Message to Team Ninja: Please give us another way of getting those rare bikinis.


I finally unlocked Lisa's costume today.

Almost lost right at the end. I would've raged pretty badly. Lisa herself is very annoying to fight as the 100th opponent.

Here are a few images (they might be kind of big).



It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. So I would recommend everyone who wants to get it to give it a try. The AI is definitely not as cheap as Legend difficulty in Arcade/Time Attack (though still cheap enough, especially at 60+ wins).

Now I don't have to touch any of the legends modes again, thank god.

In case anyone wants to know how I did it - I beat it with Lisa herself. Someone on Gamefaqs did it with Lisa and I employed his strategy, which is basically to abuse her :1::P::K: to stun opponents, keep them in stun (with things like :6::P:) until you can critical burst (:236::K:) , then launch (:8::K: or :3::3::P: when next to a wall) and finish with her :4::P::K::F+P: or :4::P::K::4::F+K: juggles.

As far as Legend difficulty itself -
1-20: free wins
21-40: "normal" difficulty
40-60: things are getting tough
60-80: AI is pretty much cheating
80-100: I'ma lose any time now, please god don't drop combos

Most dangerous opponents:
Jann Lee - if you get put in stun once, you're kind of screwed. There's a huge chance he's going to do big damage to you.
Akira - blocks and counters a lot...but usually it's safe to use mid counters once he starts to put you in stun.

Next most dangerous ones:
Gen Fu - has a tendency to do big damage. Good priority on moves and lots of crushing attacks make him pretty dangerous at close range.
Lisa - her long range and crush attacks are annoying on the receiving end.
Brad Wong - believe it or not the drunk can be pretty dangerous. Stay the hell away from him and attack from max range.
Rig - counters a TON. Very annoying.
Tina - has a tendency to deal big damage sometimes.

Free wins:
Mila, Christie, Bayman, Hitomi - fighting these four are like kicking puppies.

Everyone else falls in the middle.

Finally, some additional tips:
1) If you get knocked down, don't ground tech. stay on the ground until opponent is close enough, then wake up attack. The AI is very susceptible to wake up attacks. If it hits, :1::P::K: and now you can critical burst and combo.
2) When in doubt, just block. Don't do anything silly like throwing out random counters. You want to minimize the damage taken. Be patient and block.
3) Seriously, don't drop combos. ALWAYS land your Power Blows after a critical burst when you can. It might be your only chance.
4) Don't put your back to the wall. BIG DAMAGE can happen when you stand there.
5) Against most characters, having space between the two of you is usually to your advantage (unless the person you are fighting is someone like Lisa). :1::P: has a huge range and high crushes, so use that to your benefit. Her :236::P: is also very good at long ranges for punishing whiffs.

Anyway, it's definitely doable. Give it a go and good luck!


Well-Known Member
Today the A.I. on legendary got so bad I just stopped attempting follow ups on Pai's holds.
I hate Pai so much it can hurt sometimes. I literally just lose control of the game and get lost in all these pathetic little hits of hers and get slammed into a wall. In survival it's just annoying because I know it's going to happen, I just don't know when.

If I could turn off VF characters in survival, I would.


I finally unlocked Lisa's costume today.

Almost lost right at the end. I would've raged pretty badly. Lisa herself is very annoying to fight as the 100th opponent.

Here are a few images (they might be kind of big).



It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. So I would recommend everyone who wants to get it to give it a try. The AI is definitely not as cheap as Legend difficulty in Arcade/Time Attack (though still cheap enough, especially at 60+ wins).

Now I don't have to touch any of the legends modes again, thank god.

In case anyone wants to know how I did it - I beat it with Lisa herself. Someone on Gamefaqs did it with Lisa and I employed his strategy, which is basically to abuse her :1::P::K: to stun opponents, keep them in stun (with things like :6::P:) until you can critical burst (:236::K:) , then launch (:8::K: or :3::3::P: when next to a wall) and finish with her :4::P::K::F+P: or :4::P::K::4::F+K: juggles.

