that they are sticking stuff on.

We've already learned this over the past year with dlc.

Classic brown hair, anyone?
Both Tina and Mila should have a "no dye" option to play with their natural brown hair.
Just as for Eliot, Marie Rose's outfit seem to be extremely detailed in the textures matter (well, not a surprise considering that we are talking of one of the most popular characters), in addition to be faithful to the design.

Great job to both Axel and Team NINJA for the transposition.
I can't load video, can you or someone screenshot it?


Active Member
Credits to the user Mr.T from DOAWORLD:


Don't know if this has been posted before here in the forums, but the Last Round debut trailer can be found in much less compressed form on the Japanese PSN... It makes it much easier to see details in characters and environments compared to the trailer on Tecmo Koei's youtube channel. In addition it's 1080p compared to youtube where it's only 720p. Here you go: OR ALIVE 5 Last Round Debut Trailer.mp4?dl=0

A few screenshots:






The screens seem to me already pretty good, but remember that to a fan requesting improvements on the antialiasing matter, TN answered:

Please don't be festinate. We are showing the demo, OK? RT @lovelikeadove: @TeamNINJAStudio Fix the antialiasing in Last Round on PS4!

Thanks. RT @lovelikeadove: @TeamNINJAStudio ok I trust it'll all be good when it's finished

Sign that on the visual side TN has still improvements to do before the final game.
It's definitely clear. I can tell that Ayane is a bit more smoothed out since I can see the details more on her stance, but I hope they fix the textures on some of those ground levels. One funny thing...why is Kasumi farting on Ayane's head lol.

It's a great costume. :) I still can't get over how well drawn this is. I really like it! Seeing Bass like this, I wished, DOA still had the more comic-like and exaggerated bodies. In fighters these imo look the best.
Looks better or stronger than the original Bass
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