Near Weekly Maryland Meet-ups

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Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
So I'll be taking Dead or Alive 3 to Xanadu in Baltimore tomorrow. Last week there were two people I talked to who actually showed interest in being taught the game from discussions I had with them. I believe Ben will be there as well, so hopefully we can have some fun.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Wishing you well at Winter Brawl this weekend. What's your schedule looking like for next weekend?

Also, does anybody here go down to Xanadu Games on Wednesdays?

Fun times last night Ben. You just need to work on not being so reckless - it might win you a round or two but as you saw last night it wouldn't really win you a match. I look forward to see how you improve over your training.

Also, you helped out my Helena and Ayane experience - two characters I've been trying to learn but never really have anyone to play the game with to learn them right.

Anytime you (or anyone) wants to meet up somewhere to play some games let me know.


No prob, I enjoyed myself!

I think my main thing is that I do need training. Only problem there is that I don't quite have my own rig to play it on, so, grinding out hours in training mode in the comfort of my own mancave may not happen for a while. That's all the more reason why DOA5 had OUGHTA be a good game! :)

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Just had another good night at Xanadu. It was good playing with you Ben, and we have a new local who should be signing up soon named Ron.

It was def fun to play the game with you all, hope more players can come out to help break down the demo system so feedback can be given properly.


New Member
<- Ron. Awesome playing you and Ben, I'm gonna have to get another 360 in preparation for DOA5... You guys made me wanna shake the DOA rust off myself.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
<- Ron. Awesome playing you and Ben, I'm gonna have to get another 360 in preparation for DOA5... You guys made me wanna shake the DOA rust off myself.

Haha. The Hitomi setups from DOA4 were fun to see - if only to verify that the new side step system helped give a whole new layer of depth to it.

I'll try to bring the demo to each wednesday Xanadu event. In the meantime, if you ever want to play just hit me up.


New Member
I'll be at Xanadu every Wednesday since it's two miles from me, assuming nothing comes up. Beyond that I'll see what I can do if you guys are ever doing something (meaning lack of vehicle). Also I'd be down to play DOA 3 since I haven't ever had a chance to!


Active Member
Hm....I think I work till 2 PM next Wednesday so I may be able to make it.

Oh yeah Wah I tried to call you. Not sure if it went through or not.

Wanted to tell you that I pre-ordered DoA 5 yesterday and they gave me a DoA 5 code.

Other people may want to know if they weren't able to get Ninja Gaiden 3. : )


New Member
You get a code from pre-ordering DoA5? Gonna have to go to the game store. Or maybe just get the code from some random friend who got Gaiden 3, since I know they won't play the demo.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
You get the code for all four characters by buying the Collectors Edition of NG3.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I won't be able to attend today due to work issues and driving distance.

However, if anyone wants to come by my place to play some they are welcome to.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I'll see what I can do. I was planning on it but my Xbox 360 is in the shop :(.
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