As far as Legend difficulty itself -
1-20: free wins
21-40: "normal" difficulty
40-60: things are getting tough
60-80: AI is pretty much cheating
80-100: I'ma lose any time now, please god don't drop combos

Most dangerous opponents:
Jann Lee - if you get put in stun once, you're kind of screwed. There's a huge chance he's going to do big damage to you.
Akira - blocks and counters a lot...but usually it's safe to use mid counters once he starts to put you in stun.

Next most dangerous ones:
Gen Fu - has a tendency to do big damage. Good priority on moves and lots of crushing attacks make him pretty dangerous at close range.
Lisa - her long range and crush attacks are annoying on the receiving end.
Brad Wong - believe it or not the drunk can be pretty dangerous. Stay the hell away from him and attack from max range.
Rig - counters a TON. Very annoying.
Tina - has a tendency to deal big damage sometimes.

Free wins:
Mila, Christie, Bayman, Hitomi - fighting these four are like kicking puppies.

Everyone else falls in the middle.

Finally, some additional tips:
1) If you get knocked down, don't ground tech. stay on the ground until opponent is close enough, then wake up attack. The AI is very susceptible to wake up attacks. If it hits, :1::P::K: and now you can critical burst and combo.
2) When in doubt, just block. Don't do anything silly like throwing out random counters. You want to minimize the damage taken. Be patient and block.
3) Seriously, don't drop combos. ALWAYS land your Power Blows after a critical burst when you can. It might be your only chance.
4) Don't put your back to the wall. BIG DAMAGE can happen when you stand there.
5) Against most characters, having space between the two of you is usually to your advantage (unless the person you are fighting is someone like Lisa). :1::P: has a huge range and high crushes, so use that to your benefit. Her :236::P: is also very good at long ranges for punishing whiffs.

Anyway, it's definitely doable. Give it a go and good luck!
Wow, firstly, congratulations on beating Survival on Legend. Im still stuck on champ atm so i can only imagine what im in store for. And secondly thanks for this guide. Will definitely be trying this strategy out asap.


Well-Known Member
i got past champ yesterday with a turbopad... whats so funny i was using a regular controller and couldnt hack it. Then I thought maybe if I had a controller with a turbo function maybe it could turn out for the better. luckily I had a SF4 turbopad from my uncle for a few yrs now and hadnt touched it since then. So i used it and finally got through it..... but can you guess who it was? It was the osiris of the game. Alpha-152. And now im trying to complete the rest...


Wow.... just wow. He ran through that like it was nothing. Now thats motivation.

Update: I've made it all the way to Master on Survival using the Lisa tactic. Now im stuck here because the computer picks random times to go Beast Mode on me lol. Made it all the way to 95 and each new try brings me even further away. But im sure ill have this all finished before i know it :D


Active Member
Oddly enough, I find the AI harder to deal with after the last patch. Much more blocking and somehow less predictable. I still think that these spam methods depend on decent spacing and ultimately the ability to CB effectively. So you may be better off with your best character rather than someone else's recommended one. I don't think I'll stop trying, but I also don't think I'm likely to ever get there. Survival was never a good mode for me.:(


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
I think the more times you play, the harder it gets. Thats why, I turn the game off and restart.


So after a handful of tries on Survival, i managed to get to 81 wins on Master before the AI went Beast Mode. Whatever the patch was supposed to do about the reactions of the AI, im not too sure it went into effect lol. The Lisa tactic, while it gets the fights done quick, eventually the AI starts countering all my attacks :mad:. Even wakeup kicks get blown up, then im a sitting duck. I think the Patch originally said this was only for Hard Mode AI. That must be true, because Survival mode is still nuts as ever further on lol


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm really glad for the tips from people that posted, but I'm just not good enough to even cheap the AI. Kinda bummed I wont be able to get Lisa's costume.