Music setting, Character or Stage?

Character or Stage for music setting

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David Gregg

Well-Known Member
For future games I wish for the stage music you could actually pick which BGM you want for each stage. There's some stages like Zack Island and Fighting Entertainment where I like having the default BGM.


Well-Known Member
Just let me set Lost World to Reincarnate and Hot Zone to Knifepoint already. Is that too much to ask?


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Standard Donor
"Roar of the Crowd" fits Mila. Reminds me of Rocky.
There is a good reason it reminds you of Rocky.

Mila's theme is in and of itself a direct inspiration of Vince DiCola's distinct style of 80s music. For those who aren't in the know, he has composed music for not only Rocky IV, but the score for the original animated Transformers movie from 1986.


Well-Known Member
"Roar of the Crowd" fits Mila. Reminds me of Rocky.
I never get tired of that theme there was a point where at least 5 characters had it. XD
I love it too, I even have it as my online and lobby themes lol. I'm just bored. now that I'm without internet, and messing with the music. getting some nice changes of pace. llike how ultimate weapon works surprisingly well for Mila. actually, all of Leons work for her, I've found.


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What song do you all use for Jacky? I can't find one I like that really fits.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
What song do you all use for Jacky? I can't find one I like that really fits.
"Natural High" (Jann Lee's DOA2 theme). When I set stage themes to VF characters, it was "Like a Dragon" (Home theme).

I chose Gen Fu's DOA3 theme - Four Thousand
I gave that theme to Sarah. Seems to fit her more, due to her damaging and fast paced fighting style.